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Four MASSIVE months

Guest BooBoo

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I am quite worried about us selling one of our so-called big players mind.


Don't know why but for some strange reason, I'd be more content of this not happening if we've have already strengthened the squad further.




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I'm chilled about where we are. I really like Anita, I think our youngsters will play a big role in our cup competitions. Would be gutted if we lost any first teamer (barring Simpson as long as we had a replacement sorted). Think we've done just fine in this window. Can't stand seeing clubs make ridiculous deals for players, much prefer our cautious dont-try-and-rip-us-off-you-dicks attitude

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Guest BooBoo

Of course it's petty but I always feel like the poor kid on Christmas come Deadline Day. Loads of other clubs getting exciting signings while we sit on our arse and hope the rich kids don't steal our toys.

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Guest BooBoo

Which teams have signed AMAZING players on the deadline?


Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs, Liverpool, Fulham.


All our rivals basically.



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Which teams have signed AMAZING players on the deadline?


Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs, Liverpool, Fulham.


All our rivals basically.




All them except Fulham have a massive pull in the transfer market and bigger budgets.


Fulham, you mean Bryan Ruiz?  Hes hardly set the world on fire.

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Guest BooBoo

I'd have Ruiz here if I'm honest. Ideal for the much vaunted 433.


There's no reason why we shouldn't have the pull. Well supported club and offering Europe. It's simply a case of us not wanting to spend money.

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I'd have Ruiz here if I'm honest. Ideal for the much vaunted 433.


There's no reason why we shouldn't have the pull. Well supported club and offering Europe. It's simply a case of us not wanting to spend money.


Also a case of being cash careful, dont forget the mess we have crawled out from. 


Id love us to got out and just get players but i think AShley and Llambias are doing the sensible thing here.


I still think there is one or two to come in yet.

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Guest BooBoo

Pardew must be pissed off with how things stand at the moment. After last season he deserves to be backed in the transfer market.


Absolutely. Bloke worked his arse off and for a net spend of less than £3million, it's pretty much a slap in the face. Deserved a lot better and he'll be left to put a positive spin on things.

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I'd have Ruiz here if I'm honest. Ideal for the much vaunted 433.


There's no reason why we shouldn't have the pull. Well supported club and offering Europe. It's simply a case of us not wanting to spend money.


And a good team that many players would want to be part of.


The normal thing to do now would be to push for two signings and get them done. An outlay of £1.8m this summer is fucking shambolic.

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i remember all the freaking out in Jan, then BAM a 9 million Cisse pitched up so people cant say they are refusing to spend money.

Don't think there's a problem with spending at all. I just think they're incredibly particular about who they want to bring in and they have set fees in mind for them. If this criteria doesn't match up they're not willing to budge at all. Makes perfect business sense and in the long run will definitely benefit NUFC even if it's frustrating in the short-term. I have always disliked Ashley and Dekka but equally, I've said over the past two years and a bit that they've operated perfectly in financial terms.

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They spend money that is without a doubt IMO the only thing is there seems to be stubbornness to go above what they consider the players value.


Which i agree with tbh, but i do think there should be more flexibility. Not a lot but enough to get key targets over the line.


As lets face it we have not been a million miles apart with our bids this summer, it's just been a 500k here and a million there.



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