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Norwich City vs Newcastle United - 12/01/13 @ 3pm (not on TV)


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Marv, HBA, Remy and Cisse as a forward 4 with Anita and Cabaye in CM is the correct call.


Seriously though how great would it be if we could get Remy in before Norwich? :sweetjesus:


Wouldn't play. Pardew won't have been preparing his tactics to include him.

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Marv, HBA, Remy and Cisse as a forward 4 with Anita and Cabaye in CM is the correct call.


Seriously though how great would it be if we could get Remy in before Norwich? :sweetjesus:


Wouldn't play. Pardew won't have been preparing his tactics to include him.




I love this place

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Marv, HBA, Remy and Cisse as a forward 4 with Anita and Cabaye in CM is the correct call.


Seriously though how great would it be if we could get Remy in before Norwich? :sweetjesus:


Wouldn't play. Pardew won't have been preparing his tactics to include him.




I love this place

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Marv, HBA, Remy and Cisse as a forward 4 with Anita and Cabaye in CM is the correct call.


Seriously though how great would it be if we could get Remy in before Norwich? :sweetjesus:


Wouldn't play. Pardew won't have been preparing his tactics to include him.



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Guest VanBarduck


                                                    Rémy                    Cissé



                                                    Marveaux            Cabaye



                                                  Santon Colo Taylor Debuchy



Tiki-taka football... :drool:  :smitten:

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                                                    Rémy                    Cissé



                                                    Marveaux            Cabaye



                                                  Santon Colo Taylor Debuchy



Tiki-taka football... :drool:  :smitten:


Nope long ball written all over that team i reckon

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Guest ItalianMagpie



I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.

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I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


Comparing Swansea to Barcelona.  :spit:

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I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:


Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.

I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


I mostly got sick of it too last year but there are degrees of it. Swansea this season lapese into it when they want to be defensive but Laudrup have the, playing some fast attacking going, and same at Barca when Iniesta and Messi are attacking there's no better footy to watch, but last season tended to lapse into lack of penetration and more defensive. I don't like their predictability in going for close range tap ins which is why Chelsea were able to close them out.


I don't think tika taka is the problem so much as the use of it to smother games in possession. That said Dortmund maybe play the exciting varient of it, high pressing etc but all in the extremely quick transitions to attacking.

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Guest ItalianMagpie



I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


Comparing Swansea to Barcelona.  :spit:


Why not? The players are different, but the boring football is the same.

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I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


Comparing Swansea to Barcelona.  :spit:


Why not? The players are different, but the boring football is the same.


Swansea last season play in a completely different style to Barcelona. Yes they may have kept the ball but a lot of the time their play didn't have any real purpose and the likes of Allen and Brittain were just recycling possession by passing it backwards or sidewards. Not only do Barca keep the ball but the always looks to pass forward at any available opportunity.

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My reply was more directed towards the "most boring football" remark.. Have you seen us play? :lol: be more fun poking my eyes out.. We've been boring as fuck this season.


I dream of the day Newcastle can play pass n move football, we've done it about once in 2 years.

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      Marv                  Hba




            Anita      Bigi


Santon  Colo  Taylor  Debuchy





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Tiki-taka is only boring if you don't have direct players in the final third to add incisiveness and end product to the play.


Swansea were boring as f*ck last season because going forward they were toothless and this season it's totally different.


Barca is another level entirely they have Pedro, Messi, Villa etc etc with Alba and Alves from fullback making attacking runs and Iniesta who is a fantastic dribbler.


It can't possibly be boring, well maybe when they are 4-0 up and just keep the ball but in the main it isn't.

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Guest ItalianMagpie



I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


Comparing Swansea to Barcelona.  :spit:


Why not? The players are different, but the boring football is the same.


Swansea last season play in a completely different style to Barcelona. Yes they may have kept the ball but a lot of the time their play didn't have any real purpose and the likes of Allen and Brittain were just recycling possession by passing it backwards or sidewards. Not only do Barca keep the ball but the always looks to pass forward at any available opportunity.


Yes well, so did Swansea. I hardly believe that their goal was to waste time recycling useless possession just for the sake of it. Most of the time they didn't have a clue, and the same happens to Barcelona. Of course the difference is that in 90' the spaniards always manage to crack the opposition's defense cause they have a huge amount of talent and you hardly manage to contain them. But for the rest of it, is just a complete bore.

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I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


Comparing Swansea to Barcelona.  :spit:


Why not? The players are different, but the boring football is the same.


Swansea last season play in a completely different style to Barcelona. Yes they may have kept the ball but a lot of the time their play didn't have any real purpose and the likes of Allen and Brittain were just recycling possession by passing it backwards or sidewards. Not only do Barca keep the ball but the always looks to pass forward at any available opportunity.


Yes well, so did Swansea. I hardly believe that their goal was to waste time recycling useless possession just for the sake of it. Most of the time they didn't have a clue, and the same happens to Barcelona. Of course the difference is that in 90' the spaniards always manage to crack the opposition's defense cause they have a huge amount of talent and you hardly manage to contain them. But for the rest of it, is just a complete bore.


Out of interest what kind of style do you prefer, or what team would you like us to be like style wise?

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Guest ItalianMagpie

My reply was more directed towards the "most boring football" remark.. Have you seen us play? :lol: be more fun poking my eyes out.. We've been boring as f*** this season.


I dream of the day Newcastle can play pass n move football, we've done it about once in 2 years.


Honestly, as much as I hate hoofballs and whatever you call the shit we've produced so far, I doubt I'd prefer the tiki-taka.


Well maybe I would, but I wouldn't be on cloud nine like :lol:

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Guest VanBarduck



I hate it, it's completely pointless. They go on and on with dozens of useless horizontal passes, no crosses, no variety, no through balls, no plan B. At some point, ball to Messi, goal.

Rinse and repeat.

Great :neutral:

Just look at the Swansea game last year: they kept the ball the whole time, passed with impressive accuracy, did f*** all and we got the points.


I seriously fall asleep when Barca and friends play.


that's a bit harsh, but I agree with you at some point, Toque or  Ajax Total football is more entertaining ( the philosophy is the same , movement , short passes , coordinate team effort , rough pressing during 6 secs after loosing the ball ) but without all the ball retention of tiki-taka  , wich is so boring and laim . Even sometimes loosing the ball and take it back pretty quickly can produce great couter-attack momentum...


So yes we could play Toque , but never Tiki-taka...

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