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NOFC at SJP - Black and White 2-3 Orange. Link to photos on page 30


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Right lads, please don't send anymore money at this moment in time. All the places have been reserved (I think). Some people have sent money with no payment reference, so I'm going to have to take stock tonight by reviewing names etc.


Like I've said, I've booked slots for one team at 10am on the Sunday and one team at 2pm. Olly Stapleton at NUFC is going to do his best to get us a game where we play together but if we can't then we can't. Anyone who isn't happy with these arrangements can have their dosh back as I've literally got a dozen people now wanting a game who I've had to say no to.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Thanks Crofty. Keep us updating as I'd only be interested in NOvNO. Again, thanks for arranging all this on everyone's behalf.  :)

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21 of the 30 slots have now been paid for in full. I'm still awaiting payment from:





Ishmael (*)







If you can't make it, please confirm this with me by PM tonight. Any unpaid for slots will be opened up to a 'first come first served' at 11am tomorrow.


(*) Ishmael is away in Iceland so his slot will be protected until his return.


With regards to the times, we're still booked in for one team at 10am and one team at 2pm. Olly Stapleton from the club is going to ring the other two teams to see if one will swap so we can play together. He's getting back to me on Monday. If we can't play together, then anyone who wants to drop out can PM me and we'll discuss a refund, once a replacement is sorted. I'll only return your money once a replacement is guaranteed as I shouldn't be out of pocket for individuals backing out, although I don't think this will be a problem as we have a reserve list building already.

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For all those who haven't paid, your spot is now "at risk" (except for Ishmael and Slim who have confirmed i'll have their payment on Monday/Tuesday). i.e. i've opened it up to the first couple of names on the reserve list. Whoever pays first gets the slot. Will PM the first two on the reserve list now (geordie_b and Kaizero's +1).



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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Will ring Ollie at NUFC tomorrow but looks like this will more than likely be the date


If he can't manage to get it to be NO v NO pass my place on to someone on the reserve list.

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