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Alan Pardew


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I genuinely never thought I'd have to have a go at someone for being too positive, like. :lol:


The problem is some time down the road those of us who aren't in the "Pardew must die" camp will get tarred with the stuff Brett has been spouting on here.  :lol:


Ah knah, that's what I'm worried about. :lol:


This set of posts will act as record that Brett has overstepped the mark.


Please pay attention everyone!

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I genuinely never thought I'd have to have a go at someone for being too positive, like. :lol:


The problem is some time down the road those of us who aren't in the "Pardew must die" camp will get tarred with the stuff Brett has been spouting on here.  :lol:

Haha aye, a bit like what you've just done there with everyone not in the "Pardew is mint" camp!



This could go round in circles like. :lol:


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Spot on as always Kaka. All a premier league manager has to do is pick a starting XI. There are literally no other aspects to creating a good passing side.


Consistently the most dramatic and biggest spouter of nonsense on here. Some feat.


May I also suggest that you never address me again on this forum until you change that stupid username of yours.


It's a fucking disgrace, and an outrage. Telling me such nonsense under the guise of Shola Ameobi of all people.


You must have lost all of your marbles.



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I genuinely never thought I'd have to have a go at someone for being too positive, like. :lol:


The problem is some time down the road those of us who aren't in the "Pardew must die" camp will get tarred with the stuff Brett has been spouting on here.  :lol:


Ah knah, that's what I'm worried about. :lol:


Chill, i've got this lads  O0

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It took an injury to Jonas f***ing Gutierrez for him to play a team even Skirge would call the most sensible option.


No way back for him with me. He's utterly useless at his job. And a c***.


I agree except there is a way back, make this team play good football and win games and I'll be more than happy to forgive him even if I had to endure probably the most frustrating football seen at this club for ages.

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Think we need to tone down the Pardew praise for a while lads.


I've said it already, but lads like Brett, who've taken a bit of a battering, are dying to throw things back in people's faces. Now is not the right time to even be attempting that. It's very early days.


Giz a break man, i'm enjoying my moment, might only last a week  :lol:


It's not your moment, man. You look f***ing stupid, and will look even worse if it all goes to s*** again. Just enjoy it, and hope it lasts.


Keep doubting lad, keep doubting, more people pretend to themselves this is a one off, the more i will revel in our future success. Not even sure Saturday's win would have felt as good without all you guys  :)



Doubt what, man? I'm one of the few who thought there was a remote possibility of him turning it round. You're spoiling it for the rest of us. :lol:


I thought you were one of us Inochi, i really did, something has changed in you, you seem different, negative thoughts like 'all goes to shit again', got to be positive in this game and i'm the happiest i've been in years, i just love everything about our current side, it excites the fuck out of me. Maybe i should try to control my excitement more on here but it's a bit of struggle when i realised on Saturday that everything i had been dreaming had just all came together and it's such a fantastic feeling right now.





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Would I be right in saying that the Pardew fans have come out of the woodwork since Saturday, or have I just not noticed them during the past few months of comprehensive disdain for the bloke?


Some have attempted to make unbiased, level-headed posts consistently over the past few months.




Sorry like, but that just smacks of you thinking that you're some sort of connosseur of football. I haven't read what these 'unbiased, level-headed posts' are, but I'd be interested to be filled in on what they could be and how having a dislike for crap football from the same manager is biased?


Nar, just find it funny that the lad who was trying to organise a protest march is suggesting other people are kneejerking.

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Guest firetotheworks

Would I be right in saying that the Pardew fans have come out of the woodwork since Saturday, or have I just not noticed them during the past few months of comprehensive disdain for the bloke?


Some have attempted to make unbiased, level-headed posts consistently over the past few months.




Sorry like, but that just smacks of you thinking that you're some sort of connosseur of football. I haven't read what these 'unbiased, level-headed posts' are, but I'd be interested to be filled in on what they could be and how having a dislike for crap football from the same manager is biased?


Nar, just find it funny that the lad who was trying to organise a protest march is suggesting other people are kneejerking.


If waiting a full season before trying to organise a protest is a knee jerk reaction, then my reflexes must be fucking shite, tbh. :lol: Kneejerk, fuckin' hell.

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"All he has to do is pick the team" is just a throw away term used when a manager's success is what it is primarily because of the players at his disposal, it obviously isn't a suggestion that that is, in a literal sense, all he has to do. You have to assume that he has at least the basic abilities, roles and responsibilities of a football manager.


Is 'throw away term' synonymous with 'utter bollocks'?


I'm not getting carried away with the villa performance. Pardew still has a shitload of graft to do to make up for last seasons shambles, but some of the tripe that continues to be spouted in order to criticise him is ridiculous. More embarrassing than the tripe Pardew himself comes out with. Tripe.

Not that I know of, like.


As for the rest, what tripe get's used to critisise him? He's a poor football manager (relative to the club he's in charge of) who has a few very good players at his disposal. If you disagree then please explain why.


Howay man Hans. There have been vast swathes of tripe spouted. What you have said there isn't tripe, although I would argue he is an average manager.


Kaka's post was one that can be placed in the tripe section of the Venn diagram. If I had the time before Pointless I could present whole collage of tripe.

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Foluwashola you lacked the mental maturity to appreciate my post.


Enough people appreciated my point so I am quite satisfied with it.


If I had to specifically point out that it his team selection was ultimately undoing anything else worthwhile he might be doing then I pity you.


As a grown up you should be able to infer certain things.

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Guest bimpy474

Dunno about anyone else but i certainly blame Pardew for the crap football, and any excuses for it are utter nonsense. Europa, fatigue, not buying in the summer are all nonsense in regard to how the team passes the football (with the squad we had/have).


If i can get a team of vegetables to pass a football around on a Sunday morning, a professional football manager should be able to get a team full of internationals to at least resemble a passing team. Something Pardew failed to do throughout the whole of last season, except for maybe 3 or 4 games.


Saying that, he then certainly deserves the credit for getting the team to play decent attacking football like we played against Villa. And funnily enough he did that with just the addition of Remy, hence my reasons for calling the excuses trotted out as nonsense. He could have done the same last season but for reasons we are all arguing about, but the pillock didn't, adding Remy is not a good enough reason to use, to claim that's why we haven't been to attacking. He claims he had no Ba as the reason for it (we have Remy now), yet we still played awful football with him in the team and Pardew even dropped him for the Everton game. So again the excuses are total bollocks.

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Before Remy got up to scratch, and Cabaye returned, he could have had Gouffran start on the left, and Marveux just behind Cisse, with everything else as is.


Would we looked as good as yesterday? Probably not, but we would have looked a damn sight better, and been more effective than we were with bloody Shola starting up front with Cisse.

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Foluwashola you lacked the mental maturity to appreciate my post.


Enough people appreciated my point so I am quite satisfied with it.


If I had to specifically point out that it his team selection was ultimately undoing anything else worthwhile he might be doing then I pity you.


As a grown up you should be able to infer certain things.


:lol: Get in. You said, and I quote, "All Pardew has to do is pick the right ones, in the correct positions, and we'll play well. Literally all he has to do".


If you genuinely believe football management is such a basic science its nay wonder you're incandescent after every defeat.


It's not even true that team selection was the main issue. The whole set-up was wrong. Formation, style of play, set pieces etc. It was clear the issues laid in training and how the team was set up. Team selection was massively effected by injuries (oh noe, he saids it) so was always going to be a case of trial and error. Pretty much all error like.


Not sure why it bothers me, but your posts are all awful. Sure you use a proper suicidal Google translate.

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Foluwashola you lacked the mental maturity to appreciate my post.


Enough people appreciated my point so I am quite satisfied with it.


If I had to specifically point out that it his team selection was ultimately undoing anything else worthwhile he might be doing then I pity you.


As a grown up you should be able to infer certain things.


Not sure why it bothers me, but your posts are all awful. Sure you use a proper suicidal Google translate.


Well done :clap: Such an idiotic post. (and I'm not referring to Kaka's)


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Can't believe i'm still reading Pardew negativity, he couldn't have done anymore on Saturday. A lot on here were slating him midweek onwards saying Taylor would be back in regardless of clean sheets, Anita would be out for Tiote, Remy won't play when Jonas is fit. It's a load of s**** man. He got everything spot on, i was ridiculed on here for taking drugs when i said as soon as Remy would be fit, we would go back to 4-3-3 in the formation we had with Ba yet that's exactly we have done as soon as he had a full squad to choose from, which has been the first time in a long time. This is all we did when finished 5th, got off to a good start and maintained that run of form, Pardew is capable of doing that. People around the country were just waiting for us to fall back down to mid table mediocrity but it never happened, we just kept going. Pardew has problems when things turn sour because he isn't really a good manager, but with this side in form, he's capable of having another good season regardless if people hate him or not. Yes it was just the one game on Saturday where it all came together, but you could see over the past few games we were slowly getting it all together and it's a joy to see now . Hopefully more and more fans will start to turn their heads around and realise we are actually building something special here and get behind it.

The negativity has nothing to do with this weekend, I'm sure everybody is happy for a change. The hype following that performance is far too early and that shouldn't need pointing out but it clearly does.


Yeah i can certainly see why the doubters don't want to get excited just yet, i'm pretty sure they will stand up soon though and start to take notice of what we actually have here.




Laughing at yourself, I guess you now know how we feel.

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Can't believe i'm still reading Pardew negativity, he couldn't have done anymore on Saturday. A lot on here were slating him midweek onwards saying Taylor would be back in regardless of clean sheets, Anita would be out for Tiote, Remy won't play when Jonas is fit. It's a load of s**** man. He got everything spot on, i was ridiculed on here for taking drugs when i said as soon as Remy would be fit, we would go back to 4-3-3 in the formation we had with Ba yet that's exactly we have done as soon as he had a full squad to choose from, which has been the first time in a long time. This is all we did when finished 5th, got off to a good start and maintained that run of form, Pardew is capable of doing that. People around the country were just waiting for us to fall back down to mid table mediocrity but it never happened, we just kept going. Pardew has problems when things turn sour because he isn't really a good manager, but with this side in form, he's capable of having another good season regardless if people hate him or not. Yes it was just the one game on Saturday where it all came together, but you could see over the past few games we were slowly getting it all together and it's a joy to see now . Hopefully more and more fans will start to turn their heads around and realise we are actually building something special here and get behind it.

The negativity has nothing to do with this weekend, I'm sure everybody is happy for a change. The hype following that performance is far too early and that shouldn't need pointing out but it clearly does.


Yeah i can certainly see why the doubters don't want to get excited just yet, i'm pretty sure they will stand up soon though and start to take notice of what we actually have here.




Laughing at yourself, I guess you now know how we feel.


I was actually laughing at the fact you posted that comment, then about half an hour later, quoted my same post and wrote the same comment again, should have posted Dejavu with my smiley but nevermind....carry on Mikey.

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Dunno about anyone else but i certainly blame Pardew for the crap football, and any excuses for it are utter nonsense. Europa, fatigue, not buying in the summer are all nonsense in regard to how the team passes the football (with the squad we had/have).


If i can get a team of vegetables to pass a football around on a Sunday morning, a professional football manager should be able to get a team full of internationals to at least resemble a passing team. Something Pardew failed to do throughout the whole of last season, except for maybe 3 or 4 games.


Saying that, he then certainly deserves the credit for getting the team to play decent attacking football like we played against Villa. And funnily enough he did that with just the addition of Remy, hence my reasons for calling the excuses trotted out as nonsense. He could have done the same last season but for reasons we are all arguing about but the pillock didn't, adding Remy is not a good enough reason to use, to claim that's why we haven't been to attacking. He claims he had no Ba as the reason for it (we have Remy now), yet we still played awful football with him in the team and Pardew even dropped him for the Everton game. So again the excuses are total bollocks.


Bimpy man :clap:

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Guest bimpy474

Can't believe i'm still reading Pardew negativity, he couldn't have done anymore on Saturday. A lot on here were slating him midweek onwards saying Taylor would be back in regardless of clean sheets, Anita would be out for Tiote, Remy won't play when Jonas is fit. It's a load of s**** man. He got everything spot on, i was ridiculed on here for taking drugs when i said as soon as Remy would be fit, we would go back to 4-3-3 in the formation we had with Ba yet that's exactly we have done as soon as he had a full squad to choose from, which has been the first time in a long time. This is all we did when finished 5th, got off to a good start and maintained that run of form, Pardew is capable of doing that. People around the country were just waiting for us to fall back down to mid table mediocrity but it never happened, we just kept going. Pardew has problems when things turn sour because he isn't really a good manager, but with this side in form, he's capable of having another good season regardless if people hate him or not. Yes it was just the one game on Saturday where it all came together, but you could see over the past few games we were slowly getting it all together and it's a joy to see now . Hopefully more and more fans will start to turn their heads around and realise we are actually building something special here and get behind it.

The negativity has nothing to do with this weekend, I'm sure everybody is happy for a change. The hype following that performance is far too early and that shouldn't need pointing out but it clearly does.


Yeah i can certainly see why the doubters don't want to get excited just yet, i'm pretty sure they will stand up soon though and start to take notice of what we actually have here.


The arrogance and sheer stupidty of that sentence is astounding Brett, honestly while i know you're being a bit tounge in cheek. Come on man, surely you dont really think that supporters especially on here dont know what they have (opinions differ obviously) in their own beloved team. That sentence just ignores every argument/reasoning put forward as to why they aren't over excited just yet.

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The arrogance and sheer stupidty of that sentence is astounding Brett, honestly while i know you're being a bit tounge in cheek. Come on man, surely you dont really think that supporters espeically on here dont know what they have (opinions differ obviously) in their own beloved team. That sentence just ignores every argument/reasoning put forward as to why they aren't over excited just yet.


That after beating one of the two teams we beat away from home last season.  :lol:

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Guest bimpy474



The arrogance and sheer stupidty of that sentence is astounding Brett, honestly while i know you're being a bit tounge in cheek. Come on man, surely you dont really think that supporters espeically on here dont know what they have (opinions differ obviously) in their own beloved team. That sentence just ignores every argument/reasoning put forward as to why they aren't over excited just yet.


That after beating one of the two teams we beat away from home last season.  :lol:


I got no problem with Brett being happy and excited, even over excited as he seems to be which is actually quite a nice thing to see, but that sentence, it's just so wrong.

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Think we need to tone down the Pardew praise for a while lads.


I've said it already, but lads like Brett, who've taken a bit of a battering, are dying to throw things back in people's faces. Now is not the right time to even be attempting that. It's very early days.


Giz a break man, i'm enjoying my moment, might only last a week  :lol:


It's not your moment, man. You look f***ing stupid, and will look even worse if it all goes to s*** again. Just enjoy it, and hope it lasts.


Keep doubting lad, keep doubting, more people pretend to themselves this is a one off, the more i will revel in our future success. Not even sure Saturday's win would have felt as good without all you guys  :)



Doubt what, man? I'm one of the few who thought there was a remote possibility of him turning it round. You're spoiling it for the rest of us. :lol:


My sense of identity is all over the place now, I'm siding with Dave and SanToon.


Christ. :lol:

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