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Bosingwa sticking the boot into Redknapp...


Gonçalo Lopes ‏@_GoncaloLopes 2m

"Doesn't seem to know what he says. It's confusing.Must be the age or the wine he drinks every morning" #bosingwa #qpr #redknapp


Gonçalo Lopes ‏@_GoncaloLopes 5m

"Thinks he's like ferguson, but there is a difference: in his long career, just won a title" #qpr #redknapp #bosingwa


Gonçalo Lopes ‏@_GoncaloLopes 6m

"How can he do technical analysis on players if in the practices Redknapp spends time negotiating with agents?" #qpr #bosingwa


Gonçalo Lopes ‏@_GoncaloLopes 8m

"If he thought it was a high salary for QPR why he hired two players to receive even more?

Got nothing but respect for Bosingwa who pretty much kept us up last season :smitten:

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I'm not versed in phonetic spelling... but it's very easy to pronounce.


Dew-lo-few? Really don't know how to put it in writing, just say every letter as you would pronounce it if you read it alone. Catalan/Spanish are p*ss easy on that regard.


The commentator when we played them was calling him doolofoo which seemed really wrong, I always thought it was derlofayoo.

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He's an example of what I meant by instead of whinging about the foreigners in the Premier League, why don't our young players go abroad and try their luck. I couldn't stand Joe Cole but him going to Lille that season when his career was going stale, changed my opinion of him.




Just seen Kris Thackray's now in Germany with Alemannia Aachen (nicknamed the Potato Beetles). After Italy he had a season with Qormi in Malta where he got 12 goals in 44 from centre-back. Love stuff like that.



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How many people thought you were Mexican at first?


None actually. My thick Catalan accent tended to confuse people :lol:


I suppose it's hard to place since people aren't familiar with it. People had me for French, Italian... "you're a latino but I don't know what kind of latino you are"

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From Reddit:



Why would anyone support this club? Seriously?

So as many read yesterday our rather successful and popular Head of Recruitment Iain Moody was sacked/suspended yesterday and replaced with (and I really can't believe I'm saying this) an unknown 23 year old Kazakhstani with no experience in football.




So the supposed reason behind the sacking was to do, unsurprisingly, with money. Apparently there was a lack of communication between the money we thought we were spending and the money we actually spent. Our Chairman, Simon Lim, was feeding Vincent Tan wrong information with regards to the transfers and Simon Lim was feeding Iain Moody and his team wrong information about how much money to spend. If the rumours are to be believed we overspent by £15m as Tan did not realise the £8m fee for some players did not include wages/bonuses, hence an issue with bonuses this week too.


With this in mind Vincent Tan felt that we're not doing well enough and given the money spent should be higher up the league, and Tan felt it was a good idea to ask Malky Mackay to leave. He of course said **** you so he sacked Iain Moody instead in an effort to force Malky out.


Where's our chairman Simon Lim in this awfully, complicated time? On f****** holiday!!! He's packed his bags and is off for a few weeks in the sun. The club is set to announce a press release at some point today and I really hope this all gets sorted because at the moment it is nothing but depressing for myself as a fan, which is a ridiculous thing to say after such a positive start to the season on the pitch.


Honestly though, I just want the Malaysians to just **** off at this point. We can get relegated, players can leave, managers can leave but a new set of owners who can keep us afloat, that allow us to play in blue would just be wonderful. We can be in League Two and as long as we have those things I'd be happy. I hate this ****. Not even the Premier League is worth it.

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I heard about that on Talksport this morning, I didn't think any club would top the whole Kinnear thing anytime soon but it looks like they well and truly have  :lol: Said that the 23 year old was a friend of either the owners or the chairmans son.

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For some reason I've been thinking of Premiership players that seemed to score exclusively wonder goals.


So far have thought of Tugay, Laurent Robert, Hitzelsperger, Pedro Mendes, Figueroa



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For some reason I've been thinking of Premiership players that seemed to score exclusively wonder goals.


So far have thought of Tugay, Laurent Robert, Hitzelsperger, Pedro Mendes, Figueroa


Lee Hendrie?


Not exactly wondergoals like, but remember him scoring a few screamers.

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