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Guest Haris Vuckic

Yeah that's definitely up there for me. It was a perfect storm of awesome.


From the first minute or two where Welbeck could have squared it for Bent who probably would've scored to go onto to absolute smash them was amazing. That & the fans getting behind an under pressure Hughton was pretty magic. People were going mental everywhere, blissful.


There was lots of little things to - like Barton backheeling it for Simpson & not even looking if he'd received the ball & the fact a lot of our fans ironically applauded their goal.


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yewer best day as a sunderland fan ?...no surprises we feature a lot.....http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/your-best-day-as-a-sunderland-fan.839460/


wonder how many times they would feature in our best days ?




When i worked in doxford park one of my team had a safc desk calendar, each page with a photo from an important historic match.... of the 12 pages, 4 featured games against nufc (and this was in 2008, it would be at least half the year now).


We define them, it's quite embarrassing. The 'city' coat of arms might as well have 'Fornicateum Te Mages' across the scroll.

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