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The other games today - 2013/14


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How was Jo ahead of this guy in the national team setup by the way? :lol: I'm very confused! 


Two different players, one is a goalscorer, the other is a second striker. Jo was Libertadores top scorer, and has scored like 3 in 6 or so for national team lately. I don't like Jo, but you can't take anything away from him at the moment, been playing very very well.

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Diego Costa looks great leading the line today. He does run the channels quite a bit too, but certainly looks like he could do the job up top as the main striker.


Could see him playing his way into contention if he keeps this up, now he's the main man with Falcao gone.

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Was at Selhurst Park yesterday, my god Crystal Palace are terrible. They haven't invested very much at all. 40 year-old Kevin Phillips was noe of the few to have some Premiership movement and guile.

reckon they'll finish rock bottom unless they buy at least one defender, midfielder and attacker of Premiership quality. Dean Moxley was double teamed by Lennon-Walker again and again but although he gave away the penalty, he looks to have something about him.


As for Spurs. Dawson's passing was pretty impressive, kept hitting diagonals to Rose who was very good. Kyle Walker is a tremendous athlete, strong and quick - needs to work on his final ball. Vertoghnen looks cool as ice. Capoue looked good when he came on but offensively nobody impressed. Chadli improved with more space in the second half I guess.

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I really dislike Sirgurdsson the more I see him. If he isnt shooting he's quite average.


I would play Capoue in the holding role, and allow Dembele and Paulinho to get forward in a midfield three.


Really don't like Sirgurdsson off the front man at all. Can't go by anyone, very feeble guy.

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Sirgudsson had a very good effort and some decent deliveries.


IMO he should try to become a real CM. You need your AM to have more guile than he has. It's the reason why all this Cabaye further forward talk is non-sense to me. Unless you're playing on the counter and your AM can spray long through balls, an AM as to have some real guile to his play. Or else he's just a shooter and needs 10-15 goals to justify selection as basically, a second striker.



Marveaux has the bit of skill, balance to skip past a man and cause some havoc. cabaye doesn't. Neither does Suigurddson

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Soldado also did a great of making the ball stick when he received it with his back to goal. He kept possession and moved it along.


When it all starts to come together Spurs will be very good. You could see the signs yesterday.

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I thought Soldado's movement was excellent tbh. Despite the possession they had, they just couldn't engineer many clear cut chances for him. He will do very well.


That's always been his main asset tbf. Very intelligent player when looking for space.


Spurs looked extremely flat, very much like last year. Still think they haven't replaced Modric effectively and their attacking play has a noticeable lack of guile, I personally don't rate Dembele much and Paulinho isn't that kind of player either. Haven't seen enough of Holtby, though.

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I thought Soldado's movement was excellent tbh. Despite the possession they had, they just couldn't engineer many clear cut chances for him. He will do very well.


That's always been his main asset tbf. Very intelligent player when looking for space.


Spurs looked extremely flat, very much like last year. Still think they haven't replaced Modric effectively and their attacking play has a noticeable lack of guile, I personally don't rate Dembele much and Paulinho isn't that kind of player either. Haven't seen enough of Holtby, though.


:thup: Although I do rate Dembele.


From what I saw yesterday it's quite obvious that Spurs are sitll very much dependant on Bale or a new very good winger. If they brought in Willian and kept Bale I'd think they'd might be the surprise package of the season and finish top 3 possibly.


They have a very solid defence. Rose, Walker are very athletic and make up for what they lack in other areas. Dawson, Vertonghen, Kaboul, Capoue can all play CB well, Lloris is a very good goalie.


They then have a defensive midfield of Paulinho, Dembele, Sandro, Capoue. So basically they need wingers. Neither Lennon or Chadli are for me anywhere close to CL players.



Walker Dawson Vertonghen Rose


        Paulinho    Dembele

Willian                          Bale



Would definitely work for them. Willian and Bale are so fluid in their game style they wouldn't really have fixed positions and that midfield is so full athleticisim and ability I don't see many teams dominating them.


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This assessment by Pat Nevin of Mourinho is marvellous stuff. Just marvellous.


Really? He mentioned that Mourinho wanted the game won in the first-half, even though Mourinho himself said that the first half was too quick, too dynamic, etc.

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I thought Soldado's movement was excellent tbh. Despite the possession they had, they just couldn't engineer many clear cut chances for him. He will do very well.


That's always been his main asset tbf. Very intelligent player when looking for space.


Spurs looked extremely flat, very much like last year. Still think they haven't replaced Modric effectively and their attacking play has a noticeable lack of guile, I personally don't rate Dembele much and Paulinho isn't that kind of player either. Haven't seen enough of Holtby, though.


:thup: Although I do rate Dembele.


From what I saw yesterday it's quite obvious that Spurs are sitll very much dependant on Bale or a new very good winger. If they brought in Willian and kept Bale I'd think they'd might be the surprise package of the season and finish top 3 possibly.


They have a very solid defence. Rose, Walker are very athletic and make up for what they lack in other areas. Dawson, Vertonghen, Kaboul, Capoue can all play CB well, Lloris is a very good goalie.


They then have a defensive midfield of Paulinho, Dembele, Sandro, Capoue. So basically they need wingers. Neither Lennon or Chadli are for me anywhere close to CL players.



Walker Dawson Vertonghen Rose


        Paulinho    Dembele

Willian                          Bale



Would definitely work for them. Willian and Bale are so fluid in their game style they wouldn't really have fixed positions and that midfield is so full athleticisim and ability I don't see many teams dominating them.



Dat XI. :sweetjesus:

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They won't need a DM. 2 CM's and an AM in most games.



2 of the midfield 4 will be on the bench.


Neither Dembele or Paulinho are DMs...


Yep, and it didn't work great with just the two of them yesterday. One will naturally look to hold, which neither is great at. Dembele and Sandro were natural complements. The line-up above, with Dembele and Paulinho forward and one of Capoue/Sandro holding is their best bet.

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