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N-O World Cup Predictor - Coco wins! Ameritoon second! Dazza third!


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So all of taylor's hard work has not gone to waste, strikethrough's are who's paid so far. Let me know if I've missed any.


1. Ameritoon

2. neesy


4. Rich

5. Kaizero

6. ElDiablo

7. Jill

8. HawK

9. Brett

10. KI

11. Ryan_Taylor

12. Froggy

13. Branko

14. TaylorJ

15. chicago_shearer

16. Superior Grant

17. Hanskissedhispantz

18. Interpolic

19. Ketsbaia

20. Klaus

21. Flip

22. Magpie

23. dazzanufc1892

24. chopey

25. NUFC54

26. gavo

27. wormy

28. sbnufc

29. GeorgeCostanza

30.  Doctor Zaius

31. Coco

32. Neil

33. dinotheprehistoricgeordie


= £66

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Guest dazzanufc1892

Also going to hazard a guess and say Darren C is dazzanufc1892, but that's just going off my womens intuition.


Yeah, spot on, that womens intuition is doing you proud!

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