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The Chronicle's recent reporting


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It's just so patently obvious that they're toeing the line to avoid a ban :lol:


Absolutely no shame.




Absolutely no integrity either.


Did the ban really harm their sales that much?


Did they really get into journalism to report what a bunch of shithouses want them to?


Should have a NUFC boycott of this fucking rag too in response to their general shiteness.

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Guest Roger Kint

Whatever happened to Ryder judging Carver after 13 games? Doesnt apply to Johnny Foreigner though....

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'Victory will all but put an end to any talk that Newcastle will get sucked into the relegation battle, and that would be another job done and one less thing to worry about.'


Avoid relegation = job done. Says it all.




"Another job done"?!? What other jobs were done then? That must've been one hell of a depressing 'to do' list, Jesus.....

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'Victory will all but put an end to any talk that Newcastle will get sucked into the relegation battle, and that would be another job done and one less thing to worry about.'


Avoid relegation = job done. Says it all.





Would we really expect anything more substantial from the "Club Ambassador"?

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Knaa didn;t see it. 


Some intersting bits from uncal Bob.


"The wider issue of investment in the summer is, as I say, set to be addressed and after meeting Lee Charnley only the other week in my role as club ambassador, I was told money would be spent when the transfer window opens."


Money has to be spent as the first team is a complete and utter jumbled mess of crap unwanted players.


They would need to spend 30 million to maintain premiership status.


Nothing above the bare minimum will be spent.


"Regardless of the amount itis still a very difficult job toaquire the right quality at the right price."  He has been told to say that  :lol: :lol:




"I think for now it is time to get behind John and the players for the Swansea game and then go from there."


No, the time is drive home what an utter bellend ashley has been and how he has totally abused the club.

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That piece is f***ing tragic.


Chemical Bobbi.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I think it was written for him by one of Bishops internet spooks.




Someone with much better photoshop skills than me should mock it up and tweet those spineless twats at the NCJ Media.

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moncur had already mentioned he had spoken to chumpley about spending money this summer. think they've been at him to reduce expectation, hence this time he mentions about the "amount".

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