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Starting Over - Splinter Club


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You know, the s*** thing about this is if that we have a name/crest/colors that in any way resemble Newcastle United FC, you know Ashley will try to sue the f*** out of us.


Hundreds of teams play in black and white. Crest would not have to resemble the NUFC one that much. Name - surely a team based in Newcastle can be called Newcastle something?

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You know, the s*** thing about this is if that we have a name/crest/colors that in any way resemble Newcastle United FC, you know Ashley will try to sue the f*** out of us.


Hundreds of teams play in black and white. Crest would not have to resemble the NUFC one that much. Name - surely a team based in Newcastle can be called Newcastle something?


Know nothing about UK trademark law but I assume there would be some sort of colourable argument where he could say that a "Newcastle FC" that plays in black and white stripes is either a. causing confusion with NUFC or b. diluting the NUFC trademark (which is sort of what we're trying to do to begin with)


Rest assured that if there's anything even remotely plausible he will be sending out cease-and-desist letters and having lawyers knock on people's doors to intimidate them out of it. He's clearly just that kind of human being.

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You know, the s*** thing about this is if that we have a name/crest/colors that in any way resemble Newcastle United FC, you know Ashley will try to sue the f*** out of us.


Hundreds of teams play in black and white. Crest would not have to resemble the NUFC one that much. Name - surely a team based in Newcastle can be called Newcastle something?


Know nothing about UK trademark law but I assume there would be some sort of colourable argument where he could say that a "Newcastle FC" that plays in black and white stripes is either a. causing confusion with NUFC or b. diluting the NUFC trademark (which is sort of what we're trying to do to begin with)


Rest assured that if there's anything even remotely plausible he will be sending out cease-and-desist letters and having lawyers knock on people's doors to intimidate them out of it. He's clearly just that kind of human being.


Yep, you can bet that that's exactly how he'd respond. Odious small-dicked shitbag that he is.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I'd rather we all united to try and reclaim our club and become the real custodians of it legally rather than emotionally.

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I'd rather we all united to try and reclaim our club and become the real custodians of it legally rather than emotionally.


never going to happen whilst billionairs are involved.


more chance of a splinter club competing with NUFC as without fans it will drop down the leagje and then said splinter club would have built up enough capital to acquire NUFCs only remaining assets, i.e. its stadium and name

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Heaton Villa


I lived for a year in Heaton (Sackville Road, Heatonites) and had no idea whatsoever there was a club there called Villa.


I am, quite frankly, fuming.


EDIT woooooaaaah! Hang on. There isn't, is there?


I'm now FUCKING FUMING there isn't one.

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FCUM started in 2005 and have just won promotion to the Conference North. I speak from experience when I say this is the first part of the pyramid where you really feel part of something which leads to professional leagues. It's been a challenge for them, but with £7m invested in a new ground they are well equipped to fight their way into the league, which they may do one day.


NUFC don't need this. We don't have the widespread support needed to bring the funding in. Nor are we facing a long-term investor at a club which is an un-movable money-making machine. NUFC is a crap business with a brittle grip on a fat TV cheque with agents planning how that will be spent as soon as it is banked.


Ashley will not be part of NUFC in 2025, assuming an NUFC sides took as long as FCUM. Far better that fans do two things:


-Concentrate on how funds can be brought together to buy the club when the opportunity arises (unlikely while we are in the PL) and to put in place a long-term supporter ownership structure

at the club which houses all of our history and can only fall so far before it is up for grabs


-Get their arses to the multitude of local clubs, run by volunteers, who scrap by week-by-week because most locals are either at SJP or sitting watching foreign telly in the boozer. If 5,000 fans sacked off NUFC and went to the biggest 20 sides in the region that would have a serious impact on the long-term prospects for those clubs, most of whom also run junior sides in the community.

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  • 2 weeks later...



regardless of whether we go down or stay up if anyone physically pays to go to SJP until Ashley is gone they are without doubt f****** idiots.


and lets face it, we need a hobby until the day the fat man f***s off.


Arise Newcastle FC, because Newcastle is no longer united

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I was thinking about this on my way to work this morning. It's unlikely to ever happen, my love for NUFC is having a detrimental effect well being, it's like an addiction like drugs, cigs and alcohol for others that I just can't kick.


So what's my alternative, I need to follow some other team or have some other sport that draws my attention away from Football.


To address the Latter first, I do enjoy American Football, my team in the NFL is the equally frustrating Miami Dolphins, in the college game I'm most passionate about the Florida Gators, although I like to see all the Florida schools do well, since I lived in that state for a numbers of years. The problem with this is the regular NFL season is 16 games !!! the College is 12 games. For both it runs from Sep to the end of Dec. Then it's a ridiculously long off season, the only highlight being the draft, which just ended a few weeks back.


So how about following another team.There are lots of people who follow their local team and also follow a "big" team. I'm sick of following teams that constantly have me felling exasperated by. So what are my options. Chelsea, Arsenal and Spuds, I can't follow a London club no way in hell, especially Chelsea who've bought their way into the "big" team club. I've always despised Manure, on an equal par to the Mackems. Man Shitty luck at landing a Oil rich state to finance them are possibly the most dis-likable team of the lot. So that leaves Liverpool... Liverpool really, with Stevie G, the divine righters, the sickening you'll never walk alone, fuck that !! So how about going further afield and following a foreign club, I've got no affinity with France, Germany or Italy, I am half Spanish though. So who in Spain, my local club is Real Mallorca, that's more frustration. There's Athletico Madrid, doing well right now but always will be the smaller club in the big three there in Spain. Barca or Real Madrid then. Rarely is the Spanish league on TV here, what would be the point of following one of those clubs if I never got to watch them !! Neither team appeals to me either and watching that league over a full season would kill me.


So at the end of the day, unless a mega rich group, buys NUFC or starts up this splinter club, my quality of life will just continue to suffer, all because of my place of birth. Life sucks :(

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