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FIFA World Cup


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Kuwait currently sanctioned by FIFA btw, what a fucking mess.


Would assume neither Oman nor Kuwait would participate. Much like Canada shouldn’t have rights too for the needless 3 team 2026 jamboree.


Bahrain is right next to Qatar,(you can literally see it from Qatar's shores) Saudi Arabia has direct borders with Qatar, yet they are not talking to each other right now so instead they will have to fly between three different countries. clearly a political move by Qatar to gain favors with Kuwait and Oman amidst to boycott of the other three countries in the region, but the fact that Fifa is playing along is what makes it more annoying.

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It is quite mad how it's still all going ahead given how badly everything has been exposed. Everyone on the planet knows it's a complete sham.

who can stop them? They answer to nobody but the individual FA's who are as corrupt as those at the top and ultimately only care about how big a piece of the pie they are getting not anything like is this actually suitable to holding one of the biggest sporting events in the world etc

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What a mess this is turning out to be, Fifa is pushing for a 48 Teams World Cup, But Qatar who literally had to build everything from Scratch will not be able to do that, They can if other countries nearby get involved to help them but Oman has turned it down, Kuwait says they can't accept the terms Fifa are proposing, while UAE, Bahrain and Saudi who easily can but they are not on good terms with Qatar at the moment :lol:

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One of the few who could host it at relatively short notice, only deaths would be the British backpackers who go swimming in Far North Queensland.


i assumed he was riffing on the hating foreigners thing


No that was a genuine suggestion. :lol:


Gives Australasia their ‘turn’ and as mentioned, they wouldn’t require much work to host it at short notice.

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