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Tactics / Players needed next season


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McClaren isn't that wedded to any particular formation isn't he? Did anyone ever watch much of his Derby when they were good? (I only caught them when they were terrible, which maybe is why I'm pretty pessimistic over him, albeit I will give him a chance).


If there's anything I want him to bring in that we've lacked for a long time, is some proper good movement from our players when attacking. For too long when attacking all our players jog in a straight line forward, and pass in a straight line forward, leaving Cisse or Perez or whoever with no support at front often and our attacks easily read by defenses. I'd also love us to get two up top again, albeit I do think that can leave you exposed in midfield.


As for new players, we definitely need 2 CBs even taking into account Lascalles, as both Williamson and Collo are useless at this point and of course Taylor will be injured (and shit). We won't sign a left back as the club will think the position filled by Haidara and Dummett. We need to keep Janmaat, I fear we will and that will be "like a new signing" when we fail to sign anyone.


Goalkeeper wise if Darlow isn't good enough to be a long term replacement but just a backup imo we need to be on the market for a replacement. I can live with Krul for another season as I'm sure he can regain some form but it's a very weak area for us atm imo.


Central midfield I have a horrible feeling we won't sign anyone, and we may lose Sissoko (though i think he lost a lot of value last season). The other big question is Anita, if McClaren can get the best out of him he should stay, if he's meh on him and wants to use him now and then imo we should sell him, while great in last game he has been inconsistent (I lost patience with him when he was drifting through games earlier). If McClaren invests time and gets him playing week in week out well I'd be happy for him to sit at the back of our midfield. (Abeid pretty much identical situation)


Out wide we'll probably go for someone new as I can't believe that anyone at the club is satisfied by the Gouffran/Obertan situation, we may even go for one each side.


Striker we'll surely sign one with Cisse possibly out the door (and hopefully Riviere). i'd try and keep Cisse, but if we get another similar striker who wouldn't make a good partner for him his time may be up.


I think we need a lot more signings than we'll get but with this regime we're going to miss out on our top targets as we'll dither and refuse to pay a bit extra to make sure it gets over the line (when will they fucking learn).


Formation wise what we'll probably get is




Janmaat  New CB  New CB  Haidara


              Colback  Sissoko


      Perez      De Jong    New Winger


                  New Striker


I guess the odd one is if McClaren sees Sissoko as a wide or central player. I am also very nervous of that midfield, unless De Jong can provide creativity.


What I'd maybe like to see is a 4-4-2 Diamond, with De Jong at tip, Anita of west ham game if that can be maintained at bottom, and Sissoko and new creative mid in middle (lol it will be Colback), and Perez and new Striker up top. Width would be an issue but Perez would drift wide left and Janmaat provides attacking thrust on the right.


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Yeah me too, the only thing that gives us hope is it would be a very early slap in the face to McClaren to sell his best players who have plenty of time left on contracts straight away


(we'll start slapping him in the face in january)

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A problem area is I think we need a new midfield but I think the club thinks that's our best area or something. We definitely need creativity.


One of the problems is, is De Jong a crock or unlucky? Are the club planning around him as a main player?

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We have been weak in midfield but I am not sure it is due to a lack of quality. Sissoko is a beast and if coached well could perform on a consistent basis, Anita could have a new lease of life, Tiote has had everything coached out of him and Abeid has alot of potential.

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We have been weak in midfield but I am not sure it is due to a lack of quality. Sissoko is a beast and if coached well could perform on a consistent basis, Anita could have a new lease of life, Tiote has had everything coached out of him and Abeid has alot of potential.


Still missing a creative spark there even if all those players drastically improve.

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I think McClaren prefers a 4-3-3 but will adjust if he doesn't have the players to fit it. Derby were certainly a 4-3-3 team during his whole time there.


How much defensive resposibility do the wingers have in his system? I want Perez in first team as I think he will only get better and love watching him, but if we go 4-3-3 i worry he will be benched for defensive wingers and de jong behind the new striker.


I always find formation talk can be misleading, see coaches say they play 4-3-3 when they're defensive 4-5-1 with a very flat midfield. I want the striker and the no 10 advanced and i want the wingers fluid and always looking to run in behind if its a 4-3-3

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I think McClaren prefers a 4-3-3 but will adjust if he doesn't have the players to fit it. Derby were certainly a 4-3-3 team during his whole time there.


How much defensive resposibility do the wingers have in his system? I want Perez in first team as I think he will only get better and love watching him, but if we go 4-3-3 i worry he will be benched for defensive wingers and de jong behind the new striker.


I always find formation talk can be misleading, see coaches say they play 4-3-3 when they're defensive 4-5-1 with a very flat midfield. I want the striker and the no 10 advanced and i want the wingers fluid and always looking to run in behind if its a 4-3-3


I'd say it's more like a 4-1-4-1. The holding midfielder has by far the most discipline and the central 2 rotated and supported forward (Perhaps this was just Will Hughes being class). Derby played without a real #10 so I'm not sure how that will go. De Jong obviously played in a 4-3-3 for Ajax so he should fit in regardless.

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Yeah, personally I think partly the key to his formation working was Chris Martin being a perfect fit for that lone striker role. It went to relative shit when Darren Bent played as he just can't hold it up and get the other attackers involved.

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I think McClaren prefers a 4-3-3 but will adjust if he doesn't have the players to fit it. Derby were certainly a 4-3-3 team during his whole time there.


How much defensive resposibility do the wingers have in his system? I want Perez in first team as I think he will only get better and love watching him, but if we go 4-3-3 i worry he will be benched for defensive wingers and de jong behind the new striker.


I always find formation talk can be misleading, see coaches say they play 4-3-3 when they're defensive 4-5-1 with a very flat midfield. I want the striker and the no 10 advanced and i want the wingers fluid and always looking to run in behind if its a 4-3-3


:thup: Fat Sam playing Joey O'Brien as one his wingers in a "4-3-3" at Bolton springs to mind.


Anyway in the nature of the thread to be the team I believe we should be we'd need a LB, CBx2, CM, Wideman and Striker at the least. Good luck with that.

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Aye and that's without the inevitable sales, it's a shame too as getting a new coaching setup would be a step forward what ever you think of McClaren.


We seem to love a good old 1 step forward and about 5 steps back every fucking time.

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Aye and that's without the inevitable sales, it's a shame too as getting a new coaching setup would be a step forward what ever you think of McClaren.


We seem to love a good old 1 step forward and about 5 steps back every fucking time.


Think it might only be the one sale of anyone worthwhile, Janmaat.

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If we were more a 4-1-4-1 I'd like to see a 4 behind the striker of Cabella, De Jong, Sissoko, Perez and basically have Cabella, Perez, and Aaron's compete for 2 spots. Assuming nobody of quality is brought in. Abeid, Tiote, Anita, Colback in the holding role.


Prob too much fret for the old regime.

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Somehow forgot cabella though he has yet to prove himself, would like to give him more of a chance with a freeer role in a front 3 mind. Aarons too


We need 2 CBs, at least one central midfield playmaker and at least one striker. We likely wont even try to sign all that let alone all the other areas of concern. A whole new spine of the team is needed though.

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Aye and that's without the inevitable sales, it's a shame too as getting a new coaching setup would be a step forward what ever you think of McClaren.


We seem to love a good old 1 step forward and about 5 steps back every fucking time.


Think it might only be the one sale of anyone worthwhile, Janmaat.


I'm not sure how the summer will pan out with regards to outgoings. We might leap at the first offers for our most valuable assets, but the money-men will be aware of the sizeable budgets of other clubs. I wouldn't expect to see anyone go on the cheap, and - for all their promise - I don't suspect the bigger sides in the division will pay what we want for say Janmaat or Perez. Still though, profit is profit.


As for incomings, we'll obviously spend and there'll be at least five. The squad is obviously miles away from what it was - the nucleus of which was two major signings and a better manager away from challenging the top 4. Tragic to think how a really exciting time was tangible, had we binned off Pardew and kept our best players. Never going to happen under this dictatorship though.


In terms of identifying what we need, the list is endless really. We've only got three full-backs, so we need another one - but that's probably low priority. None of our CBs are fit for purpose but we've got 4, including Lascelles, so I wouldn't expect us to sign one unless Williamson goes (which I think he will). So there's hope there, I suppose.


As for midfield - Colback is the only one I'm positive will still be here. Sissoko, Tiote, Anita, Abeid - all likely departures to varying degrees. I suspect there will be movement in that position. If we've any actual desire to challenge the top six (I know, I know) - CM needs real investment, especially when Moussa eventually leaves.


Attacking areas (including wing) is where we'll see any sizeable transfer fees. There's just nothing going on as far as our attack is concerned. Sammy, Cabella, Obertan, Jonas, Gouffran, De Jong, Cisse - all were either average, injured, suspended or shit last season. Perez really is the only jewel in a crown made of plastic. We'll make a couple signings and muddle through, probably.


If we're going to behave anything like an ambitious club (which we're not, so this is all pointless yay), it's going to take at least two seasons to fix the squad and challenge the European places again. Whatever happens this summer won't be enough.


And nor will any summer business, ever, under Ashley.

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Aye and that's without the inevitable sales, it's a shame too as getting a new coaching setup would be a step forward what ever you think of McClaren.


We seem to love a good old 1 step forward and about 5 steps back every fucking time.


Think it might only be the one sale of anyone worthwhile, Janmaat.


I'm not sure how the summer will pan out with regards to outgoings. We might leap at the first offers for our most valuable assets, but the money-men will be aware of the sizeable budgets of other clubs. I wouldn't expect to see anyone go on the cheap, and - for all their promise - I don't suspect the bigger sides in the division will pay what we want for say Janmaat or Perez. Still though, profit is profit.


As for incomings, we'll obviously spend and there'll be at least five. The squad is obviously miles away from what it was - the nucleus of which was two major signings and a better manager away from challenging the top 4. Tragic to think how a really exciting time was tangible, had we binned off Pardew and kept our best players. Never going to happen under this dictatorship though.


In terms of identifying what we need, the list is endless really. We've only got three full-backs, so we need another one - but that's probably low priority. None of our CBs are fit for purpose but we've got 4, including Lascelles, so I wouldn't expect us to sign one unless Williamson goes (which I think he will). So there's hope there, I suppose.


As for midfield - Colback is the only one I'm positive will still be here. Sissoko, Tiote, Anita, Abeid - all likely departures to varying degrees. I suspect there will be movement in that position. If we've any actual desire to challenge the top six (I know, I know) - CM needs real investment, especially when Moussa eventually leaves.


Attacking areas (including wing) is where we'll see any sizeable transfer fees. There's just nothing going on as far as our attack is concerned. Sammy, Cabella, Obertan, Jonas, Gouffran, De Jong, Cisse - all were either average, injured, suspended or shit last season. Perez really is the only jewel in a crown made of plastic. We'll make a couple signings and muddle through, probably.


If we're going to behave anything like an ambitious club (which we're not, so this is all pointless yay), it's going to take at least two seasons to fix the squad and challenge the European places again. Whatever happens this summer won't be enough.


And nor will any summer business, ever, under Ashley.


I don't think there'll be any bids for anyone other than Janmaat.


As far as I'm concerned we never turn down an incoming offer despite what is said, we just don't get many.


Saying that they'll be doing their utmost to peddle Cisse as per and you'd imagine the rest of the 2016 contract up brigade too. Be interesting to see what happens RE: Tiote given that he's on highish wages for us, has played under SM before and sometimes isn't utterly shite.


Given how shit the league will likely be we could probably get by with only 2 or 3 players and thats what I, think we all, fear.

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