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Newcastle United 1-1 Aston Villa - Official Thread (post match from pg25)


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Gestedes fella made a world of difference given conditions


Really like Gestede as a player, reminds me of Carroll in his prime here when he was pretty much unbeatable in the air. Need to get Mitro to bully CB's like those 2 do.

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I do think judging any performance on that pitch would be a little bit harsh. We were a lot better than them and playing okay before the pitch became waterlogged. We just didn't adapt very well.

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Thought that was pretty grim, worrying how often Wijnaldum doesn't do anything for large periods. Watching Dummett is like watching a Williamson at left back. No idea how Bacuna didn;t get a yellow card in the first half like

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless cunt!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but fucking hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.

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Disappointing game, not helped by the weather. Once again, we were far too narrow, with everything going down our right hand side. Add to that, the lack or pressure when Villa had the ball and it was just poor. De Jong should have buried that header, and when he didn't - you could see Villa getting back into it. Helluva strike from Ayew mind for the leveler.


If owt, it shows that we desperately need new blood into this side. Failure of the owner to put his hand in his pocket, in a couple of weeks and we could be going down with Villa.

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Need to get Wini more involved, he's wasted on the wing. I don't really know what De Jong can achieve with us though and I wouldn't really mind seeing him dropped especially for Ayoze. We really really need a central midfielder who actually knows how to close down and defend.

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless c***!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but f***ing hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.


Totally agree

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless c***!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but f***ing hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.


He's the only one to blame? Not the players that missed, and I mean totally fluffed, easy chances?

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless c***!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but f***ing hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.


He's the only one to blame? Not the players that missed, and I mean totally fluffed, easy chances?


Yes but a good manager makes all the difference in how well they perform on the pitch.

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Villa had more possession, more shots on goal, more shots on target and more corners etc....rock bottom, one of the worst point tallies at this point of the season, if not the worst...so yeah I think McClaren is to blame regardless if we should have scored at a crucial moment.

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless cunt!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but fucking hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.


Grad A tosh. The team McClaren picked (and subs he made) created enough chances to win this game. It isn't his fault they didn't score.


There's plenty to have a go at McClaren about during his time here but today's result is not one of them.

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McClaren is to blame, he's a bottling clueless c***!


Same team was always going to make this twice as hard. Yes we got the first goal but it was hardly deserved, yes de Jong should have added a second but f***ing hell, the lack of creativity is shocking.


Wijnaldum, left mid? That needs abolished, asap! Regardless of his goal tally, he just disappears far too often. The left hand side is ongoing joke, even Hutton had free reign down that side, Alan Hutton ffs! Thauvin at least gave him a few troubles!


Mitrovic was excellent with what he was provided with. He gave it his all when he came on, really don't understand why fans are quick to play him down.


He's the only one to blame? Not the players that missed, and I mean totally fluffed, easy chances?


Yes but a good manager makes all the difference in how well they perform on the pitch.


Bar 15 poor minutes, the performance was fine. Not the most exciting but we are what we are: not a great side missing key components. We still had more than enough opportunities to finish that game off and didn't, that one falls at the doors of those who missed.

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Villa had more possession, more shots on goal, more shots on target and more corners etc....rock bottom, one of the worst point tallies at this point of the season, if not the worst...so yeah I think McClaren is to blame regardless if we should have scored at a crucial moment.


And yet we were the ones to have consistently good chances...

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People seem happy because we created a few chances against the worst side in the league. The team he selected was always going to make things tougher regardless of previous results.


The team he selected was only on the pitch for 30 minutes. Personally, I thought he made a mistake not starting one of Mitrovic or Perez, especially the latter, and wanted to see Thauvin start, but there was still enough there to put this side to the sword. We had the opportunities but didn't take them and that's because we're not very good.

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