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Do NUFC Need To Change Away Ticket Criteria?

Crumpy Gunt

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Some games lately selling out at 70 points etc. Gives the younger / newer ST holders very little chance of getting away tickets and building loyalty points. They'll be lucky to get 5 or 6 points a season.


Perhaps work out loyalty points over a rolling period of time? Maybe 5 years? Instead of just adding continuously and unending.


Perhaps the most loyal can then be rewarded.


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I think it is okay how it is, it will take the new ST holders a long time to build points up - but that is natural and there has been many games this season that they could have attended. I think out of the 10 away games, 6 of them have made 0 points (Barnsley, Fulham, Derby, Villa, Preston & QPR).


We have a period of low allocations due to the clubs we're playing in this period but the likes of; Sheff Wed, Huddersfield, Wigan, Blackburn will give 4,000+ allocations. Plus a potential Semi in the League Cup where we could draw Man Utd and get 7,800.


Throw into that the potential FA Cup games and we could easily have 15+ matches by the end of the season that go to 0 points.


The only change I think I'd make is by giving a loyalty point for each year your ST is renewed and maybe one for home cup matches attended.

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I think it is okay how it is, it will take the new ST holders a long time to build points up - but that is natural and there has been many games this season that they could have attended. I think out of the 10 away games, 6 of them have made 0 points (Barnsley, Fulham, Derby, Villa, Preston & QPR).


We have a period of low allocations due to the clubs we're playing in this period but the likes of; Sheff Wed, Huddersfield, Wigan, Blackburn will give 4,000+ allocations. Plus a potential Semi in the League Cup where we could draw Man Utd and get 7,800.


Throw into that the potential FA Cup games and we could easily have 15+ matches by the end of the season that go to 0 points.


The only change I think I'd make is by giving a loyalty point for each year your ST is renewed and maybe one for home cup matches attended.


Absolutely spot on this!


On top of that, every game bar a few each season has gone to 0 for years!

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yes, this loyalty points shite does my head in, im with the OP and have given up trying to get an away ticket


for those of us who must start somewhere its nigh on impossible to get to a game like Leeds.


give me back the days of first come first served, obviously season ticket holders, it takes loyalty to get up and queue on a wet Monday morning just as much as  the corporate/well off guys who can rack up points because money is no problem week in week out.


i think a compromise of half to go on sale to those who want to roll up and queue  O0

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But then you are leaving out those supporters who don't live in Newcastle and/or have work commitments that prevent them from doing that.


If you want to start building points, attend the less attractive fixtures as I mentioned in my post above. You cannot just buy a ST and then demand access to the most attractive away games that you decide that you want to attend.


I don't have a huge amount of loyalty points myself and have missed out on tickets this year, but I'm attending those games that I am able to in order to build up my points.

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yes, this loyalty points shite does my head in, im with the OP and have given up trying to get an away ticket


for those of us who must start somewhere its nigh on impossible to get to a game like Leeds.


give me back the days of first come first served, obviously season ticket holders, it takes loyalty to get up and queue on a wet Monday morning just as much as  the corporate/well off guys who can rack up points because money is no problem week in week out.


i think a compromise of half to go on sale to those who want to roll up and queue  O0


This is bollocks. You serve your time going to the unattractive away games over the years and that loyalty is rightly rewarded when it comes to attractive games with small allocations. If you think it's only wealthy people and corporates with lots of loyalty points you are very wrong and don't really understand our loyal away core.

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I don't even understand how the points are earned TBH. I've been a fan my whole life and I've been to European games and away games and I think I've only got about 6 loyalty points. I've just accepted that away tickets are out of reach when we're playing well. I got a few in the PL when we were rubbish.

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yes, this loyalty points s**** does my head in, im with the OP and have given up trying to get an away ticket


for those of us who must start somewhere its nigh on impossible to get to a game like Leeds.


give me back the days of first come first served, obviously season ticket holders, it takes loyalty to get up and queue on a wet Monday morning just as much as  the corporate/well off guys who can rack up points because money is no problem week in week out.


i think a compromise of half to go on sale to those who want to roll up and queue  O0


Well yes, it will be impossible for someone with no loyalty points to get a ticket for Leeds, that's because demand will massively outstrip supply. And that's why we have a loyalty points system. As has been pointed out above, there have been many chances over the past few years (and even this season) to earn loyalty points and "start somewhere" as you put it. Thing is, by their very nature the games that are more likely to go to zero are games against not-particularly-glamourous clubs who can give larger allocations due to having a small fanbase or games that are a bit of a trek to get to where less fans will want to travel to. And to be honest, if people have built up loyalty points going to the likes of wigan, reading, portsmouth etc or going regularly when we've been shit the last few years it's absolutely right that when the likes of leeds or sunderland come around and everyone wants to go they get first dibs. I might miss out on Forest and probably will miss out on Burton- it'll be disappointing but at least I know that everyone that was able to buy a ticket ahead of me deserved to (of course what they then do with that ticket is a different story but the loyalty system can't fix that!)


I do get your frustration like, but there's a reason the system is in place and if you're starting from scratch, why not buy a ticket the next time an away game goes to zero wherever it is, you'll enjoy the experience as much regardless. :thup:


To answer the OP, I do have sympathy with the view that the system could be adapted to say a rolling 5 or 10 year period -in fact it would probably benefit me in honesty- but I like the simplicity of the current system. I don't think people's support should simply be struck from the record if they've been going donkeys years ago but can't go away so regularly now but still have their s/t (thinking more along the lines of if we got to Wembley than the more popular aways on this one mind.)


It'll always be a topic for discussion this one, like, especially if Rafas regime goes the way we want it to, but as long as there are always some games going to 0pts / members sales every season I think the current system works. One thing I'd change though would be to give members a point for away games, (I don't think that currently happens?) even if they can't benefit from these points until they buy a season ticket.


Sorry for the long post all.

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It's fine as it is. Don't remember any complaints the last few years when our away numbers were starting to dwindle. Go to the less glamorous fixtures to build your points up and then over the course of time you'll qualify for the higher demand games.


Seen people on twitter whinging on at the club this week because they're not getting a look in for away tickets this season. One person wasn't even a season ticket holder yet he was complaining that he wouldn't get a Forest ticket. Not sure what he was expecting from a 2000 allocation mind.


So far this season 5 away games have gone to zero points so even when tickets are in high demand the opportunity is still there to build up points.

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A friend of mine does corporate games for his company and i asked if he could get tickets for Leeds. He said he couldn't so no preferential treatment for corporate customers.


Lad I know in same boat - given tickets for Derby away but was told no chance when asked for Rotherham.

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The only thing I would perhaps change is the loss of loyalty points if you pack your season ticket in. I think it would be better if those points were 'frozen' for the period of time you don't have a season ticket (so effectively you can't use them to purchase away tickets) then 're-activated' once you purchase a season ticket again.


I think this would prevent situations where someone has built up a load of loyalty points, then doesn't have a season ticket for a year or two (working away etc.), and has to start from scratch once they return and have a season ticket again.


Someone mentioned about members not getting loyalty points. If that is the case I would guess it's to prevent the hypothetical situation of someone racking up, say 25 loyalty points, as a member, who would then get dibs over a season ticket holder for away games. Perhaps members could accrue loyalty points that wouldn't become 'active' until they got a season ticket? That might be a work for younger supporters who initially can't afford a season ticket, but would at least have a bit of a start in terms of loyalty points for when they did get one?

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Someone mentioned about members not getting loyalty points. If that is the case I would guess it's to prevent the hypothetical situation of someone racking up, say 25 loyalty points, as a member, who would then get dibs over a season ticket holder for away games. Perhaps members could accrue loyalty points that wouldn't become 'active' until they got a season ticket? That might be a work for younger supporters who initially can't afford a season ticket, but would at least have a bit of a start in terms of loyalty points for when they did get one?


Members should earn loyalty points in the same way ST holders do and then get a priority period of buying tickets that go to members. So a member who has attended hundreds of away games gets priority over someone who has signed up only for this one fixture.


If a member later joins up as a ST holder they should then start from 0 as a ST holder as that is the next stage up in the hierarchy.


So in my world sales would be something like:-


ST Holder with 100+

ST Holder with 75+

ST Holder with 50+

ST Holder with 25+

ST Holder with 0+

Member with 100+

Member with 75+

Member with 50+

Member with 25+

Member with 0+


With all sale dates obviously at shorter periods (a day or two rather than the week long ones currently given).

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My only issue with it those boosting their points by buying tickets for others but there's not really anything you can do about that.


This is true but it's still the best system.


Anyone with a season ticket for 10 years has had ample opportunity to build up enough to go to every game and there are only 30,000 season ticket holders.


I've only got about 3 after ditching my ticket last season. Had fucking lurds :(

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Someone mentioned about members not getting loyalty points. If that is the case I would guess it's to prevent the hypothetical situation of someone racking up, say 25 loyalty points, as a member, who would then get dibs over a season ticket holder for away games. Perhaps members could accrue loyalty points that wouldn't become 'active' until they got a season ticket? That might be a work for younger supporters who initially can't afford a season ticket, but would at least have a bit of a start in terms of loyalty points for when they did get one?


Members should earn loyalty points in the same way ST holders do and then get a priority period of buying tickets that go to members. So a member who has attended hundreds of away games gets priority over someone who has signed up only for this one fixture.


If a member later joins up as a ST holder they should then start from 0 as a ST holder as that is the next stage up in the hierarchy.


So in my world sales would be something like:-


ST Holder with 100+

ST Holder with 75+

ST Holder with 50+

ST Holder with 25+

ST Holder with 0+

Member with 100+

Member with 75+

Member with 50+

Member with 25+

Member with 0+


With all sale dates obviously at shorter periods (a day or two rather than the week long ones currently given).


That's not a bad shout. How many members are there that go to multiple away games without having a season ticket though? Folk from elsewhere in the country I suppose. I still think it would be fair enough to carry any points over when you went from a member to a season ticket holder, especially for the younger lot.

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yes, this loyalty points shite does my head in, im with the OP and have given up trying to get an away ticket


for those of us who must start somewhere its nigh on impossible to get to a game like Leeds.


give me back the days of first come first served, obviously season ticket holders, it takes loyalty to get up and queue on a wet Monday morning just as much as  the corporate/well off guys who can rack up points because money is no problem week in week out.


i think a compromise of half to go on sale to those who want to roll up and queue  O0


Why have you given up when 60% of games have gone down to zero points? The website isn't that difficult to use.

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I have 122 points and this is after years of building them up, although I can sympathise with the OP, it is ok how it is. I do think Season Ticket holders should get some points for renewing/purchasing cup tickets. Also I think you should be rewarded on the away game - I didn't go but the few that went to Anzhi got just as many points as someone going to Sunderland 13 miles away. I suppose on the other hand where does it stop.


Anyways fuck it, doesn't affect me at all so whatever.

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