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Guest godzilla

There is a player in there somewhere but perhaps we are seeing or rather he is finding this is the kind of slippery slope signing for a Chelsea as a young foreigner and going out on loan after loan without ever settling and before you know it you’re 23/24 and a career is passing you by kind of thing. He’s not the first nor will be the last.


He needs to leave Chelsea, find a level he can play at consistently in a position he can produce the goods or some good. To be fair to him, after a very promising start when he first joined on loan, he did enough to warrant joining permanently and had he, I think he’d have proved his worth in that sense as opposed to where we are at now at the club still on loan.


Sent back to Chelsea and then at the last minute sent back here, not confident, fit or sure of his part to play, where he fits in, where it will lead. Brick walls! Cardiff away tipped the scales and he’s not really recovered nor had the kind of chances to recover. I think Rafa knew no matter what he did, we’d never sign him permanently anyway and that has played a part in things I’m sure which has played a part in his regression.


As we dropped down the table further heading into October and beyond, not losing become the priority in order to stay in the ‘game’ and mount an assault on survival and players who could be trusted to do a job for that kind of occasion Rafa turned to and stuck with, Kennedy not that player.


Climbing away from the bottom and looking up, Kennedy’s importance to aiding that upturn as he did last season had to be weighed with the certainty he’d be gone for good at the end of the loan and once Almiron come in, a far better player, Kennedy become even less useful going forward so to speak. Days numbered.


What I take away from his time here is Rafa wanted him on loan in the January of our championship season to get him in early which he then planned to make a permanent deal before the start of the PL season. That never happened, again Rafa wanted him, this time he does get his man and on loan a few month later, the plan to make it a permanent deal afterwards.


He does well, shows promise, and Rafa had hoped he’d join permantly, so did the player.


If not him, we move on to someone else. The club move to Kennedy again, on loan again.


You buy him or you don’t, you buy him great, you don’t, buy someone else.


A loan again? What am I meant to do with him? Just another player Rafa has wanted, been denied signing, and then given to do something with for a bit, anything, you can’t have him though, remember that.


I’d be happy if we paid 7m for him to sign permanently, nothing more. 20-30m he’d have cost 12 months ago seems like dodging a bullet today, but for a few months after January last year, he was that kind of player for us and worth it given what a difference he made individually, to the team and the difference in the team having him meant for all.


Rafa knew that of course...


Now he’s moved on, he’s had to, it shouldn’t have to be like this though. Kennedy if Rafa was allowed to sign him in January of the Championship season could well be one of our best players regularly performing the way he did when he joined on loan back in January 18.


Wouldn’t pay 1p for him his attitude stinks and hopefully we will never see him in our strip again.

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Re: the first line of HTT's epic, about Chelsea youngsters going on loan, see Atsu for what can happen when someone with an industrious, professional attitude is put in the same situation. He's a PL squad player, which I don't think Kenedy will end up as if he continues along his current downward trajectory, a bit part player in Turkey awaits.

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Went to the game today and thought he was fucking rancid in those moments that were probably off camera. Out of possession, the daft cunt was a minimum of 15 yards off his man at all times.


He was a major factor in the tide turning after half time imho. You've only got to see the few minutes Muto got to see the difference in workrate and effort.


Fuck knows why Rafa brought him on so early. There had to better options FFS.

This is something i noticed the last time i saw him play live for a decent amount of minutes.  It was away at Palace and he was an absolute disgrace.  He refused to do any hard work and bottled 2 50/50 challenges.  In fact, one of them was probably more 70/30 in his favour.  The guy literally couldn’t give a fuck. 


People keep saying he’s got talent etc. but that means nothing when his attitude stinks.  For what it’s worth, i don’t think he’s that talented anyway.  He’s embarrassingly 1-footed and has zero composure in front of goal.  I’d bet my house on him stinking it up in shite leagues for most of his career and retiring at 33.

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

But, but, but his baby disrupted his sleeping pattern...


I agree that he showed promise last season and contributed to our survival and strong finish, however at the time I thought he was pretty poor in our last few games once survival was confirmed and showed strong hints of the player he's been this season. There's a reason he only played 16 mins when he was on loan at Watford. His performances after signing on loan for us last season are the exception in his career in England. He's otherwise been absolutely shite





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Guest covmag

Incredible how shit he’s went.Rafa knows hence won’t play him unless injuries.

So glad we didn’t spunk the money on him, a few that is.

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Im gutted about how he has turned out i was so excited when he came in. he looked rusty for parts of last season, but you could put that down to not playing to much beforehand.


But this season im honestly shocked, his head obv aint in it so im done with him  :sad: :sad:

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Im gutted about how he has turned out i was so excited when he came in. he looked rusty for parts of last season, but you could put that down to not playing to much beforehand.


But this season im honestly shocked, his head obv aint in it so im done with him  :sad: :sad:


Yup, I was pissed we didn't stump up 30m for him (!) and was considering getting him on an away top. Glad I didn't feel right getting a loan player on a top :anguish:

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Wonder where he will end up? Absolute wank this season. Vitesse? Wasted his chance here.


Nah he can do much better. I could see him in Serie A for Fiorentina or Milan. He's a good player, just had a year to forget.


Hope he is back to his best next season wherever that may be.

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Suso didn’t make it over here either but is doing well for himself. Can see him doing similar eventually.

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