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So - when Rafa quits... What then?

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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.


I don't think it will be, barring an injury crisis. Admittedly, it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been. But, Saturday showed that there's some shite in this league that we won't have too much trouble turning over.


Injury crisis or not, it's going to be horrible constantly worrying and wishing what could have been with a mere 20 million or so more invested in the squad.

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We are an advertising space for Sports Direct, run at low cost with no intention of improvement.


I remember the stories after the season we finished 5th in the league, apparently there was a huge argument after the Everton game.  I wonder if Ashley was pissed off at the achievement.

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What is the point of NUFC?  At one level like TV or other distracting/engaging leisure activities it gives people something to do. Something to invest in emotionally. Something, along with family, other relationships and career pursuits etc. on which to hang a sense of meaning and purpose which we all need in our lives. The extent to which 'competing/winning' or even being in the fight/race matters probably differs depending upon how important such things are to each individual. For me NUFC is a part of my identity. I stopped being an active supporter when the regime acted in the way they did with Keegan; a personal hero who epitomised everything good about the club to me. He had that meaning to me because of my own values and the faith he embodied that we could be on the world stage. Unbelievable at the time (player and even more so first time as a manager). I never stopped being a fan. NUFC always mattered. I consider myself a supporter again as in the last few years I have attended games (even if not as religiously as I once did) and bought products. The point for me is that it is part of my identity, as is being a Geordie. It is also a link with my known ancestors, parents and grandparents. It mattered to (most of) them and was part of our shared sense of who we are/were. That won't change. Perhaps that is the most important 'point'.

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When Rafa packs in, so will I.


The club has went nowhere but backwards since 2007 under Mike Ashley. This is a cheap version of Newcastle United. I was born 1988, first game 1994, I'm a season ticket holder, been to a number of away games. It's just not the same now though. From 1993 until 2006 we at least tried. We had a few poor seasons, but we wantedo to achieve things.


We weren't ever happy to settle for 17th. We demanded managers out if we finished outside the top 8. Christ, we even demanded Robson go after we finished 5th.


Now though, it's a different entity. It's sad, but people need to stop going. Myself included. It's a shame because I thought we might do something with Rafa. I even moved to the family section and got my 7 year old Son a season ticket.


We all need to stop going, simple as that. It's either that or we just turn up, raise our blood pressure and get angry that we aren't competing in cups or wanting to push on in the league.

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The club is essentially in a coma under Ashley with no hope of recovery. It just exists, there is no soul or purpose to it anymore. For a club like ours that is nothing short of an absolute tragedy.


He has pulled exactly the same tricks throughout his ten years here, undermining every manager we've had in that time, Keegan, Pardew, Benitez etc. By some amazing twist of fate Rafa decided to join us and stay on after relegation and just maybe the penny would finally drop after the McClaren fiasco and he would put his faith in a proven, accomplished and capable manager and back him (relatively speaking).


Sadly it appears as if the last ten years has taught Ashley absolutely nothing, two relegations, many other times we've struggled. If he can't get it right with a manager like Benitez at the helm then as a club there is no way forward, only backwards.

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Guest firetotheworks

He has pulled exactly the same tricks throughout his ten years here, undermining every manager we've had in that time, Keegan, Pardew, Benitez etc.



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He has pulled exactly the same tricks throughout his ten years here, undermining every manager we've had in that time, Keegan, Pardew, Benitez etc.




Apologies, didn't mean that to sound like I was sticking up for that absolute buffoon! Another failing of Ashley, appointing and sticking with that classless clown for so long.

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Guest firetotheworks

He has pulled exactly the same tricks throughout his ten years here, undermining every manager we've had in that time, Keegan, Pardew, Benitez etc.




Apologies, didn't mean that to sound like I was sticking up for that absolute buffoon! Another failing of Ashley, appointing and sticking with that classless clown for so long.




I was only mucking about. Your post was spot on.

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It exists under Mike Ashley to give Sports Direct visibility.

It exists because the fans are far too loyal.

It has no objectives. I suspect Mike has figured out how to offset the odd relegation now, so it's not that scary to him. It's just something factored into some spreadsheet.


It exists to exist. Like a tumour

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The only real reason these days is rafa


That's it for me basically. While he's here (which might not be much longer) there's at least some reason to follow the team, although I'd be pissed off if I'd paid for a season ticket on the back of him being here. Once he's gone, and someone like Pardew comes through, that's it for me. Back to taking the piss out of our own club I guess. Wonderful.

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It exists under Mike Ashley to give Sports Direct visibility.

It exists because the fans are far too loyal.

It has no objectives. I suspect Mike has figured out how to offset the odd relegation now, so it's not that scary to him. It's just something factored into some spreadsheet.


It exists to exist. Like a tumour

Although 'on message' in here, that seems a bleak take on it. Doubt Sports Direct needs the visibility and I doubt that is a key purpose for Mike Ashley. It is I suspect more about his ego. And NUFC obviously has objectives, again influenced by his ego. He believes in his business model and I can see why he would. Self-made men like him are used to believing in themselves, to being the person in the room with the right ideas. And on one level why wouldn't he/they believe in themselves? If they have been successful against the odds and made obscene amounts of money in the process. Try buying sports gear you want at a reasonable price without using SD or some other company that is a cover for SD. I have, it isn't easy. To me it is more that his objectives: a financially secure business which swallows its own smoke/is economically efficient aren't your primary objectives or mine. And I suspect we both abhor aspects of how he goes about achieving his objectives. All football clubs to some extent have a captive 'customer base' we aren't going to shop elsewhere with our football allegiance. Not sure that is too loyal, it is just the way it is. Football isn't a consumer choice for football fans (any). We are the soul of our respective clubs. Unfortunately the moral conscience of ours is somewhat suspect, and doesn't appear to have really learned anything despite what he comes out with, on occasion.

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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.


I don't think it will be, barring an injury crisis. Admittedly, it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been. But, Saturday showed that there's some s**** in this league that we won't have too much trouble turning over.


West Ham are garbage, agreed. But pretty much everyone around us improved.



Swansea lost their two best players from last season, Palace re-signed last years loan for 26 mill and have done little else, Burnley lost Keane and Gray. Bournmouth have started badly and have an absolutely horrible start to the season which could really f*** with their morale if they don't pick up points. True Swansea and Burnley have signed replacements but I would say both are weaker than last season.


We have a decent team. Not as good as it should be, but while Rafa is here we need to support the team and remind Rafa why he decided to stay. If he leaves then its time to kick off, while he is here I still think we'll be alright. Also the attitude of the players is better than two seasons ago.



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It exists under Mike Ashley to give Sports Direct visibility.

It exists because the fans are far too loyal.

It has no objectives. I suspect Mike has figured out how to offset the odd relegation now, so it's not that scary to him. It's just something factored into some spreadsheet.


It exists to exist. Like a tumour

Although 'on message' in here, that seems a bleak take on it. Doubt Sports Direct needs the visibility and I doubt that is a key purpose for Mike Ashley.


That's literally why he bought the club.  Read what John Hall says about the deal.


During the negotiations with Ashley, Sir John became intrigued as to why a Buckinghamshire billionaire was so keen to buy a North East football club.


The answer? Very little to do with football; it was all about using Newcastle as a vehicle to market his company in East Asia, where United still retain a strong following.


Sir John adds: “I asked Ashley: ‘Why do you want to buy Newcastle?’


“These are the words he said to me: ‘Newcastle United is a brand, and we want to sell our products in the Far East. We think the two to go together. Newcastle United will help us sell our goods in the Far East.’


“He was a visionary at the time in that sense in the fact that football can be used for marketing.”

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I think that's a fair point re the overseas market. Which given the increasing exposure of the Premier League and growth of football in China (for example) doesn't date the rationale. I don't know enough about import/export and relative cost to comment but as I said I doubt that then or now advertising SD is the key purpose for him. If so, why not just sponsor a team (a high performing one)? Doubt it would have been as much hassle and with tax write-off would no doubt have been significantly cheaper than propping us up financially with loans etc.

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10 years of sponsorship at a successful club would run you £100m+ and wouldn't be far off what he paid for the whole shebang.  That sponsorship money is also gone whereas he has reaped the benefits and now still has a valuable asset he can sell.

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True enough, £140m paid is no doubt less than what he would get now. Just don't see it as being 'the reason' either for buying or clinging on through the shit storms he has largely brought upon himself. All the initial bravado and laddishness of rocking up for matches in a toon shirt, just smacked of working class lad made good. Look what I can buy, and look what I can make a success (whoops! He missed that objective) which still seemed a feature of the I won't sell until we win something speech. The following flashback gives an interesting take on the why did he buy a football club question.





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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.


I don't think it will be, barring an injury crisis. Admittedly, it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been. But, Saturday showed that there's some s**** in this league that we won't have too much trouble turning over.


West Ham are garbage, agreed. But pretty much everyone around us improved.



Swansea lost their two best players from last season, Palace re-signed last years loan for 26 mill and have done little else, Burnley lost Keane and Gray. Bournmouth have started badly and have an absolutely horrible start to the season which could really f*** with their morale if they don't pick up points. True Swansea and Burnley have signed replacements but I would say both are weaker than last season.


We have a decent team. Not as good as it should be, but while Rafa is here we need to support the team and remind Rafa why he decided to stay. If he leaves then its time to kick off, while he is here I still think we'll be alright. Also the attitude of the players is better than two seasons ago.




I don't think there's anybody (Crumpy apart) who doesn't agree that we'll support the team while Rafa's here. The reason for the gloomy atmosphere is that it seems that might not be for much longer thanks to the lack of support he's received from the owner.

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I really wish I hadn't renewed my ticket. Said last night that the apathy is getting to the stage is was at when things started to go properly sour with Pardew.


This season is going to be horrible and I properly fear for next season, whether we stay up or not.


I don't think it will be, barring an injury crisis. Admittedly, it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been. But, Saturday showed that there's some s**** in this league that we won't have too much trouble turning over.


West Ham are garbage, agreed. But pretty much everyone around us improved.



Swansea lost their two best players from last season, Palace re-signed last years loan for 26 mill and have done little else, Burnley lost Keane and Gray. Bournmouth have started badly and have an absolutely horrible start to the season which could really f*** with their morale if they don't pick up points. True Swansea and Burnley have signed replacements but I would say both are weaker than last season.


We have a decent team. Not as good as it should be, but while Rafa is here we need to support the team and remind Rafa why he decided to stay. If he leaves then its time to kick off, while he is here I still think we'll be alright. Also the attitude of the players is better than two seasons ago.




I don't think there's anybody (Crumpy apart) who doesn't agree that we'll support the team while Rafa's here. The reason for the gloomy atmosphere is that it seems that might not be for much longer thanks to the lack of support he's received from the owner.

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True enough, £140m paid is no doubt less than what he would get now. Just don't see it as being 'the reason' either for buying or clinging on through the shit storms he has largely brought upon himself. All the initial bravado and laddishness of rocking up for matches in a toon shirt, just smacked of working class lad made good. Look what I can buy, and look what I can make a success (whoops! He missed that objective) which still seemed a feature of the I won't sell until we win something speech. The following flashback gives an interesting take on the why did he buy a football club question.







Despite Sir John Hall explicitly stating so?


God knows why he turned up in a toon top, probably to get gullible fans onside. As soon as that went sour though he's been on a mission to destroy any enjoyment or hope for us as a fanbase, the mans vindictive as fuck and has it in for us big time.


Also it is a success as far as Ashleys concerned, how can you not see that? It is all about advertising Sports Direct, he doesn't give a fuck about sporting success (apart from ensuring we don't get to enjoy any of it, hence this Barnes bloke being brought in to actively work against our manager).

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