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Pardew Gone, Curbishley In (3pm press conference)

Crumpy Gunt

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Wenger's on his way round there now to dance outside his house and punch the air a lot.




You can just see it.


Or sends him a cheeky text


'Iceberg dead ahead...Oops too late'


followed up by


'Just nipping down the shops, can i get you anything from Iceland, like a P45?'

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Wonder what odds Harry Redknapp is at and if he'd leave pompy for a return?


His beef was with the old board wasn't it? Money to spend, he could eventually bring back Glen Johnson, Defoe and a few others if he returned.



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Wonder what odds Harry Redknapp is at and if he'd leave pompy for a return?


His beef was with the old board wasn't it? Money to spend, he could eventually bring back Glen Johnson, Defoe and a few others if he returned.




I reckon Harry'll stay put.  He's settled on the south coast now - he has a big house there.

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A shame for West Ham, they should never had taken those 2 ugly argentinians, their ambitions are way ahead of what the team is capable of, though a 18th spot ain't good enough, but i'm sure Pardew would have got a decent position at the end of the season.

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A shame for West Ham, they should never had taken those 2 ugly argentinians, their ambitions are way ahead of what the team is capable of, though a 18th spot ain't good enough, but i'm sure Pardew would have got a decent position at the end of the season.


I think it's time they stopped blaming the Argies, isn't it?

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A shame for West Ham, they should never had taken those 2 ugly argentinians, their ambitions are way ahead of what the team is capable of, though a 18th spot ain't good enough, but i'm sure Pardew would have got a decent position at the end of the season.


I think it's time they stopped blaming the Argies, isn't it?



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A shame for West Ham, they should never had taken those 2 ugly argentinians, their ambitions are way ahead of what the team is capable of, though a 18th spot ain't good enough, but i'm sure Pardew would have got a decent position at the end of the season.


I think it's time they stopped blaming the Argies, isn't it?


Spot on. One has been their best player in recent weeks, the other isn't even getting a game.

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A shame for West Ham, they should never had taken those 2 ugly argentinians, their ambitions are way ahead of what the team is capable of, though a 18th spot ain't good enough, but i'm sure Pardew would have got a decent position at the end of the season.


I think it's time they stopped blaming the Argies, isn't it?




West Ham's problem has never been the Argies. When they played Everton on TV the other week Tevez was their best player by a million miles (Granted Mascherano was shite), but Zamora, Etherington, Konchesky, Reo Coker et al were totally inneffective. These players just aren't good enough to coast through games, they need to be running their balls off if they want to do anything and it seems to me their effort levels are way down on last season. Classic case of getting caught up in the hype? I can't believe they would stop trying just because a couple of players signed. The players are the ones responsible for their position IMO. Then again, maybe they just got found out, some of them are pretty limited.

Pardew has caused his own problems too...I'm a firm believer that if results aren't going right, you should be getting your best players on the pitch, and he keeps on picking Bobby Zamora (shite isn't the word) just cos he got a few lucky goals in the first few games? Should have been picking Tevez more I think.


That said I'm glad he's gone. He really rubs me up the wrong way. I don't understand how someone who has achieved so little can act like such a billy big bollox.

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Guest Terry2nil

Things are changing around here Crumpy. I'm running the show now. I've already closed down BI.


Squirter is up to his old tricks again. Could have won it for his club on the weekend, but got excited and shot early and off target. Same problems at home I heard.


Where are the others?






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Things are changing around here Crumpy. I'm running the show now. I've already closed down BI.


Squirter is up to his old tricks again. Could have won it for his club on the weekend, but got excited and shot early and off target. Same problems at home I heard.


Where are the others?




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Guest Knightrider

Shocking treatment of a man who was left a club financially in the red, relegated, who was forced to sell his best players and who took them up, finished in the top 10 playing great football in his debut season as a Premiership manager, and the FA Cup Final which they were unlucky to lose. He's left them a fine squad with a mixed bag of good players, young and experienced too and a base to build on. Their second season was always going to be tough and really, they punched well above their weight last season so it should have been expected. I don't think they were in danger of going down either and getting in Curbishley is like for like if you ask me. Pardew was building at West Ham and its madness to boot him out not even halfway through the building process, especially given what he has achieved there already in a short time. Pardew is arguably the best up and coming manager and I'm sure he'll bounce back and go on to become a good manager. I'd have him over Roeder that's for sure and it will be interesting to see what club he goes to, now. I hope he gets a Premiership job as he's a manager this league needs, someone who gives youth a chance, British a chance no less, and who plays the game in the right way. Good luck to him, I like the bloke and rate him as a manager.

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I never liked his holier than thou attitude and his whole West Ham history carry on in all of his interviews,having said that,he has left them in a far better position than what Roeder left them in and due to circumstances which i believe to be beyond his control,his side are in freefall.The Argies signing was very fishy and just when he'd sorted that issue out by dropping them,a takeover took place,whence the new chairman,i assume wanted to see Tevez playing as he has started all games since Magnusson took over i believe,and west Hams results have since gone tits up.I do believe Pardew will come back and be a good manager again though.I imagine if he managed us,we'd love him,as he seems to be a 100% committed bloke to his club.

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Guest GeordieDirk

While I don't think it's directly the fault of Messrs Carlos and Javier I do think they probably would've been better of without them. The whole thing with the private ownership and the fact that Tevez's arrival would enevitably piss all over the chips of Zamora, Harewood and the other strikers can't have helped.


Anyway, I'm glad to see the back of Pardew. Never liked him, and I hope his arrival drags West ham further into the shite quite frankly.

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Guest sittingontheball

We've had a few 'ammer WUMs on here having a go at Roeder in the past, so it's great to see their dear leader get the boot first for putting them in the bottom three.  Oh, the irony.


Mr. Pardew didn't do a bad job and is probably unlucky to go.  Cup Final and UEFA Cup ffs.  He's a bit of an arrogant cock though, and is not getting my sympathy.

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We've had a few 'ammer WUMs on here having a go at Roeder in the past, so it's great to see their dear leader get the boot first for putting them in the bottom three.  Oh, the irony.


Mr. Pardew didn't do a bad job and is probably unlucky to go.  Cup Final and UEFA Cup ffs.  He's a bit of an arrogant cock though, and is not getting my sympathy.


With a problem of keeping it in his pants if rumours regarding his secretary, a director's wife and a number of others are to be believed.

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Guest Ridzuan

Its a pity but its not very much of a surprise news for me.I think he did OK during his time with West Ham,guide them to qualify for the UEFA cup,and to the final of FA Cup which is not bad.It is only this season that their performance is awful and I can understand why the board decided to sack him.I still think they will struggle until January.

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We've had a few 'ammer WUMs on here having a go at Roeder in the past, so it's great to see their dear leader get the boot first for putting them in the bottom three.  Oh, the irony.


Mr. Pardew didn't do a bad job and is probably unlucky to go.  Cup Final and UEFA Cup ffs.  He's a bit of an arrogant cock though, and is not getting my sympathy.


Souness did a better job with Blackburn yet they were still the better for letting him leave.

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He has lost his way this season, whether it be the Argie thing or teams giving them proper attention after last year. The board had to act and have made a  strong descsion and they will get a v good manager imo if they get Curbs. Lot of the players there started had started beleiving their own hype.

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I saw a bit of the Bolton game and West Ham were terrible. No spirit, no energy, nothing. Something has gone wrong behind the scenes, and I think they were right to make a change - unlike Charlton, who I think should have stuck with Dowie.

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I saw a bit of the Bolton game and West Ham were terrible. No spirit, no energy, nothing. Something has gone wrong behind the scenes, and I think they were right to make a change - unlike Charlton, who I think should have stuck with Dowie.




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I saw a bit of the Bolton game and West Ham were terrible. No spirit, no energy, nothing. Something has gone wrong behind the scenes, and I think they were right to make a change - unlike Charlton, who I think should have stuck with Dowie.


I think it's more a case of players like Gabbidon, Ferdinand, Reo Coker, Benayoun, Mullins, Etherington, Zamora & Harewood being no more than one-season wonders. It's bad enough if it was just 2 or 3 under-performing, but I think they've been found out this season, and those players are not good enough to do anything about it.

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