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Semi-finals: France 1-0 Belgium (FT)


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Still can't believe we're in a World Cup semi. We're England and stuff like this isn't supposed to happen!


Not looking forward to that pointless 3rd/4th place playoff game if we lose.

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I think Lingard has been shite tbh, for all the Sterling criticism he hasn't mis controlled easy passes, over hit passes and consistently ignoring open passes to shoot against 3 defenders as often as Lingard has.


Although he is very important to how we play but his decision making has been poor IMO. With that said i think it's mad to change anything really tbh.

Whoa, didn't expect this. Lingard has been superb imo.


Agreed, and I didn’t really rate him before this.


Was surrounded by people shouting abuse at sterling yesterday, although the same people claimed that Dier was more important to England.

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France are the best side, like.  Rooting for them now that Serbia and Colombia are out.


Tough to say - France have the better players but, against Brazil at least, Belgium were the playing the best football. Either way, the winner is coming from this semi-final.


Belgium were outplayed by Brazil for 45minutes. Despite having the game right where they wanted. France should win this, but Belgium has the individual quality to surprise them. Still, unless they get an early fluke goal I think France will beat them by two goals or so. France looks more solid than I imagined before the tournament and it’s a golden chance for them to win it all. Even if I think and hope you lot will  somehow win it.



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And have a team, whose performances in the competition has been largely average or against shit/average opposition, become world champion? (Unless they play well in the SF and final.)


Nah, would rather see Belgium win it.

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Dinho, what have you eaten to be so negative. We just won a World Cup quarter final at a canter, and all you're doing is moaning about being "average" and the way people are enjoying themselves. :lol:


Unless you're being a WUM on purpose.

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And have a team, whose performances in the competition has been largely average or against shit/average opposition, become world champion? (Unless they play well in the SF and final.)


Nah, would rather see Belgium win it.

Meh, I don't particularly like either France or Belgium and I think Croatia or England would get more enjoyment out of winning it
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Dinho you are English arn't you? If not then it all makes sense.


No, I'm not. But I'm not having you implying that I have a problem against England. I simply don't agree with people like G.Neville - who is over exaggerating the the performances of this team (who frankly are not looking like worthy world champions right now) by describing the performance against Colombia as 'perfect'. :lol: (Up until the equaliser)

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France are the best side, like.  Rooting for them now that Serbia and Colombia are out.


Tough to say - France have the better players but, against Brazil at least, Belgium were the playing the best football. Either way, the winner is coming from this semi-final.


Belgium were outplayed by Brazil for 45minutes. Despite having the game right where they wanted. France should win this, but Belgium has the individual quality to surprise them. Still, unless they get an early fluke goal I think France will beat them by two goals or so. France looks more solid than I imagined before the tournament and it’s a golden chance for them to win it all. Even if I think and hope you lot will  somehow win it.


That's a very bold claim.


And my lot went out with a single point. I'm since all in on Belgium. (Not that I care, but that's who I'm cheering for).

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France are the best side, like.  Rooting for them now that Serbia and Colombia are out.


Tough to say - France have the better players but, against Brazil at least, Belgium were the playing the best football. Either way, the winner is coming from this semi-final.


Belgium were outplayed by Brazil for 45minutes. Despite having the game right where they wanted. France should win this, but Belgium has the individual quality to surprise them. Still, unless they get an early fluke goal I think France will beat them by two goals or so. France looks more solid than I imagined before the tournament and it’s a golden chance for them to win it all. Even if I think and hope you lot will  somehow win it.


That's a very bold claim.


And my lot went out with a single point. I'm since all in on Belgium. (Not that I care, but that's who I'm cheering for).


It’s not a bold claim at all for anyone that watched the game. We battered Belgium in the second half, and could’ve scored 6-7and should’ve been awarded a oenalty as well. For a team that went up 2-0 and played on the counter they onöy created two good chances in 90minutes. De Bruyne when he scored and Hazards shot outside. Belgians were in disbelief after the game. Were all thanking Courtois for surviving it. That being said, Belgium has the individual talent to beat anyone but do think France are far more solid and that’s what is going to matter. I think it’s wide open and while I see France as the favorites I really hope England wins it all. England deserves it for multiple reasons, one they invented the game, two they are passionate about the sport and finally three they’ve got a team that will do everything to win.


Sorry, but meant the ”you lot” to the forum in general. :) What is your team?

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Amazing feeling to be in Semi-final from Croatian perspective and to also play England in such big game!!


Good luck to England but I hope we get through ;)


Croatia-Belgium final would be strange but very interesting

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