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Guest chopey

When he came I thought he was just an incompetent buffoon that was truthfully blinded by the desire to become the manager of his home town club, hes a fuckin psychopath that actually thinks he has better football knowledge than a bloke that sacrifices his entire life to coach people the art of football.

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Guest chopey

“I’m not going to be anybody’s ‘yes’ man,” Bruce said. “I’m too long in the tooth for that. I’ve heard it said that I’m a puppet but I’m not Mike Ashley’s bagman or anything else. I’m my own man. All I ask is to be given a chance. Whoever was sitting here would find it difficult, Rafa had quite phenomenal, unbelievable support from the fans, and they are big shoes to fill. But let me have a crack.”



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When he came I thought he was just an incompetent buffoon that was truthfully blinded by the desire to become the manager of his home town club, hes a fuckin psychopath that actually thinks he has better football knowledge than a bloke that sacrifices his entire life to coach people the art of football.


You were right the first time. If he actually was a psychopath who thought he had better knowledge, he would stick to his psychopathic beliefs like a zealot. He wouldn't panic like a frightened mouse and ask the players to follow the previous manager's instructions.

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Guest neesy111

For someone who's achieved a lot (relatively speaking in terms to the common person), he's so fucking insecure as a person it's staggering. 

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They are just the same. Old has beens that relies on individual quality of players and team spirit to achieve mediocracy. The moment anything is needed from themselves it all comes crashing down. They don't understand the modern game, don't try to evolve and do the stuff that they learnt/saw their managers do as players.


Personally I hope it continues. We can't risk a new manager that might rescue us to maintain the status quo. We need to go down with Bruce, and hopefully he gets the opportunity to try and take us back up as he hasn't got what it takes to do so imo.

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He's just playing the game. He's probably made lots of friends whilst actually paying and he knows they'll (as pundits of a similar age) never really go to town on him or his record. They'll placate the criticism, offer excuses or just plainly ignore his massive deficiencies.


If he can just bluff it for long enough then he'll get a huge payout. Last as long as you can by deflecting criticism and laying the blame somewhere else. See out 9 months? Brilliant. 10? Even better, keep them at bay and keep me in a job. Keep the money coming in, keep on churning out the tired clichés to keep themselves in a job they're not equipped to do. Once the sack inevitably arrives then they'll lie low a while and the cycle starts again.


He's shit, he knows he is and he's now just hanging on as long as he can. He's already scrambling and clutching at any defence. He's done 3 months and he looks fucked. Fully expect him to continue to avoid responsibility as long as he can. The bloke is a complete fraud and a parasite. He'll be here for as long as his host will tolerate him before he shakes him off like a flea.

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He's just playing the game. He's probably made lots of friends whilst actually paying and he knows they'll (as pundits of a similar age) never really go to town on him or his record. They'll placate the criticism, offer excuses or just plainly ignore his massive deficiencies.


If he can just bluff it for long enough then he'll get a huge payout. Last as long as you can by deflecting criticism and laying the blame somewhere else. See out 9 months? Brilliant. 10? Even better, keep them at bay and keep me in a job. Keep the money coming in, keep on churning out the tired clichés to keep themselves in a job they're not equipped to do. Once the sack inevitably arrives then they'll lie low a while and the cycle starts again.


He's s***, he knows he is and he's now just hanging on as long as he can. He's already scrambling and clutching at any defence. He's done 3 months and he looks f***ed. Fully expect him to continue to avoid responsibility as long as he can. The bloke is a complete fraud and a parasite. He'll be here for as long as his host will tolerate him before he shakes him off like a flea.


Again, spot on.

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He's just playing the game. He's probably made lots of friends whilst actually paying and he knows they'll (as pundits of a similar age) never really go to town on him or his record. They'll placate the criticism, offer excuses or just plainly ignore his massive deficiencies.


If he can just bluff it for long enough then he'll get a huge payout. Last as long as you can by deflecting criticism and laying the blame somewhere else. See out 9 months? Brilliant. 10? Even better, keep them at bay and keep me in a job. Keep the money coming in, keep on churning out the tired clichés to keep themselves in a job they're not equipped to do. Once the sack inevitably arrives then they'll lie low a while and the cycle starts again.


He's shit, he knows he is and he's now just hanging on as long as he can. He's already scrambling and clutching at any defence. He's done 3 months and he looks fucked. Fully expect him to continue to avoid responsibility as long as he can. The bloke is a complete fraud and a parasite. He'll be here for as long as his host will tolerate him before he shakes him off like a flea.


And everyone could see it coming and can see it happening apart from the morons in charge and the idiots who pay his wages. They’ll be loving how often he has a pop at the evil Spaniard too, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an extra quid in his wages if he namechecks him.

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I don't really subscribe to this "dinosaur" and "out-dated methods" stuff. There are just good managers and shite managers. Robson and Ferguson could manage forever without changing it up.


Most of your merry-go-round managers aren't just that bright in my opinion. You just have to listen to Souness or or Allardyce or Moyes to know they're a bit thick. They also look embarrassed to be themselves a lot of the time.

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Guest neesy111

Honestly thought going from Robson to souness was the worst appointment ever. 


This has blown it, going Rafa to this cabbage.

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