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35 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:

I "liked" Heyzues' first effort, then the next, then the next. Then it dawned on me, perhaps too late, that this was going to go on and on and on. And it did. 

Went back and "unlike" 2 of them 😂

Tbf, not sure why 🤔😳😂


Was reminded of a Paul Calf skit about hearing one morning, on the radio, that "some poor fucker had died" 

The news was repeated an hour later

"Aw that's sad, that" 

Repeated again an hour later 

"shame that" 

And again an hour later


Hour later

"fuck off man, who cares" 


Or something along those lines 😂




Fuck off ye boring bastard

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3 hours ago, Groundhog63 said:

I "liked" Heyzues' first effort, then the next, then the next. Then it dawned on me, perhaps too late, that this was going to go on and on and on. And it did. 

Went back and "unlike" 2 of them 😂

Tbf, not sure why 🤔😳😂


Was reminded of a Paul Calf skit about hearing one morning, on the radio, that "some poor fucker had died" 

The news was repeated an hour later

"Aw that's sad, that" 

Repeated again an hour later 

"shame that" 

And again an hour later


Hour later

"fuck off man, who cares" 


Or something along those lines 😂




Loved that Coogan character but those posts reminded me more of Monty Python’s “Election special”.

”Kevin Philips BONG.”

Slightly silly. 
classic. 😁

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On 08/07/2024 at 20:16, RodneyCisse said:

Fucking didn’t realise how small time they were until I saw they’re playing PNE in the first round of the carabao cup in August.

They played Crewe in the Carabao cup first round last August, opened one stand for the occasion and got beat but the most small-timedness thing of all as you remind me was that it all passed unnoticed, just another one of many horrific cup attendances and a meh result, not even an occasion that would live long in the memory of Crewe players and fans.

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1 hour ago, Terrymac1966 said:

Oh the irony 🤣



Wait, and me and my family of gravy stained mags have been spending actual money on tickets?


Copium will be hitting hard right now considering the ladies is probably the crown jewel of that shit show of a club, and their academy tbf.



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1 hour ago, NE27 said:


Wait, and me and my family of gravy stained mags have been spending actual money on tickets?


Copium will be hitting hard right now considering the ladies is probably the crown jewel of that shit show of a club, and their academy tbf.



The way they have went in with our new goalie since she signed is laughable. Now she is fat, poor agility, taking blood money and only won championship player of the year due to them. Oh and their new keeper is far better. The takeover has broken them, first the men's team have left them miles behind and now the women's team are on course to do the same. They can't even give tickets away as the fuckers don't turn up and they then have to widely exaggerate the gates, which are more than 5,000 (midweek 20,000) down on the actual attendances they announce. 

I keep saying this but the year they go on about with Ashley, the average crowd to that point was over 46,000. An average which they have only surpassed (just) 3 times in their entire history

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7 minutes ago, BGRM said:

Saudi's are selling up apparently

They have been selling up since day one according to them daft fuckers. Totally broken they are and not surprised since they will be stinking out the Championship for years to come. Wait until the real reason comes out for AS going and they will be crying into their faux outrage shite again

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I'm honestly not sure how they can't grasp why staveley has likely been bought out of the club.


I mean, it was literally explained from the very start (by staveley and ghodoussi themselves no less [emoji38]) that this would come to be.


Not sure it's can't grasp, and more copium that something may stop us pulling further and further away, I do get that tbh.

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