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Sell Given ?

Benwell Lad

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No No and no IMO. Shay is a world class keeper and to sell him would be madness tbh. Granted he may decide to leave to go what he may class as a bigger club more likely of winning silverware but I for one would be gutted to see him go.







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Guest thompers

No No and no IMO. Shay is a world class keeper and to sell him would be madness tbh. Granted he may decide to leave to go what he may class as a bigger club more likely of winning silverware but I for one would be gutted to see him go.








Yes, I am here to wind up the thickos that give our club the reputation it has among other fans. When I was talking to my Man Utd supporting work friend yesterday about the result on New Years Day he said "Gonna win the league now are yas?"


Because thats how others view us, because we have a large section that think Given is world class, that Roeder is mint, that Shola is the new Shearer and we'll be challenging for trophies next season.


Get fucking real man. He's a good shot stopper (at times) and doesn't make many howlers. He's a midget,  has fuck all aerial ability, and he has no command of the defence, which is surely one of the contributing factors as to why its shit.


Now I like Given, but the whole "he's world class I wudnt sell im for 50 million punnnds maaan" crack and other shit that some of our fans come out with is just plain cringeworthy.

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Guest thompers

I wouldn't sell him purely because I don't think we could get better. Doesn't make me a sheep thompers.


Didn't say it did, did i?

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Guest thompers

No. You implied someone else was because they wouldn't sell him either.


No I implied someone else was because they said he was world class.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

I don't think he'll put himself up for sale. I think he'll leave the club with the most appearances ever.

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Guest Smudger

I wouldn't sell him either. I'm not a sheep.


No you seem to be intent on winding people up for having an opinion that differs from yours. I would call you something else but I would rather not get banned. ;)

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No No and no IMO. Shay is a world class keeper and to sell him would be madness tbh. Granted he may decide to leave to go what he may class as a bigger club more likely of winning silverware but I for one would be gutted to see him go.








Yes, I am here to wind up the thickos that give our club the reputation it has among other fans. When I was talking to my Man Utd supporting work friend yesterday about the result on New Years Day he said "Gonna win the league now are yas?"


Because thats how others view us, because we have a large section that think Given is world class, that Roeder is mint, that Shola is the new Shearer and we'll be challenging for trophies next season.


Get f***ing real man. He's a good shot stopper (at times) and doesn't make many howlers. He's a midget,  has F*** all aerial ability, and he has no command of the defence, which is surely one of the contributing factors as to why its shit.


Now I like Given, but the whole "he's world class I wudnt sell im for 50 million punnnds maaan" crack and other shit that some of our fans come out with is just plain cringeworthy.


Just fuck off with that bullshit. I have seen no one call Roeder world class, or label shola as the new shearer (well bar shola himself) and we won't be anywhere near a trophy for the next 5 years under the current set up unless we get a very easy passage to the final or by some luck we win a cup by default. I'd love this team to surprise me but it just aint good enough.




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My prioritys for a keeper are 1st - saves, 2nd command and control of the box, 3rd - distribution and 4th - saving penalties.


Given's shit-hot at no.1, could do better with no.2 & just plain shite at no.3, and well tbh, for no.4 penalty savings just a bonus anyway.


I'm still happier with him between the sticks than Harper, and Krul's had only one game, was a canny one though, and is just a kid in keepers terms so isn't really an option as our first-choice yet.


Keep him.

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Thompers, I've been looking for a while and I still haven't found your brain.


If there's one thing supporters of other clubs recognize it's that Given is World Class. In fact, the only people I've ever seen to shite him seems to be a small overly cynical segment of our own support.


Given is quite literally second to none in shot-stopping. That can't be argued. Even ignoring all other aspects of his game, he is quite possibly the best in the world in the most important part of goalkeeping. That alone should mark him as a quality keeper.


On top of that, I have no idea where this drivel about his box command and aerial ability being shite are coming from. Yes, he's not as good at those as he is at shot stopping, but in all my years of watching him play I have never seen any sort of conclusive evidence to tell me that his defense of the box or aerial ability is any less than that of a decent Premiership keeper. It also bears mention that the quality of the defense is probably one of the reasons that Shay looks less dominant in the box than he should. It's a lot easier to control the box with Thuram and Cannavaro than it is with Bramble and Boumsong.


The only reason he keeps getting unduly attacked in these areas is because a. His godly shot-stopping ability makes them seem bad in comparison and b. Cynics will dig hard for ANYTHING to slag off a decent player with. For me, Shay's only weakness is that his distribution is admittedly utter shite. But I can live with this, to discard him for this weakness would be like writing off Henry because he can't score headers.


I'm a realist. I know we're mid table, I know a lot of our players are shite, I know that Ameobi should probably be shipped off to the Championship ASAP.


But, being a realist, the one fact that I can acknowledge without a doubt is that Shay Given is World Class.

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Thompers, I've been looking for a while and I still haven't found your brain.


If there's one thing supporters of other clubs recognize it's that Given is World Class. In fact, the only people I've ever seen to shite him seems to be a small overly cynical segment of our own support.


Given is quite literally second to none in shot-stopping. That can't be argued. Even ignoring all other aspects of his game, he is quite possibly the best in the world in the most important part of goalkeeping. That alone should mark him as a quality keeper.


On top of that, I have no idea where this drivel about his box command and aerial ability being shite are coming from. Yes, he's not as good at those as he is at shot stopping, but in all my years of watching him play I have never seen any sort of conclusive evidence to tell me that his defense of the box or aerial ability is any less than that of a decent Premiership keeper. It also bears mention that the quality of the defense is probably one of the reasons that Shay looks less dominant in the box than he should. It's a lot easier to control the box with Thuram and Cannavaro than it is with Bramble and Boumsong.


The only reason he keeps getting unduly attacked in these areas is because a. His godly shot-stopping ability makes them seem bad in comparison and b. Cynics will dig hard for ANYTHING to slag off a decent player with. For me, Shay's only weakness is that his distribution is admittedly utter shite. But I can live with this, to discard him for this weakness would be like writing off Henry because he can't score headers.


I'm a realist. I know we're mid table, I know a lot of our players are shite, I know that Ameobi should probably be shipped off to the Championship ASAP.


But, being a realist, the one fact that I can acknowledge without a doubt is that Shay Given is World Class.


Can you link me to another clubs messageboard which refers to Given as world class?

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Can't believe some people seriously want to sell him. I hope they're on the wind-up.


If they are being 100% serious then the numb cunts need their heads looking at imo.... :roll: :roll:

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Can't believe some people seriously want to sell him. I hope they're on the wind-up.


If they are being 100% serious then the numb C***s need their heads looking at imo.... :roll: :roll:


In their defence, some people thought Souness should get more time, that Faye was an acceptable player, and that Ameobi is good enough for a first team start.


Care in the community has a lot to answer for.

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No offence but that's a crazy suggestion.


You should always aim to keep your best players and strengthen the weak areas of the team. We should be building a team around players like Given, not selling them. Tim Krul has only played one game for Newcastle, you're suggesting we gamble a lot on the success of an untried kid when we already have one of the best goalkeepers in the league if not the world.


If money is tight then we have to be more creative in the transfer market and sell the expendable players. We will not move forward selling top class first team players, espescially not Given when you consider that goalkeepers generally don't go for as much money as, say, strikers. If we did get really desperate for cash and simply had to sell than I'd rather sell Owen than Given because he'd bring us a lot more money.

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