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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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"Expert" - "If it's not a foul he's got to book him for a dive"


No, he doesn't, fatchops. The laws of physics apply to football as well. Gravity, momentum, action and reaction, they really exist. You should have paid afuckingttention at school you overpaid hasbeen. Yes, I'm looking at every single one of you. From my leaky fucking shed.


TANJ. :(

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The transfer window. Not the basic concept - which I actually agree with - but all the bullshit we're fed in the run-up and during January. Tonight has been crazy on here, yet it's not even Dec 31st yet (where I am, anyway).


Are your lot going to hook up a bulldog to generator and stick it out of a car window to replace arry this window?

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Pilko has just alluded to it in another thread, but the amount of conversations I find myself having to pander to in the real world with people who take every piece of transfer news they read or see as gospel, it's just starting to pick up again and it's fucking tedious.


It's the same with "x player played well at the weekend didn't he?"... "[i don't know mate, I didn't watch the game, neither did you, you just saw him score a goal on MOTD] Aye, he looks a player, apparently Barcelona are after him..."

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I like Wengers coat cos it's so completely ridiculous


Me too. Its brilliant. So much entertainment has been weaned out of his choice of coats already, can't see how you could dislike the things.

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Get yerselves prepared for the annual Ronnie Radford / Ricky George wankfest tomorrow.


Ah, man. I'd forgotten about that. Again. They won't though. Football Focus clashes anyway - do ITV have the rights too? Fuckers would probably pay a premium to get them, like.


You're quite well located to remember the last time a non-League team beat a top division team, don't think I've clapped eyes on that since 1989 :lol: They won the fucking thing 18 months earlier too. It's quite hard to convince myself the media don't have an agenda sometimes. I doubt if anyone on here remembers Tony Rains and Matthew Hanlan, and I'm sure there is no annual Wank Holiday over them.


Fucking 41 years and they will not let it go. What a shower of shits.


:lol: I'm getting angry in advance now.

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Get yerselves prepared for the annual Ronnie Radford / Ricky George wankfest tomorrow.


Ah, man. I'd forgotten about that. Again. They won't though. Football Focus clashes anyway - do ITV have the rights too? Fuckers would probably pay a premium to get them, like.


You're quite well located to remember the last time a non-League team beat a top division team, don't think I've clapped eyes on that since 1989 :lol: They won the f***ing thing 18 months earlier too. It's quite hard to convince myself the media don't have an agenda sometimes. I doubt if anyone on here remembers Tony Rains and Matthew Hanlan, and I'm sure there is no annual w*** Holiday over them.


f***ing 41 years and they will not let it go. What a shower of shits.


:lol: I'm getting angry in advance now.


:lol: While I get where you're coming from, I think you're just very unlucky. It really isn't that it's Newcastle Utd, it's that the Ronnie Radford goal is one of the best, most evocative pieces of football film ever. It has always sent goosebumps down my spine from when I was young - and when I was young, Newcastle Utd weren't even on my radar. I couldn't have given a monkeys who it was against, just that it was all amazing.

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Get yerselves prepared for the annual Ronnie Radford / Ricky George wankfest tomorrow.


Ah, man. I'd forgotten about that. Again. They won't though. Football Focus clashes anyway - do ITV have the rights too? Fuckers would probably pay a premium to get them, like.


You're quite well located to remember the last time a non-League team beat a top division team, don't think I've clapped eyes on that since 1989 :lol: They won the f***ing thing 18 months earlier too. It's quite hard to convince myself the media don't have an agenda sometimes. I doubt if anyone on here remembers Tony Rains and Matthew Hanlan, and I'm sure there is no annual w*** Holiday over them.


f***ing 41 years and they will not let it go. What a shower of shits.


:lol: I'm getting angry in advance now.


:lol: While I get where you're coming from, I think you're just very unlucky. It really isn't that it's Newcastle Utd, it's that the Ronnie Radford goal is one of the best, most evocative pieces of football film ever. It has always sent goosebumps down my spine from when I was young - and when I was young, Newcastle Utd weren't even on my radar. I couldn't have given a monkeys who it was against, just that it was all amazing.


It feels like it is, particularly when people say it is :( Do Spurs fans have a similar one they're sick of seeing and gets brought up every year for 40 fucking years in every montage in every round of the competition and will do forever? The only thing I can think of which would be anything like it would be Geoff Hurst's "over the line?" goal against West Germany in 1966 - if you're a German in this country - but even then it would only be every day for a month every four years. :lol: Would still piss me off like, but it doesn't take much, as you can tell.


Football, man.

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I really like that time Spurs played Man City in the FA Cup. :p


But they won. Ricky Villa's mazy run and all that. If that was us it'd be my screensaver/wallpaper/ringtone/gravestone. Sigh. :( This isn't helping.

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Get yerselves prepared for the annual Ronnie Radford / Ricky George wankfest tomorrow.


Not that they need it. They've got enough from two of our recent FA Cup ties (Stevenage and Brighton) :lol:

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I really like that time Spurs played Man City in the FA Cup. :p


But they won. Ricky Villa's mazy run and all that. If that was us it'd be my screensaver/wallpaper/ringtone/gravestone. Sigh. :( This isn't helping.


I meant the one a couple of years ago when they were 3-0 up and lost 4-3. I don't even mind Spurs and I'm tired of the Ricky Villa goal. It's not even that good.


Fwiw, I also don't think the Carlos Alberto goal from the 1970 WC Final is that good either, walking pace all the way. Heresy, I know.

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I really like that time Spurs played Man City in the FA Cup. :p


But they won. Ricky Villa's mazy run and all that. If that was us it'd be my screensaver/wallpaper/ringtone/gravestone. Sigh. :( This isn't helping.


I meant the one a couple of years ago when they were 3-0 up and lost 4-3. I don't even mind Spurs and I'm tired of the Ricky Villa goal. It's not even that good.


Fwiw, I also don't think the Carlos Alberto goal from the 1970 WC Final is that good either, walking pace all the way. Heresy, I know.


Ah, right. My head was in the long distant past, sorry.


Re Carlos Alberto, I am led to believe it was scorchio and humidio in Mexico at the time, hence the disappointingly slow build-up. Bloody slackers.

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