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Martin Lol

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Now that talk of a takeover from Belgravia has (for the time being) died down, how do people feel about it?  Glad Newcastle is still in (relatively) safe hands with FFS or disappointed it was an opportunity gone?  There's obvious benefits with new money coming in, but there's also additional risks.


The reason I ask is Spurs' share price has doubled in the past year with the majority of the increase being in the last 3 months.  There are again City rumours of Ukrainian interest, last time the share price barely moved with the rumours, but not this time.  Whilst I'm certain that Levy and Enic won't be around for the long haul, I would have preferred American investment from someone with a sports background, like Kroenke, not rumours of an oligarch.  My friends at Chelsea tell me the club has been changed forever, successful it may be, but roughly half would prefer to go back to how it was before.



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What situation? What does it matter who's in charge at the top as long as there's funds for players? Obviously a good manager is important but if we're going to spend say £20m, why does it matter whether it's Belgravia, Shepherd, or whoever that's allowing him to spend it?

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What situation? What does it matter who's in charge at the top as long as there's funds for players? Obviously a good manager is important but if we're going to spend say £20m, why does it matter whether it's Belgravia, Shepherd, or whoever that's allowing him to spend it?


jesus christ

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Good reply. I ask three genuine questions and all you can reply is "jesus christ". Genius.


ok then


firstly we've spent over a decade throwing money at the team and we're worse off now than we were when we started


secondly i have to agree with that lad NE5 in that saying stuff like "what does it matter who's in charge" as long we have money is madness - this fella that's after man city, the thai guy, you'd take him would you as long as he pitched up with 20m?  unless i'm mistaken he's an extremely dodgy politician who may or may not have made his money in less than kosher ways as thai pm....but as long as he rocks up with his 20m for the summer spendfest then he'll do?  come on man


as a general point i honestly think too many people, both within the club and fans, spend too much time worrying about what we don't have rather than what we do....it's always about signing someone to make the team better rather than trying to make the players we've got better or promoting from within


gonna sound like a hippy here but we live in a quick fix society and we're the perfect quick fix club for it really aren't we?  "the last 50m we spent was a total f!ck up?"  the solution?  "throw another 20m and see what happens" 

think about it, man u, arsenal and liverpool are where they are through continuity, it's not very often you see them ripping up their teams is it?  they perform minor surgery but not the constant amputations we seem to continually require....chel$ki are a different animal but as ranieri showed just being able to blow 100m on players guarantees f@ck all unless you know exactly what your intentions are and have a clear idea about how to acheive them, throwing cash scattergun style is worse than not spending it


what are our intentions?  our aims as a team?  how are we gonna acheive them?  i'm fairly sure that whatever they are they won't be achieved with the next 20m


i love the club but this kind of stuuf is dragging me down as much as what i see on the pitch

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Good reply. I ask three genuine questions and all you can reply is "jesus christ". Genius.


ok then


firstly we've spent over a decade throwing money at the team and we're worse off now than we were when we started


Surely down to the management rather than board? What would you sooner happen. Shepherd to limit the spending?

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Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.

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Good reply. I ask three genuine questions and all you can reply is "jesus christ". Genius.


ok then


firstly we've spent over a decade throwing money at the team and we're worse off now than we were when we started


Surely down to the management rather than board? What would you sooner happen. Shepherd to limit the spending?


i hate myself for saying this but the example we should be looking at is middlesbrough


it must have become obvious to gibson that years of following the "boom and bust" strategy of club management were just not working so i'd argue (without inside knowledge) that they're aggresively persuing a strategy of using as much of the academy production line as possible while reducing what they spend in the market (i find it hard to believe that mclaren and southgate just don't bother spending it if it's there)


so i suppose yes i am saying limit spending, maybe it would mean that we go back to values of actually coaching players in rudimentaries such as passing and movement, ball control, defending, tactics, fitness...


when the money flows freely (and i'm not suggesting stopping spending money) there is no incentive for us to change as club, no incentive to look at why our players are always injured, why we rarely turn up in games 'til we're getting beat, why players who have performed at other clubs fall to pieces when they turn up at SJP


again it comes back to aims/goals i suppose - those people who still believe we can REALISTICALLY challenge the top 4 in the near future will only see money as the way forward; those of us like me who think the best we've got to look forward to short-term is uefa cup challenges and possible cup runs see that money isn't the only option


i'll put this as clearly as i can - if you give steve coppell/david moyes, for example, our squad and told them they can spend what they raise and will have 5m to spend outside of that we'd be in the uefa cup at the end of next season guaranteed

our current boss will spend the 20m or whatever he gets then complain 'cause he didn't have enough to buy the next player, then the next player, then the next player....

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Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.


agreed, totally


it doesn't matter of FFS is still in charge as long as the club is run correctly, that's all that matters....


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Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.


agreed, totally


it doesn't matter of FFS is still in charge as long as the club is run correctly, that's all that matters....



And there lies the problem while Porky Boy is still in charge it will never be run properly.

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We shouldn't sell to just anybody who promises us a bit of money, but the game is moving on, more investment is needed to keep up with other clubs, and Shepherd is holding us back.


People talk about the risks of a takeover, but the risks of staying where we are seem far greater.

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Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.


agreed, totally


it doesn't matter of FFS is still in charge as long as the club is run correctly, that's all that matters....



And there lies the problem while Porky Boy is still in charge it will never be run properly.


"Porky Boy" has been chairman for what, 8-9 years now? Are we in any serious trouble? (and don't quote the claptrap from nufcfinances.org or whatever it is because they've been doommongering for years and the club's still there).

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Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.


agreed, totally


it doesn't matter of FFS is still in charge as long as the club is run correctly, that's all that matters....



And there lies the problem while Porky Boy is still in charge it will never be run properly.


"Porky Boy" has been chairman for what, 8-9 years now? Are we in any serious trouble? (and don't quote the claptrap from nufcfinances.org or whatever it is because they've been doommongering for years and the club's still there).


It all comes down to having faith in the current board to employ a top manager which is what we need, after giving the job to both Souness and Roeder not to mention offering it to Steve Bruce just because he's a Geordie I have to say I have no faith in them to do that whatsoever.


Do you?

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Guest Gemmill

Its not just the money though is it.


I'm sure Shepherd will give Glenn £20m to spend or so, but it is unlikely to do any good because of the way the club is structured


What other club has the chairman (alledgedly) picking and choosing which players he will sensibly bid for?


What other club with any ambition of the top 4 look to replace Bobby Robson with Souness then Roeder?


What other club (alledgedly) states openly to managerial cndidates that Shearer will one day take over?


Again it doesn't matter if it is Fred or Belgravia or the Sultan of Brunei who is in charge, if the club contiues tobe run like this we will forever be in a spiral of mid table to top four (through a lucky appointment) back to midtable. And contiue to waste millions on overpaid underperforming chimps.


agreed, totally


it doesn't matter of FFS is still in charge as long as the club is run correctly, that's all that matters....



And there lies the problem while Porky Boy is still in charge it will never be run properly.


"Porky Boy" has been chairman for what, 8-9 years now? Are we in any serious trouble? (and don't quote the claptrap from nufcfinances.org or whatever it is because they've been doommongering for years and the club's still there).


Are you serious?  We are going backwards very fast, and our financial situation is looking fairly precarious.  We will never turn things round as long as Shepherd is in charge of the major decisions as he simply isn't cut out for a job of this size.

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"Porky Boy" has been chairman for what, 8-9 years now? Are we in any serious trouble? (and don't quote the claptrap from nufcfinances.org or whatever it is because they've been doommongering for years and the club's still there).


To be fair to nufcfinances, ours are a bit screwed up at the minute.

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Guest Gemmill

I guess we'll soon see then eh.


Soon see what?  We see on a daily basis that the club is being run by incompetents.  Are you anticipating a sea change this summer or something?

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This club has fallen big time since SBR sacking which was one of the most stupiest things Shepherd did along with appointing Souness and Roeder after that.Under SBR we were top 4 material,we were in the top 20 richest clubs along with Liverpool(the difference at the time was 10-20m,not too sure).

Now 3 years after that we are mid table team,playing shit football,have shit manager and we are about 40-50m behind Liverpool.Thats all because of Shepherd and given the fact that he always gave money to the managers,his mistake was that he gave it to the wrong man(Souness).Now if he give alot of money to Roeder maybe we will be better from this season but again he has proven many times that he is average manager.

I had rather see some change in the board rather then staying with Shepherd.We will never know what will happen if a takeover is going to happen.Shepherd showed us that he is clueless when it comes to appoiting the right manager and i fear that if he sacks Roeder he might appoint Steve Bruce.You might say im talking crazy but the fat pig rates him+he is geordie.

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