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Newcastle and N'Zogbia in dispute

Guest Alan_Shearer

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What happens if Allardyce comes in, asseses N'Zogbia and decides he doesn't like what he is seeing? Does this mean Allardyce is instantly disliked because he is trying to get rip of the superstar?


By saying superstar, you're just creating a straw man to be knocked down.


He's 20 years old ffs, and been treated like something Roeder scraped off his shoe.


EDIT: I didn't read yours first midds. Great minds. :lol:

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He was probably just looking forward to a nice run out on the last day of the season after a difficult campaign for all of us and him personally, only to find Pattison was in ahead of him... he just blew his top. Highly understandable.

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What happens if Allardyce comes in, asseses N'Zogbia and decides he doesn't like what he is seeing? Does this mean Allardyce is instantly disliked because he is trying to get rip of the superstar?


I'd like to think that Allardyce as enough about him to smooth everything over and make the lad feel welcome and appreciated. Can't see why he'd flog him on the back of one act of petulance. 'Arm round the shoulder' time methinks.


Edit: Fools never differ Wullie.  ;)

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If im on the bench instead of player like Pattison i will be pissed off too.

His reaction to the situation is wrong though

Hopefully when Big Sam arrives Zoggy will calm down and start thinking about next season.

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Well he is a bit of a superstar on this forum, he cant have possibly done any wrong in some peoples eyes and because Roeder and Pearson and liked its a whole lot easier to blame them.


I have said before I was told back in December that the team spirit was very good apart from N'Zogbia who thought he was something that little bit special. Seems a bit strange that the one player was picked out. Milner is only 20 years old (well was when he was treated like shit) but he has gone about it the right way and has come out of the season a lot better for it.

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Fair do's you dont really know how it is behind the scenes but imo hes got every right to be pissed off with things this season - arguably our best player last season and hardly gets a look in this season and in the end Pattison is played ahead of him today. Signing Duff to give him some competition wasnt a bad thing as long as Duff was dropped if he was off form for a canny bit, but he was never dropped!

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Well he is a bit of a superstar on this forum, he cant have possibly done any wrong in some peoples eyes and because Roeder and Pearson and liked its a whole lot easier to blame them.


I have said before I was told back in December that the team spirit was very good apart from N'Zogbia who thought he was something that little bit special. Seems a bit strange that the one player was picked out. Milner is only 20 years old (well was when he was treated like shit) but he has gone about it the right way and has come out of the season a lot better for it.


He's got games though. He's also earned his place - N'Zogbia:


a) earned it and then got it taken off him for no reason, while worse/worse performing players kept theirs under no threat


and b) was never given the chance to get it back.

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Guest JamesD

i'm with gejon on this.  If you can't take competition/disappointment, then you shouldn't be in football.  Do you think Martins is fuming that ameobi was played today, and unlike n'zogbia, he wasnt even on the bench? 

I'd love for n'zogbia to do well here, but if he's got this sort of attitude, its not going to happen.


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Well as far as I know he has had attitude problems which has signled him out from everyone else and there must be more reason to Pattison starting him than N'Zogbia being bullied.

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i'm with gejon on this.  If you can't take competition/disappointment, then you shouldn't be in football. 


Not that old chestnut. Shearer? Given? Tevez? I could be here all week.

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there's no dispute.. Pearson will fuck off as he should and there will be a clean start for Zog


Hopefully this will be the case. Zoggy has been hard done by and I still stand by him. Wouldn't have bothered me if he'd thrown the ice water over Roeder or Pisson.

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Guest JamesD

i'm with gejon on this.  If you can't take competition/disappointment, then you shouldn't be in football. 


Not that old chestnut. Shearer? Given? Tevez? I could be here all week.


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Well he is a bit of a superstar on this forum, he cant have possibly done any wrong in some peoples eyes and because Roeder and Pearson and liked its a whole lot easier to blame them.


I have said before I was told back in December that the team spirit was very good apart from N'Zogbia who thought he was something that little bit special. Seems a bit strange that the one player was picked out. Milner is only 20 years old (well was when he was treated like shit) but he has gone about it the right way and has come out of the season a lot better for it.


I'm not privvy to the goings on in the dressing room so I can't comment on what he's like. If he is/was bigging himself up then it's up to the manager to deal with the personality and, basically, manage the situation to ensure the lad calms down and still produces on the park. In my opinion he's not had the benefit of a decent manager and he's been made into a pariah by Roeder.


Spot on about Milner though. Lad deserves a extra large pat on the back after the way he was treated on deadline day.

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Well he is a bit of a superstar on this forum, he cant have possibly done any wrong in some peoples eyes and because Roeder and Pearson and liked its a whole lot easier to blame them.


I have said before I was told back in December that the team spirit was very good apart from N'Zogbia who thought he was something that little bit special. Seems a bit strange that the one player was picked out. Milner is only 20 years old (well was when he was treated like s***) but he has gone about it the right way and has come out of the season a lot better for it.


No, he's not a superstar. Just an obviously talented young player with a lot of potential who a lot of us are pissed off that the club seem intent on getting rid of.


And Milner is only still here because we got horibly lucky last summer and Villa stalled too long and then we couldn't buy Viduka.


He'd have been gone to Villa like a shot the moment we allowed him.

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Guest Toon83

This is exactly the type of attitude that needs to be erradicated from our club, N'Zogbia shouldve taken his place on the bench, like a grown up instead of throwing his toys out of the pram and leaving, lets face it when he has played this season he has been absolute shite, so why should he be in the starting line up, and although Pattison is not premiership class he has been having a good run in the reserves lately so why no give him a reward in a nothing game.


N'Zogbia has a 'superstar' attitude when he has played one good season, i would let him go or sort his attitude out, which Allardyce is good at

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I agree that Roeder has more than likely handled the situation all wrong but I also think its more than likely Charles isnt the innocent party in all of this. Yes players need to be managed but they also need to take some responsibility themselves for the way they act.

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Well as far as I know he has had attitude problems which has signled him out from everyone else and there must be more reason to Pattison starting him than N'Zogbia being bullied.


Why MUST there?


Roeder and his pet gorilla have done everything possible not to pick Charlie since he got back from injury. That's clear to me, every game Duff's been fucked, I've been looking forward to seeing Charlie have a go and he's not got it.


Sibierski, Dyer, Milner, Emre, everyone's been picked ahead of him. If it's because he's been so poor in his 17 minutes of out-of-position sub appearances, why wasn't Dyer out and N'Zogbia in today?


Dyer's been simply awful for a good two months now, and yet N'Zogbia has a poor ten minutes and he's written off.

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I agree that Roeder has more than likely handled the situation all wrong but I also think its more than likely Charles isnt the innocent party in all of this. Yes players need to be managed but they also need to take some responsibility themselves for the way they act.


Couldn't agree more. Zog was bang out of order today and hasn't won any friends as a result of his actions.


However, I can understand why he's at the end of his tether with the club and blew his stack today. If he'd been handled correctly in the first place, we wouldn't even be discussing this now.

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i'm with gejon on this.  If you can't take competition/disappointment, then you shouldn't be in football. 


Not that old chestnut. Shearer? Given? Tevez? I could be here all week.



There's three players who've thrown their toys out the pram because of selection issues.

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I agree that Roeder has more than likely handled the situation all wrong but I also think its more than likely Charles isnt the innocent party in all of this. Yes players need to be managed but they also need to take some responsibility themselves for the way they act.


I agree, but it's all very Bellamy and Souness/Nobby and Robson/Shearer and Gullit, isn't it? We've been down this road before and the only losers are us fans.

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