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New manager .: New skipper?

Guest smoggeordie

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Guest smoggeordie

A lot has been made over the past few weeks that we could well have a change of skipper over the past few weeks. A new man has come in and .: will be trying to find out who his main man is. It's been obvious over the past few months that Parker isn't up to the job. What are your suggestions?


One man I put forward is (the obvious) Butt.


IMO he plays with his heart on his sleeve every game, despite not being the most talented in the world he is still a good passer and combative in the tackle and this season has patrolled the midfield better than anyone. He also seems to ba a) a fans favourite at the moment and b) able to spur youngsters on and put an arm around them when needed.


.: I think Butt should be the new skipper.

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Well Nolan was his skipper at Bolton, and we are supposed to want him and he wouldn't beable to play in the same team as Parker .: I think it is a possibility?

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Guest smoggeordie

Well Nolan was his skipper at Bolton, and we are supposed to want him and he wouldn't be able to play in the same team as Parker .: I think it is a possibility?


Good call.

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I've said for a while that I think Parker will go in the summer, Butt is the obvious choice to replace him as skipper however if Sol Campbell signs then I wouldn't be surprised if he got the armband.

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I doubt Nolan will be our captain next season, even if we do make the mistake of signing him.


Nolan has already said that he won't be leaving Bolton in the summer.


Good news.

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Guest smoggeordie

Nolan has already said that he won't be leaving Bolton in the summer.


"When I woke up this morning I told my wife I loved her. Things change"


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Guest smoggeordie

.: Possibly Campbell?


Possibly, I'd prefer it to be a midfielder though, .: Emre is a possible contender.

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No chance of us getting Nolan tbh. I'd say he is impossible for us to purchase simply because Gartside knows what a blow it would be to Bolton not only to lose both Allardyce and Nolan, but to lose them both to a club who finished 6 places lower than them. It would show a major lack of ambition to move forward and it would seriously affect their attendances and other aspects of the club.


Maybe he'd be available to us in a summer or two but I think at the moment he is off the table.

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.: Possibly Campbell?


Possibly, I'd prefer it to be a midfielder though, .: Emre is a possible contender.

You are kidding me? How on earth can anybody recommend Emre to be captain, he is highly inconsistant and often is non-existant in certain games, not to mention the fact that on several occasions he's lost his head with players or refs and had to be restrained by members of our team.

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Guest smoggeordie

.: Possibly Campbell?


Possibly, I'd prefer it to be a midfielder though, .: Emre is a possible contender.

You are kidding me? How on earth can anybody recommend Emre to be captain, he is highly inconsistant and often is non-existant in certain games, not to mention the fact that on several occasions he's lost his head with players or refs and had to be restrained by members of our team.


Gets stuck in, gives his all, can PASS the ball, played at the highest level, has big asperations, doesn't take defeat lying down, the potential (under a good manager) to be a very good player.


.: a contender.

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A lot has been made over the past few weeks that we could well have a change of skipper over the past few weeks. A new man has come in and .: will be trying to find out who his main man is. It's been obvious over the past few months that Parker isn't up to the job. What are your suggestions?


One man I put forward is (the obvious) Butt.


IMO he plays with his heart on his sleeve every game, despite not being the most talented in the world he is still a good passer and combative in the tackle and this season has patrolled the midfield better than anyone. He also seems to ba a) a fans favourite at the moment and b) able to spur youngsters on and put an arm around them when needed.


.: I think Butt should be the new skipper.


I would agree with Butt if he's playing. Secondly nobby, but again, he may not be a starter


Emre would be one of the last on the list for me.  In fact, i'd rather have no captain.  He simply decides he cant be arsed often when things arent going well.


I heard bolton  won't do us for compensation if we keep off their players.  I think they'd make it v difficult for us to knick any one

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.: Possibly Campbell?


Possibly, I'd prefer it to be a midfielder though, .: Emre is a possible contender.

You are kidding me? How on earth can anybody recommend Emre to be captain, he is highly inconsistant and often is non-existant in certain games, not to mention the fact that on several occasions he's lost his head with players or refs and had to be restrained by members of our team.


Gets stuck in, gives his all, can PASS the ball, played at the highest level, has big asperations, doesn't take defeat lying down, the potential (under a good manager) to be a very good player.


.: a contender.

HIGHLY disagree with the first three. On his day he can do all those things and he can look like a top level europeon player. The only problem is that in every match I have seen him play he will have at least one 20-30 minute spell where he can't pass for shit, will walk around the pitch and won't make a single tackle. A brilliant example of that was Reading at home where for the last 10 minutes of the first half he took his foot of the pedal and in that period Reading scored twice to go in front.


As for get stuck in and gives his all just watch the goals against Sheffield United at SJP or Reading's second goal at SJP and tell me if that is getting stuck in.

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Solano for me.


Spent so long at the club he's like an adapoted Geordie, and is a leader on the pitch - not your 'mad man' type - but you do see him guiding others and giving out instructions, aswell as leading by his quality play. 110% committed & is a top professional.

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Said this last week. IF, and it's a big if, we sign Sol Campbell I'd give it to him. If we don't then I suppose Butt would be a canny choice. It needs to be someone who is a natural leader of men AND starts every game if fit. Very few of our first team squad fall into both categories.

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Nobby, definetely.


Not that we'll sign Campbell either way, but I'd rather give it to Nobby as he's been at the club a long time and deserves it, plus I think he's got the required leadership qualities.

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Owen would be my choice if he were to stay, for three reasons:


- Only outfield player we have who will always start when fit, regardless of form. Giving the likes of Butt, Parker, Emre, Dyer, Nobby, etc, the captaincy would be pointless as all of them could and should be dropped if in poor form. They should be considered squad players, able to be rotated - making one of them captain would just make it needlessly hard to drop them.


- Tons of experience. European player of the year, top international forward, etc.


- Like Beckham being handed the captaincy, it could be a good political move. Ie, maybe making Owen captain will motivate him to stay at the club, or to take us more seriously than he previously did (no fannying around here, his priority was to be in top shape for England/WC, and to use us as a stepping stone to a CL club).


Obviously, im ignoring the downsides, ie of him not being a natural leader, acting like a mercenary twat at the moment, clearly wanting out, regularly being injured (might change under Allardyce, who knows), etc.


But I do think the dishing out of the captains armband is a good chance to hand a psychological advantage to a player who needs it. As an example, maybe Taylor would be another choice? Granted hes too young and has alot to learn, but maybe this would be the big incentive he needs to push him onto the right road?


And it also needs to be questioned if a natural leader needs to be captain anyway. Theyll still lead on the pitch regardless of whether they have a piece of cloth around their arm or not - Woodgate was a big leader for us on the pitch when he was here, it didnt matter that Shearer had the armband, he still controlled and inspired those around him.


So I vote for a "political" captain to be appointed, prefferably Owen. And definately not Dyer, which is clearly what Roeder tried to do (linked to Spurs, reportedly unhappy, so Roeder gives him the armband in the next game).

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