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Shearer gains his coaching A badge

Guest nufc 4 life

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Guest Knightrider

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd like him to be successful...I just remain to be convinced. Generally speaking you tend to find that the great managers were fairly mediocre as players.

There have been great managers who were great players. That probably has more to do with the huge ratio of mediocre to great players than being an actual factor.


Yep, Sir Bobby, Alf Ramsey, Keegan, Dalglish (for you lot anyway) and even Souness can be counted as a success. If Shearer wins as many trophies as a manager as Souness did, he'll have done more than most. Oh and Clough, he was some player.

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I wish Alan Shearer the best of luck. He was the main reason I ended up supporting Newcastle United, as I, back in 1994, started out liking Big Al (Because I was lucky enough to meet him personally :D). For those of you who remember those times, he then played for Blackburn, and shortly after transfered to Newcastle.


Personally, I would like him to join the coaching staff at Newcastle. Maybe, as some of ou say, his coaching skills aren't that great. But people certainly respect him, and as one of you said.... there's a reason why Roeder did well when Souness got the sack. Shearer would be great for the players' motivation, no doubt! O0

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Guest Invicta_Toon

I really don't know where people get this idea that Shearer would rather be a bit part player in the NUFC coaching set-up over what he's doing now


run around in the snow calling Taylor a stupid cunt or be a pundit at the Euro championship?

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I'm in the 'let him cut his teeth in the lower leagues first' camp.


Would love to see him take charge at somewhere like, for arguments sake, Darlington. Lower league cub, new ground & canny potential fan base. Very little money to deal with but gates would rise dramatically simply due to him being in charge - thus generating cash to spend.


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Guest Magpiecn

see whether he'll success in low league.It difficult to see whether he 'll success now.The A badge is less useful than practice.

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Well now he's qualified, let him apply for some lower league jobs. If Danny Wilson does take the Northern Ireland job, Hartlepool would be a good start off point for him.

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I dont know whether people are drawing a distinction between a coach and a manager here but I was always against Shearer becoming our Manager. I think learning to deal with players and team selection problems is a skill definitely best learnt at a lower level. I was never certain he had the right personality for it either.


I would, however, be more than happy for him to be a coach on the training field and to be working with the team day in day out

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I'm not convinced that Shearer has the drive. It's a 24/7 job with a lot of stress and sacrifice to be made, and he's opted for a more comfortable way of life as a TV pundit. The longer he leaves it, the more likely it is that he'll have to start from near the bottom, and it won't be easy for a multi-millionaire to motivate himself to manage the likes of Darlington on (by his standards) a paltry salary.


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Maybe it will take him a few years. After say 5 years of television, he may get bored and miss the day to day involvement of football too much. So long as he doesnt end up a smug twat who never put himself in the firing line like Alan Hansen.

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What we do know about Al he is leader & can play the poltical game. He used to say he wanted the late Ray Hartford at his side when he did go into mangement, so maybe he knows himself that he will want/need a wise old footy head around as his number 2, will it be his mate Terry Mac :frantic:

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Guest optimistic nit

Touted by who?  I've heard certain things with regards to Shearer's coaching ability, and they weren't good.  So I'd like to know who touted him.


There were a lot of quotes coming out of the FA and various other places a while ago, I'll try and dig out some for source reference. Where did you hear your rumours, out of curiosity?


An ITK on the site, not for one second regarding it as true or otherwise for the record, but merely what I "heard".  That was, he didn't believe he was the best coach around, so would surround himself by the best.


I've no opinion either way, was kind of why I wanted to know who touted him.


well i've heard that he wouldn't make a good coach, but would make a really good manager, which is the point here isn't it, his managerial abilities. it could have been the other way around lyke.


definately should not be signed by us though.

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You can't possibley guarantee such a stupid statement, unlike Pearce Big Al shone during his coaching training and has been touted as one of the finest to go through it.


Both Pearce and Big Al were touted as the finest FA coaching products in recent times - thats definately how I remember it at the time. This was when Pearce was enjoying his honeymoon, which resulted in plenty of calls for Shearer to be given a chance to manage us.


Pearce has shown just how much excelling in those FA Classrooms really means.

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I am also in the camp for him to do his apprenticeship in the lower leagues first just to see if he could hack it or not.


He should do what Keane has done, ie take over a big club in the Championship with money to spend, letting him shape the team/club into doing everything "his way", take them up to the Premiership, then prove himself there.


Any lower, and hell struggle as there are plenty of clubs who just dont have the resources to achieve success in the short term. If he starts off in the Premiership, he may not get as much freedom to implement and rebuild everything that he wants to, and will probably have less time and more pressure in terms of the early results.

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He'll be s**** as a manager. I guarantee he'll be no better (and probably worse) than Stuart Pearce.


Load of rubbish.


How can you say that Shearer will be a shite manager? There is no evidence to suggest Shearer will be the worst manager ever or the best manager ever.  What we do know is that one day he will be in management and we can judge him on what he achieves or doesn't achieve in that role. 

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Wish him all the luck in the world. At least it seems as though he won't be a 'knee jerk response' of an option for us. I would much rather see him appointed in the future on the basis that he has a proven track record elsewhere.

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Guest Ridzuan

Good for him but I still dont think he will rush into management anytime soon.I think he is happy with his current job and there is no need for him to rush in making an decision.

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