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looks a lot more interesting than the last few seasons and thats not from a purely nufc point of view...loads of money being spent etc.next season could be one of the most enjoyable for a long time,even for the neutral.



football could be good to watch!

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Guest 22bnw

Beginning of the end. Inflation explodes across the Premier League.


Peter Ramage will be going for 8 and a half million by 2010.


Never mind 2010, I'd pay him 8 and a half million myself to leave right now


Mind you he hasn't exactly learned his trade at a centre of defensive excellence.

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Guest tbelcher11

If the season started tomorrow, who's gonna be the starting 11 for us?  Probably something i could figure out, but i'd rather it be organized.

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Guest samtoonarmy

Beginning of the end. Inflation explodes across the Premier League.


Peter Ramage will be going for 8 and a half million by 2010.

Biggest joke ive herd in a long time  ;D ;D ;D

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I'm very, very excited for next season after the dross of recent years.


Not just from a Newcastle perspective, but with the Mackems being allegedly rejuvinated and back in with us and the amount of moolah flying around from the South Coast up to here then things could be very, very tasty indeed.


I'm anticipating the best Premiership season ever on the whole. No doubt I'll be let down.

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Thing is the more money that's spent, the more 'efficient' teams are becoming. If anything all the money flying around will make managers more cautious than ever.


There are only two teams that consistently provide flair at the moment and they are Man Utd and Arsenal.


I do agree it'll be interesting though because it's hard to predict. You've got sides like West Ham pissing money up the wall, will they crash and burn or can they buy their way up the league? You've got the arrival of Torres at Liverpool and this Nani kid arrives at Man Utd highly rated. How will Arsenal cope without Henry and can Chelsea wrestle the league back from Man Utd? This certainly looks like a summer of big changes as the Premiership becomes more and more of a playground for rich owners.

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Guest exilim

Will you sack Sam after 3 years when the club is stablised, yet he continues to buy 30 year old players?

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Guest Gemmill

Will you sack Sam after 3 years when the club is stablised, yet he continues to buy 30 year old players?



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Still waiting for some big signings... yep, these season should be better than last, but other teams have arguably strengthened more than us.



Man Utd (Anderson, Nani, Hargreaves)

Chelsea (Haim, Pizarro, Sidwell)

to start with,

then Liverpool on the verge of signing Torres and Heinze, Spurs had a better squad than us to start with and have brought in Bent and Bale, West Ham are splashing a bit of cash.


Its not so much that our signings are terrible, but its what we had to start with. I dont think weve strengthened as yet. We cleared out a whole defence as good as, and have a largely unknown of Rozenhal in, Viduka is a good squad signing, and Barton brings a lot of baggage with him.

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Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool would all finish above us anyway, though. They're the three biggest teams in the league (by an absolute landslide) - it's their right to have better players.


Besides, if someone offered me Bale and Bent for close on £30m, or Viduka, Barton, Rozehnal and Geremi for about £9m - i'd pick the latter every day of the week. Spurs will probably finish above us, but we've got the potential to rip them to shreds within two seasons.

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Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool would all finish above us anyway, though. They're the three biggest teams in the league (by an absolute landslide) - it's their right to have better players.


Besides, if someone offered me Bale and Bent for close on £30m, or Viduka, Barton, Rozehnal and Geremi for about £9m - i'd pick the latter every day of the week. Spurs will probably finish above us, but we've got the potential to rip them to shreds within two seasons.


good point


it's a risky little game spurs are playing now if you ask me, they started out picking up scraps like lennon for 1m and carrick for 2.5m that type of thing...this got them relative success but now they're starting to pay 10m for 17 year old left backs


if 1m aaron lennon fails it ain't gonna break you but if bent/berbatov breaks his legs and bale just turns out not to be able to cut it then it's a bigger problem entirely


thing is we went through the same point of development and totally fucked it up by not strengthening when we needed to and then reversing the "policy" of signing younger players....spurs at the moment look like they're doing it with more savvy but there are no guarantees eh?


if it falls apart we'll have them in two seasons, as you say

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Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool would all finish above us anyway, though. They're the three biggest teams in the league (by an absolute landslide) - it's their right to have better players.


Besides, if someone offered me Bale and Bent for close on £30m, or Viduka, Barton, Rozehnal and Geremi for about £9m - i'd pick the latter every day of the week. Spurs will probably finish above us, but we've got the potential to rip them to shreds within two seasons.


Its a good point because its the first season that I wouldnt mind Spurs finishing above us, for the sole reason that I know we now have a long term furure. Even if the unthinkable happens and both Owen and Martins leave I think we'll still turn it around in a season or two.

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I really see the spuds pushing for the top 4 this season where as I see us pushing for the 6-8 spots so I dont see us really in direct competition this comming season, as we all know it took a while for sir bob to ring the changes you cant change the back room, coaching, playing staff all in one summer and expect instant success, as spuds level off in their development (I can see them buying less and less being happy with their "young squad") while SA always seems to come accross as the type (especially if we continue to buy the older more experienced players) that we will constantly buy to improve/fill gaps so in two season so long as the funding is there spuds watch your backs!!!

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When you're talking about who has strengthened then you may as well consider Owen as a new signing for us.


When you mention Bent for Spurs, you may as well compare him to Owen for us.

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When you're talking about who has strengthened then you may as well consider Owen as a new signing for us.


When you mention Bent for Spurs, you may as well compare him to Owen for us.


mido, bent, keane, bevatov, dofoe too many strikers too many to keep happy can see them getting rid of mido and dofoe but still will keane stick round or bevatov for anymore than one more season if they are stuck with rotation

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I think we have the right balance in terms of calibre of strikers. Ameobi is used to being 3rd-4th choice here and still chips in with half a dozen or so goals a season. Viduka, Martins & Owen all bring different qualities to the side. I'm happy in that department this season.

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When you're talking about who has strengthened then you may as well consider Owen as a new signing for us.


When you mention Bent for Spurs, you may as well compare him to Owen for us.


I agree with this.

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