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José Enrique


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We'll find continental players with the same potential that settles for 1/3 of that salary.


You sure about that? How come Liverpool arnt buying those players then?


I seem to remember a player signing for us with Enrique's potential from a continental club that cost us 6m + whatever salary he is on which I'll speculate is more than £30,000 per week.

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What does my last sentence say?


I was commenting on what you'd said earlier and we do know some of his reasons as he said he wouldn't beging negotiating until we had reached safety.

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We can compete with them, the point is that we've proved we're unwilling to try.

You're acting like the club is doomed when it comes to finding a good replacement. 


Its more to do with the club selling it's best players, rather than building a team around them. We should be looking to keep the likes of Enrique rather than listen to offers from the likes of Liverpool. It also means that we now have to go out and find a replacement, which will take up time and effort that should be given to finding new forwards and decent squad players.


You're turning everything upside down. Everybody is blaming the club because it's not trying to keep its best players. But what should Pards do? He knows that the only way he could keep enrique is through offering him the same wages as lpool, around 80 a week. Enrique is good, but he's not worth £80 a week! We'll find continental players with the same potential that settles for 1/3 of that salary. Right now, we cannot afford to match Enrique "ambitions" (read salary). If a player refuses to sign, the club has to sell him. Do you want him to leave for free?


I agree that we must build a team, but the reality of giving Enrique a lucrative contract is that our war chest is reduced accordingly. Enrique on 80 a week for 5 years= £20 mill pounds. That's over half of Carroll's money. Consequently we only have £15 mill pounds to buy a two new attackers, a rm, lm, and defensive reinforcements.  Of course we'll be covered on lb for years, but Enriques new salary results in us having no money to buy a a proper backup. And we're not able to fork out good money on promising attackers. Instead we will be dependent on Carr making Tiote discoveries again, which is very unlikely. So instead of buying 5-6 very promising players this summer, we're stuck with 3-4 mediocre ones, at best. In reality then, Enrique must fill the shoes for those good players we miss out on. That will in sum leads to a weaker team, than a team without Enrique.


And  if Enrique is given that amount, what's stopping Barton from claiming similar wages during his contract negotiations? And maybe it will p*ss HBA off too, since he's arguably the best player in the club, but is earning probably 2/3 of Enrique.  Giving one player special treatment will start a "salary spiral" that could potentially unsettle the whole player group, which is something I do not want.



...and I stopped reading. Which, incidentally, is a lot longer than I give the vast majority of your posts.


Yeah of course, I'm just jabbering about..I know that it's hard for you to read post that actually try to substantiate the arguments fronted. Enrique on £80 a week is not unlikely when you consider how much mediocre players are on.. Carew earned £65 in Villa and Pedersen nets a cool £55 in Blackburn. And Bullard is on £45 in Championship.

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especially when theres Taiwo available on a free.


Enrique is better.


He is, but Taiwo is much better value for money. Without Europe next season, the money saved there would really help to strengthen other areas. Hopefully this is how they're thinking too because I'd be gutted to lose Jose.


Can you please, please explain to my why Taiwo would let his contract expire at the reigning French champions, who are second in the league, probably playing Champions League football next season to join a mid-table club?

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Guest icemanblue

We can compete with them, the point is that we've proved we're unwilling to try.

You're acting like the club is doomed when it comes to finding a good replacement. 


Its more to do with the club selling it's best players, rather than building a team around them. We should be looking to keep the likes of Enrique rather than listen to offers from the likes of Liverpool. It also means that we now have to go out and find a replacement, which will take up time and effort that should be given to finding new forwards and decent squad players.


You're turning everything upside down. Everybody is blaming the club because it's not trying to keep its best players. But what should Pards do? He knows that the only way he could keep enrique is through offering him the same wages as lpool, around 80 a week. Enrique is good, but he's not worth £80 a week! We'll find continental players with the same potential that settles for 1/3 of that salary. Right now, we cannot afford to match Enrique "ambitions" (read salary). If a player refuses to sign, the club has to sell him. Do you want him to leave for free?


I agree that we must build a team, but the reality of giving Enrique a lucrative contract is that our war chest is reduced accordingly. Enrique on 80 a week for 5 years= £20 mill pounds. That's over half of Carroll's money. Consequently we only have £15 mill pounds to buy a two new attackers, a rm, lm, and defensive reinforcements.  Of course we'll be covered on lb for years, but Enriques new salary results in us having no money to buy a a proper backup. And we're not able to fork out good money on promising attackers. Instead we will be dependent on Carr making Tiote discoveries again, which is very unlikely. So instead of buying 5-6 very promising players this summer, we're stuck with 3-4 mediocre ones, at best. In reality then, Enrique must fill the shoes for those good players we miss out on. That will in sum leads to a weaker team, than a team without Enrique.


And  if Enrique is given that amount, what's stopping Barton from claiming similar wages during his contract negotiations? And maybe it will p*ss HBA off too, since he's arguably the best player in the club, but is earning probably 2/3 of Enrique.  Giving one player special treatment will start a "salary spiral" that could potentially unsettle the whole player group, which is something I do not want.



...and I stopped reading. Which, incidentally, is a lot longer than I give the vast majority of your posts.


Yeah of course, I'm just jabbering about..I know that it's hard for you to read post that actually try to substantiate the arguments fronted. Enrique on £80 a week is not unlikely when you consider how much mediocre players are on.. Carew earned £65 in Villa and Pedersen nets a cool £55 in Blackburn. And Bullard is on £45 in Championship.


Where is it 'substantiated', then?

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not a big deal we have to keep players who wants to play for the club. His attitude is crap for long time now. Keeping him now is like creating a bad bunch of guys like the pre relegation era. Sorry Enerique lovers but he needs to go.....

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especially when theres Taiwo available on a free.


Enrique is better.


He is, but Taiwo is much better value for money. Without Europe next season, the money saved there would really help to strengthen other areas. Hopefully this is how they're thinking too because I'd be gutted to lose Jose.


Can you please, please explain to my why Taiwo would let his contract expire at the reigning French champions, who are second in the league, probably playing Champions League football next season to join a mid-table club?


Erm....I was referring to Liverpool in that post.

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Is he fuck.


Tis my opinion. Enrique is stronger, hardly beaten by a winger, a better tackler, has better distribution and offers more going forward.


And I don't dislike Simpson.


Enrique is the best left back we've since my time supporting the club (20 years).

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I agree that we must build a team, but the reality of giving Enrique a lucrative contract is that our war chest is reduced accordingly. Enrique on 80 a week for 5 years= £20 mill . That's over half of Carroll's money. Consequently we only have £15 mill  to buy a two new attackers, a rm, lm, and defensive reinforcements.  Of course we'll be covered on lb for years, but Enriques new salary results in us having no money to buy a a proper backup.


Going off your own logic (non-linear, I know): the club have already budgeted £40,000 pw for Enrique's current wages (or thereabouts). So surely the supposed £80,000 pay-rise only translates to committing £10million over 5 years. So the club would have to find £2million per season to keep our best left-back.


You could easily give Enrique a statistical points value, which I'll randomly assign as being +6points. I.e. if he's in the squad, then he'll turn out enough times and contribute an additional six points to the team's performance. Six points is worth about 4 places in the final league standings (even more this season). Each league place is worth an additional £500,000 prize money to the club. So those six points he contributes (over A.N. Other player at LB) are worth approx £2million.



Can't afford him?


Good point stu. But still he's not worth £80 a week. Although  your calculation is based on us not being able to find a proper replacement. If Enrique's money allows us to buy taiwo and a good right back I'm convinced that they together will give us more points than what Enrique is singlehandedly is capable of.

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especially when theres Taiwo available on a free.


Enrique is better.


He is, but Taiwo is much better value for money. Without Europe next season, the money saved there would really help to strengthen other areas. Hopefully this is how they're thinking too because I'd be gutted to lose Jose.


Can you please, please explain to my why Taiwo would let his contract expire at the reigning French champions, who are second in the league, probably playing Champions League football next season to join a mid-table club?


Erm....I was referring to Liverpool in that post.


Oh, sorry. Can only guess Liverpool rate him more. £15 million is not a lot of money anymore, especially for a 25 year-old that is proven in the league ...

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Sad though it is, there can't be much doubt Liverpool would be seen as a more ambitious and powerful club. The new owner has been bullish lately about where he wants to take them, and backed it up with big money and wages spent on Carroll and Suarez. That's the kind of statement top players get their heads turned by.

I'm pretty conviced Jose would have been approached months ago. They've got Comolli in there, an experienced operator, doing the deals. As compared to who? Llambias? Their whole set up is much more high powered.

Our current "statement" is all about financial stability and self-sufficiency, leading to hard bargaining with agents and high earners over new contracts. As well as constant talk about whether the manager will get all the Carroll money or not. Not something a top footballer trying to maximise his potential in terms of income and playing level is going to want to hear.

The wonderful stage of playing for our club should always attract good quality players, but under this regime I reckon the top ones will always want to move on eventually.

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Yeah he's better but not by a huge amount. Simpson is quicker and doesnt dwell on the ball and try and beat his man sometime putting us under pressure. If we offer Jose 80k a week he will be one of our top earners, when we come to sign a new number 9 they will atelast want parity with a left back, probably more. If I was the main striker at a club I'd be well fucked off if a left back earned more than me.

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Sad though it is, there can't be much doubt Liverpool would be seen as a more ambitious and powerful club. The new owner has been bullish lately about where he wants to take them, and backed it up with big money and wages spent on Carroll and Suarez. That's the kind of statement top players get their heads turned by.

I'm pretty conviced Jose would have been approached months ago. They've got Comolli in there, an experienced operator, doing the deals. As compared to who? Llambias? Their whole set up is much more high powered.

Our current "statement" is all about financial stability and self-sufficiency, leading to hard bargaining with agents and high earners over new contracts. As well as constant talk about whether the manager will get all the Carroll money or not. Not something a top footballer trying to maximise his potential in terms of income and playing level is going to want to hear.

The wonderful stage of playing for our club should always attract good quality players, but under this regime I reckon the top ones will always want to move on eventually.


Nailed it.

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Yeah he's better but not by a huge amount. Simpson is quicker and doesnt dwell on the ball and try and beat his man sometime putting us under pressure. If we offer Jose 80k a week he will be one of our top earners, when we come to sign a new number 9 they will atelast want parity with a left back, probably more. If I was the main striker at a club I'd be well f***ed off if a left back earned more than me.


Where's Enrique wanting £80k come from?

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Guest guinness_fiend

We can compete with them, the point is that we've proved we're unwilling to try.

You're acting like the club is doomed when it comes to finding a good replacement. 


Its more to do with the club selling it's best players, rather than building a team around them. We should be looking to keep the likes of Enrique rather than listen to offers from the likes of Liverpool. It also means that we now have to go out and find a replacement, which will take up time and effort that should be given to finding new forwards and decent squad players.


You're turning everything upside down. Everybody is blaming the club because it's not trying to keep its best players. But what should Pards do? He knows that the only way he could keep enrique is through offering him the same wages as lpool, around 80 a week. Enrique is good, but he's not worth £80 a week! We'll find continental players with the same potential that settles for 1/3 of that salary. Right now, we cannot afford to match Enrique "ambitions" (read salary). If a player refuses to sign, the club has to sell him. Do you want him to leave for free?


I agree that we must build a team, but the reality of giving Enrique a lucrative contract is that our war chest is reduced accordingly. Enrique on 80 a week for 5 years= £20 mill pounds. That's over half of Carroll's money. Consequently we only have £15 mill pounds to buy a two new attackers, a rm, lm, and defensive reinforcements.  Of course we'll be covered on lb for years, but Enriques new salary results in us having no money to buy a a proper backup. And we're not able to fork out good money on promising attackers. Instead we will be dependent on Carr making Tiote discoveries again, which is very unlikely. So instead of buying 5-6 very promising players this summer, we're stuck with 3-4 mediocre ones, at best. In reality then, Enrique must fill the shoes for those good players we miss out on. That will in sum leads to a weaker team, than a team without Enrique.


And  if Enrique is given that amount, what's stopping Barton from claiming similar wages during his contract negotiations? And maybe it will p*ss HBA off too, since he's arguably the best player in the club, but is earning probably 2/3 of Enrique.  Giving one player special treatment will start a "salary spiral" that could potentially unsettle the whole player group, which is something I do not want.



...and I stopped reading. Which, incidentally, is a lot longer than I give the vast majority of your posts.


Yeah of course, I'm just jabbering about..I know that it's hard for you to read post that actually try to substantiate the arguments fronted. Enrique on £80 a week is not unlikely when you consider how much mediocre players are on.. Carew earned £65 in Villa and Pedersen nets a cool £55 in Blackburn. And Bullard is on £45 in Championship.


Where is it 'substantiated', then?


I think you'll find that what I've just highlighted is highly unlikely.


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Yeah he's better but not by a huge amount. Simpson is quicker and doesnt dwell on the ball and try and beat his man sometime putting us under pressure. If we offer Jose 80k a week he will be one of our top earners, when we come to sign a new number 9 they will atelast want parity with a left back, probably more. If I was the main striker at a club I'd be well f***ed off if a left back earned more than me.


Where's Enrique wanting £80k come from?



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especially when theres Taiwo available on a free.


Enrique is better.


He is, but Taiwo is much better value for money. Without Europe next season, the money saved there would really help to strengthen other areas. Hopefully this is how they're thinking too because I'd be gutted to lose Jose.


Can you please, please explain to my why Taiwo would let his contract expire at the reigning French champions, who are second in the league, probably playing Champions League football next season to join a mid-table club?


Erm....I was referring to Liverpool in that post.


Oh, sorry. Can only guess Liverpool rate him more. £15 million is not a lot of money anymore, especially for a 25 year-old that is proven in the league ...


And they spent more on Glen Johnson, although that could work either way. They might regret doing that!

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There's no excuse for Ashley to not throw the money at Jose like..apart from greed, that is..


- He is one of the best players in the league at his position. Defensively, he's the best.

- Still young and doesn't miss many games through injuries/suspensions

- He's a consistent performer and apparently a highly professional individual


Imo, his performances have earned him the right to be the best-paid player at the club. If Ashley is unwilling to award the qualities mentioned above with more than, say 60k/w, then where are we going? Where we heading man? How can we compete with the LEGENDARY Liverpool or are we just accepting that Newcastle will forever be inferior, just because they won some trophies 30 years ago or because they have some Russian/Arab thug running them.


My stance on the Carroll situation was similar - we should've kept him at any cost - a new contract on 80k/w and a yacht or whatever for his agent is justified, if it means our strike force is sorted for the next five years with this avatar-like fucker..

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