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Sam's last signing should be a RB


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Guest shaun11177

Well Carr played ok as left back probably better than he did at RB. The idea is surely to get Edmilson in as a defensive midfielder-(gone quiet that one) and then Geremi will play RB.

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Fkn hell your totally missing th point, I am sick of this "he can play there if needed" "this one can cover there if we are stuck" fact is if we had proper players for each role we would not need to play Barton RW or Zoggy at LB.

yes we do need LB cover aswell but we do have Baba not ideal I know BUT WE HAVE NO OTHER PROPER RB!!!!!

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So who we going to play left back if Enrique gets injured, Babayaro is always injured.


N'Zogbia I suppose? Carr could switch flanks and Solano/Geremi/Taylor could move to RB.

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We don't need a new RB. It wouldn't surprise me if Geremi became the new RB. When all are fit Smith, Barton, Butt, Emre, Dyer, Solano and N'Zogbia can all play in CM so it wouldn't aurprise me when bodies return if Geremi moves to RB.

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I reckon we're still after a RB, like.


After all the talk of Sam wanting Dyer's replacement plus four more, we're still after 2 players.


Whether we get them or not is another matter, but I wouldn't be surprised to see us go for a lad who can play LB/CB or RB/CB, rather than an out-and-out fullback again.


Still over 3 weeks to sign them, although it would have been ideal to have them in already.

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Fkn hell your totally missing th point, I am sick of this "he can play there if needed" "this one can cover there if we are stuck" fact is if we had proper players for each role we would not need to play Barton RW or Zoggy at LB.

yes we do need LB cover aswell but we do have Baba not ideal I know BUT WE HAVE NO OTHER PROPER RB!!!!!

Calm down :laugh: You're talking shit as usual anyway.

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Thing is though with our injury record we always end up pulling players from their best position to cover in other positions and lose their effectiveness in their best role, fact is we only have 1 proper RB but 2 LB's, yes okay I do not want us to use Babayaro but he is a LB.

Buy a RB then look at getting another LB but Carr should be cover for that role only. If he gets injured who would you play there? Geremi? all that would do is lose him from where he is best in midfield. Or use Nobby nut what if Milner gets injured, Nobby is our RW cover, if Zoogy and Duff both miss out then Milner would be played wide left.

We end up messing around and trying to fill positions instead of already havinf propper cover for each role..


i'd have Geremi and Milner as cover for Solano before Carr, frankly.


carr is not playing poorly at the moment, frankly.


well done, basing your assessment of a player not on his entire career for us, but on a couple of friendlies.


well done on your inability to change your assessment of a player under a new manager/fitness qualities etc etc

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Fkn hell your totally missing th point, I am sick of this "he can play there if needed" "this one can cover there if we are stuck" fact is if we had proper players for each role we would not need to play Barton RW or Zoggy at LB.

yes we do need LB cover aswell but we do have Baba not ideal I know BUT WE HAVE NO OTHER PROPER RB!!!!!

Calm down :laugh: You're talking s*** as usual anyway.

whatever man, not going to bite!

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Fkn hell your totally missing th point, I am sick of this "he can play there if needed" "this one can cover there if we are stuck" fact is if we had proper players for each role we would not need to play Barton RW or Zoggy at LB.

yes we do need LB cover aswell but we do have Baba not ideal I know BUT WE HAVE NO OTHER PROPER RB!!!!!

Calm down :laugh: You're talking s*** as usual anyway.

whatever man, not going to bite!

It wasn't supposed to get you to bite it was an observation. Has it occurred to you that Allardyce has brought in some versatile players who are very comfortable in different positions? It doesn't matter if Geremi isn't a 'proper right-back' if he is very capable there. Ditto some of the others. Likewise, some of the midfielders. LB and CB are the two positions where our options are most limited imo. That's why he was after this Drago bloke. You mention Babayaro is cover for LB but you miss the point that we have several players at the club who are better at RB than he is at left-back. That's why I think your sense of priorities are misplaced.

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

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Yes you need player that can cover other roles if needed but that should only be needed if both the players for one position are injured, you need a top player and a very decent cover player for every single position, we do not have that at RB!!

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

I meant he was an option there rather than someone who would be expected to start there if everyone (or near enough) was fit.

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

I meant he was an option there rather than someone who would be expected to start there if everyone (or near enough) was fit.

With everyone fit we would still be starting with Carr at RB, ad the fact is we need better!

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We have cover for RB coming out our arses, tbh. If we're talking about a natural, dedicated right-back then I'm not sure we'll able to bring in one of sufficient quality to really improve us in the time available. Who knows, though, maybe Sam's got one lined up.

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

I meant he was an option there rather than someone who would be expected to start there if everyone (or near enough) was fit.

With everyone fit we would still be starting with Carr at RB, ad the fact is we need better!

He wouldn't be in my first XI.

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

I meant he was an option there rather than someone who would be expected to start there if everyone (or near enough) was fit.

With everyone fit we would still be starting with Carr at RB, ad the fact is we need better!

He wouldn't be in my first XI.

He would not be  in mine too but as he is our only natural RB I bet Sam will play him.

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a right-back is a must. and talk of geremi playing at right-back to me would be ridicilous, due to the fact he has played a couple of blinders in the centre of midfield. yes, carr has improved and has lost the necessary weight but a new top-drawer right back would let us step up another level. also, a centre-back who can cover all over the backline would be great. can hilguera play right along the back?

I meant he was an option there rather than someone who would be expected to start there if everyone (or near enough) was fit.

With everyone fit we would still be starting with Carr at RB, ad the fact is we need better!

He wouldn't be in my first XI.

He would not be  in mine too but as he is our only natural RB I bet Sam will play him.

You may be right about him starting. The 'natural right-back' thing is a misnomer for reasons I don't need to repeat imo. It also doesn't alter the fact we have far better / more options in terms of people who can play right-side of defence compared to the left-side / left-back role. Hence my disagreeing with who is the greater priority.

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Carr will start the season as RB & we have plenty of cover. If either Taylor or Rozenhal pick up an early injury Cacapa will be thrown in & as things stand Zog may yet start the season as LB until Enrique is drafted into the starting 11.


On that basis, in order of priority we need a CB, LB & only then a RB. If Enrique picks up an injury then the need for cover at LB becomes priority. I think we need both another CB & a LB before the transfer window shuts.

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Guest Moe-Ali

Agree with Skirge, i think a right back is what we need most at the moment, some people are being fooled by Stephen Carr's pre-season form, he is not good enough for the type of club we are trying to be, just cant keep up with the standard of players we have got, when you look at the names we've got in our backline..its Cacapa/Taylor/Rozenhal/Enrique/Carr. The last name there just doesnt keep up with the first couple. New rightback please Mr.Allardyce.

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Guest Moe-Ali

Yes you need player that can cover other roles if needed but that should only be needed if both the players for one position are injured, you need a top player and a very decent cover player for every single position, we do not have that at RB!!

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Players who could do decent jobs:


RB- Solano, Taylor, Geremi, Carr and Ramage

LB- Enrique and Taylor


We need another left back before looking for a first choice right back. Preferably someone who can do both TBH.

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