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Old thread about a potential Icelandic takeover bid years ago

Power NUFC

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I somehow doubt that Ashely will sell the club only 2 months after buying it. I've always felt that he was sincere about seeing the club do well and doubt that he only bought Newcastle looking for a quick profit.

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Shearer would stand to make a few bob out of it. If there's any truth in all this, then they'll be giving him a share because they feel they need some kind of local connection/figurehead. That, of course, would probably mean Allardyce out of here.


And I suppose the £30 million debt-clearing would be so no one can say Ashley left the club in worse state than he found it. New owners would have to fork out that much extra, at least, and wouldn't be able to take it back out of the club.

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Shearer would stand to make a few bob out of it. If there's any truth in all this, then they'll be giving him a share because they feel they need some kind of local connection/figurehead. That, of course, would probably mean Allardyce out of here.


And I suppose the £30 million debt-clearing would be so no one can say Ashley left the club in worse state than he found it. New owners would have to fork out that much extra, at least, and wouldn't be able to take it back out of the club.


Hasn't Shearer said on many occasions that he has no plans off becoming a manager anytime soon? And besides, Pálmi said in the interview that Newcastle had a great manager. Allardyce also has a four-year contracts, so it would cost us a sum if we sacked him.

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Guest andynufc84

I somehow doubt that Ashely will sell the club only 2 months after buying it. I've always felt that he was sincere about seeing the club do well and doubt that he only bought Newcastle looking for a quick profit.


Understand where your coming from but to be honest nobody really knows who the f*** Mike Ashley is or his motivations/intentions.



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I somehow doubt that Ashely will sell the club only 2 months after buying it. I've always felt that he was sincere about seeing the club do well and doubt that he only bought Newcastle looking for a quick profit.


Understand where your coming from but to be honest nobody really knows who the f*** Mike Ashley is or his motivations/intentions.




thats the problem imo, if he just came out and said he's here for the long run then these stories would go away, mort has said it i suppose, but we need to hear it from the owner. having these takeover stories come out is ridiculous so soon after he bought the club, does anyone know if this sort of thing happened with the other clubs recently taken over? villa, west ham etc, or was it just a case of the new owners making their intentions public and that was that?

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Shearer would stand to make a few bob out of it. If there's any truth in all this, then they'll be giving him a share because they feel they need some kind of local connection/figurehead. That, of course, would probably mean Allardyce out of here.

I imagine Shearer would take the sort of role Quinn has at Suncerland in that he would become Chairman and the face of the club but the real financial muscle would be with the Icelandic guys.

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A couple of times recently,  Chris Mort has made a point of saying Ashley is in it for the long term,  and pointed to his other companys as proof of this.  I would be gobsmacked if anything was to come of this at all.

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Shearer would stand to make a few bob out of it. If there's any truth in all this, then they'll be giving him a share because they feel they need some kind of local connection/figurehead. That, of course, would probably mean Allardyce out of here.


And I suppose the £30 million debt-clearing would be so no one can say Ashley left the club in worse state than he found it. New owners would have to fork out that much extra, at least, and wouldn't be able to take it back out of the club.


Hasn't Shearer said on many occasions that he has no plans off becoming a manager anytime soon? And besides, Pálmi said in the interview that Newcastle had a great manager. Allardyce also has a four-year contracts, so it would cost us a sum if we sacked him.


Oh, I didn't mean Shearer would become the manager. I was thinking, Shearer would become part-owner and maybe DOF or something, and Allardyce wouldn't want to work for him.

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Guest andynufc84

Shearer would stand to make a few bob out of it. If there's any truth in all this, then they'll be giving him a share because they feel they need some kind of local connection/figurehead. That, of course, would probably mean Allardyce out of here.

I imagine Shearer would take the sort of role Quinn has at Suncerland in that he would become Chairman and the face of the club but the real financial muscle would be with the Icelandic guys.


Gettin way ahead of ourselves here

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Well if this is true , let us be grateful that we have at least managed to build a fairly decent squad for this season and the manager is in place to have us ticking over.


Shearer from what I recall is a fan of Allardyce and so I imagine Sam will stay in place and would be supported.


I'm not sure a change right now would harm us too much. If anything it might mean more investment in the team should this takeover go through.

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If he's not in it for the long haul, why the fuck did he just wipe £30m off the debt? Load of shite iyam.

In the Icelandic article it says it makes the club a whole lot more valuable.

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A couple of times recently,  Chris Mort has made a point of saying Ashley is in it for the long term,  and pointed to his other companys as proof of this.   I would be gobsmacked if anything was to come of this at all.



To be fair he only had 3% of Adidas so I wouldn't really call it one of his companies.

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A couple of times recently,  Chris Mort has made a point of saying Ashley is in it for the long term,  and pointed to his other companys as proof of this.  I would be gobsmacked if anything was to come of this at all.





Wasn't he only a small shareholder in that?

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A couple of times recently,  Chris Mort has made a point of saying Ashley is in it for the long term,  and pointed to his other companys as proof of this.   I would be gobsmacked if anything was to come of this at all.




That was also pointed out at the same time. Mort said it was a small holding in Adidas, he didnt own it.

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Guest Gemmill

If he's not in it for the long haul, why the fuck did he just wipe £30m off the debt? Load of shite iyam.

In the Icelandic article it says it makes the club a whole lot more valuable.


It makes the club £30m more valuable surely.  If it's cost him £30m to clear that debt off, it would have cost anyone else an identical amount.  Yeah it'll save on interest in the long term, but the immediate cost is £30m - Ashley gets no credit for future saved interest expense on a debt that no longer exists.  To my mind, anyway.

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Also, I reckon it's unlikely Shearer is involved as Mort came out last week and said he's working alongside them to promote the club, and he's technically still employed as an ambassador.

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Guest geordiemark

I really hope Mike Ashley rejects this bid, and while I think Shearer is a legend, I wish we could stop hearing about him for a while.


aye true id agree there shearers had his time but not as a chairman or manager yet :) if ashley has paid off 30 million pounds for the debts i am sure when you buy a company all debts have to be paid before its taken off the stock market i might be mistaken like, if these people wanna buy the club let them ashley is looking for a good profit so go for it i say

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