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Yet another wasted season!

Guest Brazilianbob

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I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.

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I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.


You know the size of the Chinese offer? There really was an Icelandic one too?


I cant believe you arent bright enough to work out the contradictions in what you are saying.


He has invested over £170m (Should we be thankful? Hmm well that depends on the size of the queue of people waiting to invest similar amounts). He now has an extremey sellable asset does he?. Well it wasnt that sellable beforehand, not even dodgy hedge-funds wanted in. Its more sellable as he has just cleared loads of debt.


How is he milking the club btw, that is a fucking stupid thing to say. If he sells it to someone willing to spend £250m to purchase it and makes a huge profit how the fuck is that 'milking the club'? 

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Guest Gemmill

I had no idea that people existed that were THIS stupid. :lol:  Seriously, if anyone's got kids that have failed their GCSEs today, point them in the direction of this thread and they'll soon realise that if people this cretinous can get jobs and own computers, then there's hope for every fucker.

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I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.


You know the size of the Chinese offer? There really was an Icelandic one too?


I cant believe you arent bright enough to work out the contradictions in what you are saying.


He has invested over £170m (Should we be thankful? Hmm well that depends on the size of the queue of people waiting to invest similar amounts). He now has an extremey sellable asset does he?. Well it wasnt that sellable beforehand, not even dodgy hedge-funds wanted in. Its more sellable as he has just cleared loads of debt.


How is he milking the club btw, that is a f****** stupid thing to say. If he sells it to someone willing to spend £250m to purchase it and makes a huge profit how the f*** is that 'milking the club'? 


Is there really any need to be so bloody agressive ? Is it the in thing to do on here, the OP made a decent if somewhat inflamatory comments, you and others just decided to ridicule him and other people who preffered to read his post and took on board what he was saying.


As for your points, they are as much conjecture as mine are, you know no more about the financial proposition the club is as I do, don't start pretending you do.


But if you think Mike Ashley bought into NUFC cos he just loves the Toon, then you are sadly mistaken, he's here for the same reason all the other new owners are; "To make money", I'm sure you're right he's not trying to milk the club, so if that's not the case why aren't we seeing the levels of investment in the playing staff we expected ? Spend £10-20 mil now on a good RB and a creative force in midfield and it could reap huge dividends. I certainly trust SA to spend the cash a lot better than his last two predecessors.


For me, it's so damn frustrating because I can see we are so close to getting back to SBR days, we just need that last push, a short push now may be financially more prudent than holding off by which time other teams have pulled further away from us and our appeal has fallen lower.


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I had no idea that people existed that were THIS stupid. :lol:  Seriously, if anyone's got kids that have failed their GCSEs today, point them in the direction of this thread and they'll soon realise that if people this cretinous can get jobs and own computers, then there's hope for every fucker.



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Guest Sniffer

So pointing out that we could use some class in midfield rather than another grunt makes you a cretin? I'd say it's more likely that you dumb shites can't see the obvious and if by chance some of you have a brain cell that flashes on and you realise it, are too scared to step out of your little cliques. And admit it.

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Guest Knightrider

Waste of bandwidth this thread. The OP doesn't make any worthy points whatsoever. We have a bigger pool of players than we've had for many a year, sure we lack creative class in midfield but this time last season we lacked a defence, a midfield, an attack and above all else a competent board and manager. We have not only signed quality but we've also signed versatility and haven't broken the bank either!

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Guest jackmisfit

I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.


You know the size of the Chinese offer? There really was an Icelandic one too?


I cant believe you arent bright enough to work out the contradictions in what you are saying.


He has invested over £170m (Should we be thankful? Hmm well that depends on the size of the queue of people waiting to invest similar amounts). He now has an extremey sellable asset does he?. Well it wasnt that sellable beforehand, not even dodgy hedge-funds wanted in. Its more sellable as he has just cleared loads of debt.


How is he milking the club btw, that is a f****** stupid thing to say. If he sells it to someone willing to spend £250m to purchase it and makes a huge profit how the f*** is that 'milking the club'? 


Is there really any need to be so bloody agressive ? Is it the in thing to do on here, the OP made a decent if somewhat inflamatory comments, you and others just decided to ridicule him and other people who preffered to read his post and took on board what he was saying.


As for your points, they are as much conjecture as mine are, you know no more about the financial proposition the club is as I do, don't start pretending you do.


But if you think Mike Ashley bought into NUFC cos he just loves the Toon, then you are sadly mistaken, he's here for the same reason all the other new owners are; "To make money", I'm sure you're right he's not trying to milk the club, so if that's not the case why aren't we seeing the levels of investment in the playing staff we expected ? Spend £10-20 mil now on a good RB and a creative force in midfield and it could reap huge dividends. I certainly trust SA to spend the cash a lot better than his last two predecessors.


For me, it's so damn frustrating because I can see we are so close to getting back to SBR days, we just need that last push, a short push now may be financially more prudent than holding off by which time other teams have pulled further away from us and our appeal has fallen lower.



If you already had a billion in the bank, (or were worth said amount), I doubt you'd buy a team to make money. Did Abramovich buy Chelsea to make money? I think it's more of a prestige/hobby purchase.


This is a pretty odd thread. The fact that people are arguing about the money spent is pretty tiring. Would people rather spend loads of cash ala West Ham and suck? or spend wisely and build a foundation?


Sam is pretty much rebuilding Newcastle United, (not just the players, but just about everything), from the ground up. I for one think that what Allardyce is doing makes loads of sense.

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Guest firetotheworks

I think its quite funny how certain people are bending what the op said in order to make this thread anything more than someone making a daft point based on nothing.

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While I don't agree with the original post (assuming it isn't a wind up), it's a bit premature to laugh at him just two games into the season. He might be right. There are different ways to take a club forward, who's to say that Allardyce/Mort are going about things the right way? Spurs went for youth and have moved forward, Arsenal went a season unbeaten with a young side. Man Utd dominated the league for a decade with a young team which grew up together. On paper I'm reasonably impressed with this transfer window, but that doesn't mean it'll pan out that way. Two years ago we signed Emre, Parker, Luque, Solano and Owen. At that time it was hard to take a step back from it all and those who moaned about a lack of investment in defence were thoroughly criticised for "whinging", it was a lot like this thread now. I was one of those who thought it had been a very good transfer window and that a good season was ahead of us. How wrong I was. People are putting an awful lot of positive spin on our signings, but it's easy to see why people might have reservations about every one of our signings. A combination of age, injuries, attitudes and Premiership experience raise question marks over all of them, not to mention the type of players we've signed and the type of players you might believe we need. Some believe we've lacked pace and flair for years, and it's true that it was these attributes which rose us above the dross under Bobby (Bellamy and Robert espescially) and it's done the same for Spurs. Whether these signings will lift us above the dross or cement our place amongst it remains to be seen.


I think this has been a productive transfer window but I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. I can fully understand why Sam has gone down the short term route because as he said when he arrived, his first priority is to keep his job.

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Guest Knightrider

Ohmelads, even signing genuine class comes with a certain risk element, just look at Owen. Of course question marks hang over our signings and indeed our season and future but then isn't that the same with every signing regardless, and every club no less? People seem to be reading way too much into these things. I say lets just see how the players and our season pans out before we start asking whether a 2 game old season is another wasted one which is a ridiculous question to ask, especially based on arguably the best work we've ever done in the transfer market and a not too shabby start to the season either.


For once our squad is looking strong, in quality, depth and options available. We lack a certain class in one or two areas of course but there has never been a manager yet who has had to start from scratch like Sam Allardyce and Chris Mort has and managed to fix every single problem in one transfer window. Indeed most managers need a number of years to build a competent squad, just look at Sir Bobby Robson, David Moyes, Chelsea even.


For me, the only concern squad wise I have is if injuries hit us and loss of form - the same concerns I'd have if we had a team of all-stars and the same concerns every single fan up and down the country has regarding their own team and players.


I'd love to see us add some real quality in defence and midfield but that will come, we have to learn to walk before we can run though if we are to progress. We all need to be very very patient.


We have a manager who knows exactly what is needed whether it be in the transfer market or out on the pitch where it really matters and that's one hell of a start.


A lot of people seem to be forgetting where we were just a few short months ago and the strides we've since taken which have been monumental in terms of past history, almost everything has changed.


Except the attitudes of some fans that is...

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While I don't agree with the original post (assuming it isn't a wind up), it's a bit premature to laugh at him just two games into the season. He might be right. There are different ways to take a club forward, who's to say that Allardyce/Mort are going about things the right way? Spurs went for youth and have moved forward, Arsenal went a season unbeaten with a young side. Man Utd dominated the league for a decade with a young team which grew up together. On paper I'm reasonably impressed with this transfer window, but that doesn't mean it'll pan out that way. Two years ago we signed Emre, Parker, Luque, Solano and Owen. At that time it was hard to take a step back from it all and those who moaned about a lack of investment in defence were thoroughly criticised for "whinging", it was a lot like this thread now. I was one of those who thought it had been a very good transfer window and that a good season was ahead of us. How wrong I was. People are putting an awful lot of positive spin on our signings, but it's easy to see why people might have reservations about every one of our signings. A combination of age, injuries, attitudes and Premiership experience raise question marks over all of them, not to mention the type of players we've signed and the type of players you might believe we need. Some believe we've lacked pace and flair for years, and it's true that it was these attributes which rose us above the dross under Bobby (Bellamy and Robert espescially) and it's done the same for Spurs. Whether these signings will lift us above the dross or cement our place amongst it remains to be seen.


I think this has been a productive transfer window but I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. I can fully understand why Sam has gone down the short term route because as he said when he arrived, his first priority is to keep his job.


Now that's a respectful reply although not siding with the OP, he doesn't feel the need to belittle the blokes opinions and entertains the possibility that he could be right. Wish there was more of that kind of attitude on here, I think it's called being a grown up.


I too have been reasonably pleased just think that with a bit more investment we could push on a bit further and worry that if settle for a improvement on last year but still short of where we need to be it'll be a lot tougher to make that last push in the years to come.

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I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.


You know the size of the Chinese offer? There really was an Icelandic one too?


I cant believe you arent bright enough to work out the contradictions in what you are saying.


He has invested over £170m (Should we be thankful? Hmm well that depends on the size of the queue of people waiting to invest similar amounts). He now has an extremey sellable asset does he?. Well it wasnt that sellable beforehand, not even dodgy hedge-funds wanted in. Its more sellable as he has just cleared loads of debt.


How is he milking the club btw, that is a f****** stupid thing to say. If he sells it to someone willing to spend £250m to purchase it and makes a huge profit how the f*** is that 'milking the club'? 


Is there really any need to be so bloody agressive ? Is it the in thing to do on here, the OP made a decent if somewhat inflamatory comments, you and others just decided to ridicule him and other people who preffered to read his post and took on board what he was saying.


As for your points, they are as much conjecture as mine are, you know no more about the financial proposition the club is as I do, don't start pretending you do.


But if you think Mike Ashley bought into NUFC cos he just loves the Toon, then you are sadly mistaken, he's here for the same reason all the other new owners are; "To make money", I'm sure you're right he's not trying to milk the club, so if that's not the case why aren't we seeing the levels of investment in the playing staff we expected ? Spend £10-20 mil now on a good RB and a creative force in midfield and it could reap huge dividends. I certainly trust SA to spend the cash a lot better than his last two predecessors.


For me, it's so damn frustrating because I can see we are so close to getting back to SBR days, we just need that last push, a short push now may be financially more prudent than holding off by which time other teams have pulled further away from us and our appeal has fallen lower.



Look if you want to post stuff like 'he's spent £7m and he's a billionaire' when he has clearly spent £170m + thats up to you but when posts fly in the face of the facts expect incredulity. Where exactly is the conjecture in those figures? £133M + £30M + Net spend on players = ?


If you want to know why people pour scorn on these sort of posts its because with older heads on them, they realise that no one can waive a magic wand and create a successful team overnight. The club was going backwards at a rate of knots and now someone has come in, steadied the ship and asked for a bit of patience. Its attitudes like yours that encourages morons all over the ground to boo at the end of the game on saturday and i for one dont like it. Its called unrealistic expectations.


As for this last post you seem to be saying that he hasnt spent £170m (known fact) by saying no one knows the financial situation. He has spent that, we do know that so stop pretending we dont.


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Guest firetotheworks

I've got Ashley's spending down at just over £170m in around 3 months. You're about as far wrong with your calculations as everything else you said.


I cant be arsed to argue from false premises with people who havent got the brains to reflect on the situation intelligently and consider where we were and where we are now.


Nobody asked him to buy the football club ! It was his choice. In return for his 170mill he's got a extremely sellable assest, just ask the Chinese and the Icelanders. He could make a good profit on it , if he sold up tomorrow. So why exactly should we be thankful for that ?

When you buy a football club you need to invest in the paying staff to succeed, if he's gone into this without the plan to do so then he's either a fool or here to milk the club for what he can get and walkaway. I don't think he's the former.


You know the size of the Chinese offer? There really was an Icelandic one too?


I cant believe you arent bright enough to work out the contradictions in what you are saying.


He has invested over £170m (Should we be thankful? Hmm well that depends on the size of the queue of people waiting to invest similar amounts). He now has an extremey sellable asset does he?. Well it wasnt that sellable beforehand, not even dodgy hedge-funds wanted in. Its more sellable as he has just cleared loads of debt.


How is he milking the club btw, that is a f****** stupid thing to say. If he sells it to someone willing to spend £250m to purchase it and makes a huge profit how the f*** is that 'milking the club'? 


Is there really any need to be so bloody agressive ? Is it the in thing to do on here, the OP made a decent if somewhat inflamatory comments, you and others just decided to ridicule him and other people who preffered to read his post and took on board what he was saying.


As for your points, they are as much conjecture as mine are, you know no more about the financial proposition the club is as I do, don't start pretending you do.


But if you think Mike Ashley bought into NUFC cos he just loves the Toon, then you are sadly mistaken, he's here for the same reason all the other new owners are; "To make money", I'm sure you're right he's not trying to milk the club, so if that's not the case why aren't we seeing the levels of investment in the playing staff we expected ? Spend £10-20 mil now on a good RB and a creative force in midfield and it could reap huge dividends. I certainly trust SA to spend the cash a lot better than his last two predecessors.


For me, it's so damn frustrating because I can see we are so close to getting back to SBR days, we just need that last push, a short push now may be financially more prudent than holding off by which time other teams have pulled further away from us and our appeal has fallen lower.



Look if you want to post stuff like 'he's spent £7m and he's a billionaire' when he has clearly spent £170m + thats up to you but when posts fly in the face of the facts expect incredulity. Where exactly is the conjecture in those figures? £133M + £30M + Net spend on players = ?


If you want to know why people pour scorn on these sort of posts its because with older heads on them, they realise that no one can waive a magic wand and create a successful team overnight. The club was going backwards at a rate of knots and now someone has come in, steadied the ship and asked for a bit of patience. Its attitudes like yours that encourages morons all over the ground to boo at the end of the game on saturday and i for one dont like it. Its called unrealistic expectations.


As for this last post you seem to be saying that he hasnt spent £170m (known fact) by saying no one knows the financial situation. He has spent that, we do know that so stop pretending we dont.



Well said. That should manually lock the post until the end of the season imho.

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Waste of bandwidth this thread. The OP doesn't make any worthy points whatsoever. We have a bigger pool of players than we've had for many a year.


Would like you to expand on that if poss. I would have said that if anything we have smaller numbers than even last years swiss cheese squad by my reckoning, and that didn't hold up to much scrutiny once the inevitable (yes, even for the magic healing hands of Sam) injuries kick in. Maybe an increase in general quality and the ability of a few players to 'do a job' in a few positions counts for something, but the paucity of numbers should not be ignored.


So far, not counting the (it seems) inevitable departure of Luque, we are 4 players down on last season available to us in terms of experienced players, and 6 if you include the likes of Gate and Shanks. That will remain a concern (and that is all it is) until some bright spark fromn the academy hits the first team, or the shortfalls are addressed.


That, is the point I take fromm BB's post. Hardly something to get hot under the collar about, or in the case of Chez and others to become hateful little trolls about.

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That, is the point I take fromm BB's post. Hardly something to get hot under the collar about, or in the case of Chez and others to become hateful little cunts about.


You're ignoring the fact he says this season is a write-off already then?


Wish he'd told me like, I'd have saved £250.

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Waste of bandwidth this thread. The OP doesn't make any worthy points whatsoever. We have a bigger pool of players than we've had for many a year.


Would like you to expand on that if poss. I would have said that if anything we have smaller numbers than even last years swiss cheese squad by my reckoning, and that didn't hold up to much scrutiny once the inevitable (yes, even for the magic healing hands of Sam) injuries kick in. Maybe an increase in general quality and the ability of a few players to 'do a job' in a few positions counts for something, but the paucity of numbers should not be ignored.


So far, not counting the (it seems) inevitable departure of Luque, we are 4 players down on last season available to us in terms of experienced players, and 6 if you include the likes of Gate and Shanks. That rwill emain a concern (and that is all it is) until some bright spark fromn the academy hits the first team, or the shortfalls are addressed.


That, is the point I take fromm BB's post. Hardly something to get hot under the collar about, or in the case of Chez and others to become hateful little trolls about.



Supporters will always want more quality/quantity or whatever. At the same time it is a bit lax not taking into consideration the advances we are clearly beginning to make and are planning to make all over the club.

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Waste of bandwidth this thread. The OP doesn't make any worthy points whatsoever. We have a bigger pool of players than we've had for many a year.


Would like you to expand on that if poss. I would have said that if anything we have smaller numbers than even last years swiss cheese squad by my reckoning, and that didn't hold up to much scrutiny once the inevitable (yes, even for the magic healing hands of Sam) injuries kick in. Maybe an increase in general quality and the ability of a few players to 'do a job' in a few positions counts for something, but the paucity of numbers should not be ignored.


So far, not counting the (it seems) inevitable departure of Luque, we are 4 players down on last season available to us in terms of experienced players, and 6 if you include the likes of Gate and Shanks. That rwill emain a concern (and that is all it is) until some bright spark fromn the academy hits the first team, or the shortfalls are addressed.


That, is the point I take fromm BB's post. Hardly something to get hot under the collar about, or in the case of Chez and others to become hateful little trolls about.



Supporters will always want more quality/quantity or whatever. At the same time it is a bit lax not taking into consideration the advances we are clearly beginning to make and are planning to make all over the club.


As I have said many times, there are a lot of positives and we all have our fingers crossed. If Sam is not sacked (and that is basically what it hinges on, otherwise we are possibly back to square one next season), and if we get through this year intact trophy or not, then we will hopefully be able to say this season is not a waste and the club is more stable and able to continue to progress under the new team.


But that is not what BB focused on. His concern was simply whether this squad we currently have is good enough to get us material success this current season, not some 'maybe in a few years down the line success', and in his opinion it is not. I hope he is wrong, and more than anything hope it doesn't really matter as long as we have the right things in place to get there eventually, but I don't see the big deal in bringing those concerns to the table.

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