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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Granted some people have stayed away to protest against the "cockney mafia" thing. BUT it's really missing the point to blame a fall in attendance on that reason alone. Business everywhere is down and that includes football - it's more about the economic climate than anything else. Clubs with seemingly happy supporters have lost just as many, if not more, fans this season - look at what they did down the road recently. Niall Quinn is a great blarney merchant but thuth is what he dressed up as a grand gesture was nothing more than a panic move as he watches his attendances steadily decreasing. There are seven of us who have season tickets and have had them for a lot of years and were supporters before the ground went all-seat. 3 have said we will NOT renew as long as the current set up remains (Wise included). I am not saying this is reflected amongst all fans obviously, but when fans like this are turning their backs on the club it says nothing for the way the club is run. Loyalty is like an elastic band - stretch it too far and it will snap .......... To be honest I believe these would be the same fans who were not at the ground in the bad old days and who will return to the ground when we play well again. What goes around comes around.
  2. All updated and now has matches entered up until March
  3. I agree to the idea in principle I just don't agree that the current NUSC is the right way to do it.
  4. Of course they are, any fan is allowed to have a go at anyone within the current regime or anything to do with the club in fact. My problem is when these people then start trying to make decisions for the rest of the fans including removal of the only funds the club currently has to keep it alive. As for "5 year plan? bollocks" I prefer a club to have some sort of plan in place and follow that plan as closely they can then approach every season with a wing and a pray. I'm not saying everything they are doing is right far from it, but a plan is important and something the club has never had.
  5. It was this one that interested me http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/11/derek-llambias-interview-we-ve-inherited-a-bucket-full-of-holes-61634-22901431/
  6. Agreed, i'd join a proper supporters club but at the moment they are meerly afront for an Ashley out group from what i've read/listened too. With recent events or lack off, do you not think they are justified in wanting Ashley out? Looking at the state the club is in I think they are holding the clubs interests at heart by attacking the man that's caused it. Think most of you have been hooked again by this 5 year plan bollocks, just remember a leopard never changes it's spots. You're missing the point. A supporters group should be there to support. If you want a group set up to be a voice on a particular issue then set up an action group. There's a key difference. No you're missing the point, a supporters group is first and formost for the good of the club and not just to be ther just to cheer a bunch of underachieving millionaires every week. The supporters club is there to give a voice to the fans and to relay any fears or issues the paying public have about the running of the club. But you can't as a group come up with ideas of getting rid of all the top people at a club without thinking what will happen after, that's the greatest way to destroy this club. If he puts the club up for sale again and again nobody wants to pay decent cash and we lose the payments from Ashley the club will go under as it cannot support itself. I don't want that.
  7. Agreed, i'd join a proper supporters club but at the moment they are meerly afront for an Ashley out group from what i've read/listened too. With recent events or lack off, do you not think they are justified in wanting Ashley out? Looking at the state the club is in I think they are holding the clubs interests at heart by attacking the man that's caused it. Think most of you have been hooked again by this 5 year plan bollocks, just remember a leopard never changes it's spots. Not at all. I want Ashley out but it ain't going to happen so they need to work with not against. Well I think we've learnt that applying a bit of pressure to Ashley can make him stick the club up for sale again. I have no confidence in him or his team turning it round even if they are on a 10 year plan, the fact remains if you don't invest heavily in this league you will remain amongst the also rans. And who will then take over ? What's to say they will run it any different ? Whats the say they will run it better ? Whats to say we don't end up with FS back in charge ?
  8. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/11/derek-llambias-says-we-re-still-a-buying-club-61634-22901430/ http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/11/derek-llambias-interview-we-ve-inherited-a-bucket-full-of-holes-61634-22901431/ http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/11/five-year-plan-for-return-to-top-61634-22901429/ http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/11/man-of-mystery-or-an-open-book-61634-22901496/ Articles from todays interview
  9. Not sure what to make of him now after todays articles. I like some of the ideas but he's expecting an awful lot of the fans. He's also certain they are going to stick with the DOF role at the club which Dennis Wise will be keeping. Don't agree with it myself or at least we should have a qualified person in that role.
  10. unlike people who debate on the internet. Who don't pretend to be trying to fix the problems where as NUSC get off thier arses in attempt to make things happen. In a way which alienates them from alot of fans, show themselves to be a anti-ashley group and fail to provide any solutions to the problems they come up with. ok you win,... people must never voice thier opinions when they are unhappy. That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is as a so called Newcastle United Supporters Group they are saying that want to help the club move forward and get better whilst not forgetting about the fans. Fair point and a great idea. They then organise protests to complain at first at the way KK was treated and then at how Ashley runs the club and demanding he leave. Ok say they got what they wanted. Ashley packed his bags, closed his wallet and said bye bye. Then what did they expect to happen ? Did they expect so knight to come riding in take over the club, wipe out the clubs debt throw £100m at the transfer window and watch us fly up the league ? If they did they need to get real. That is my problem with the "supporters club" they are having meetings talking about the problems they have and how they want certain people out but they don't look at the bigger picture of who will replace these people. Many people at the meeting demand the sacking of Dennis Wise yet aren't able to come up with a reason why. Many say he's bought over the head of the manager. If that's the job he's been given who are they to critise, the board have decided to do it this way and they have paid there money to do that. Instead the fans should be looking at how to support the club, how we can help the club progress, how we can get a buyer to join Ashley in the board and how the fans can have a say on the running of the club day to day. This is what a supporters group should do in my opinion and this is why the current group are so far wide of the mark of what most fans want. Many people went to the meeting and made similar points but were ignored in favour of the vigilanty marches which NUSC are still to tell anyone what they are for!
  11. unlike people who debate on the internet. Who don't pretend to be trying to fix the problems where as NUSC get off thier arses in attempt to make things happen. In a way which alienates them from alot of fans, show themselves to be a anti-ashley group and fail to provide any solutions to the problems they come up with.
  12. Full list of questions: http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/nufc-question-and-answer/nufc-question-and-answer-news/2009/02/10/nufc-q-a-the-full-list-of-questions-put-to-derek-llambias-61634-22899738/
  13. unlike people who debate on the internet. Who don't pretend to be trying to fix the problems
  14. Sorry quoted wrong person I was meant to quote Mucky01 in terms of experience of the chairman in the job.
  15. That’s the strangest thing about Ashley, how can he from a sportswear retail background with a MD from a casino background (and a lawyer previously) think they can run a football club? Even though they know they have made huge mistakes, they still don’t get anyone in other than an inexperienced Dennis Wise – madness. One positive is the academy recruitment policy, but if that’s the “5-year plan” don’t they realise that a lot less than 10% of any EPL clubs academy become any good. And what happens in the meantime? Plenty of people have said that business is business, and it shouldn't be any different. Which is, of course, utter bollocks, and always was utter bollocks. How many other chairman come from football backgrounds though ? FS wasn't was he ?
  16. Looks like there are a few meetings going on then not just what I knew of.
  17. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened. Thats rubbish I'm afraid. The club had said before Xmas they would talk after the transfer window. NUSC had sweet FA to do with the interview or the future meeting. In fact I don't even know if anyone on NUSC is part of the meeting, they might be I don't know. The club said just after christams they'd be speaking in the new year (Ashley's programme notes for the Liverpool game). That never happened though so Kinnear said it would be after the transfer window. Then he said it would be the end of the season that they'd talk to supporters groups. Now Llambias points out they're regularly talking to supporters groups. Nobody at the club is reading from the same page. Anyhow, why did they feel the need to break from their policy of silence, if not due to the pressure they were under? It's been known by the people who go to the meetings it would be February for a long time. I don't care what JK said how much of what he says is true anyway I think you're confusing meetings with fan representatives (stewarding, prices etc.) with broader communication (Club direction, transfer policy, who's running the club etc.). Llambias hasn't even been involved with the former has he? I think (assume) that's all Llambias is on about when he mentions the meetings with the fans. He hasn't been involved with those yet but he is in february from what I understand. Mort was included in the last lot though.
  18. No they don't. That ended when Mort left. In the other forum the meeting is there Dave What? Dusty Cabinet
  19. No they don't. That ended when Mort left. In the other forum the meeting is there Dave. Edit - I've just checked the date you and I found out about the month on Dec 29th
  20. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened. Thats rubbish I'm afraid. The club had said before Xmas they would talk after the transfer window. NUSC had sweet FA to do with the interview or the future meeting. In fact I don't even know if anyone on NUSC is part of the meeting, they might be I don't know. The club said just after christams they'd be speaking in the new year (Ashley's programme notes for the Liverpool game). That never happened though so Kinnear said it would be after the transfer window. Then he said it would be the end of the season that they'd talk to supporters groups. Now Llambias points out they're regularly talking to supporters groups. Nobody at the club is reading from the same page. Anyhow, why did they feel the need to break from their policy of silence, if not due to the pressure they were under? It's been known by the people who go to the meetings it would be February for a long time. I don't care what JK said how much of what he says is true anyway
  21. I fear that one comment is going to get so confused by people. I hope people realise he has not said they will talk with NUSC he has said they will talk with fans which they have been doing since they took over. It went quiet for a bit around the time KK left but then was started up again saying a meeting would be held in Feb.
  22. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened. Thats rubbish I'm afraid. The club had said before Xmas they would talk after the transfer window. NUSC had sweet FA to do with the interview or the future meeting. In fact I don't even know if anyone on NUSC is part of the meeting, they might be I don't know.
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