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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Very true, if this club can get back into the Champions League we would be worth a small fortune.
  2. There was mate. I was in it and it had thousands of members, I've still got the lapel badge. You may remember the Magpie pub/club if you've been going to the match for a few years ? I'd join another one if it had credibility and actually did what it said on the tin (key words Newcastle United - Support ?) and didn't advocate boycotts which has to be the opposite of "support". No this is not a supporters club, this is a parochial political movement who want Ashley out and hi-jacked the term "supporters club" for their own purposes. It would raise their credibility if they actually said who or what they actually want to replace the men they so despise, but typically they are full of protest but never come up with any realistic alternatives. Remember the late 80's early 90's when chants of "sack the board" were popular, along with sit down protests? They ushered in a new era of success under John Hall. I understand the key difference you refer to, in that Sir John Hall had publicised his interest in taking full control at that time. But what comes first, the chicken or the egg? I think constant pressure should be put on an underperforming owner whether there's a saviour in the wings or not, or you're inviting them to continue ruining the club. An air of discontent among the fans also alerts such investors of an opportunity to come into a club as the good guys, unlike the Glazers and Hicks of the world who come in as bad guys. So now the time limit to be a great manager is under 1 year and to be a great owner is 2 years!!! Potentially getting us relegated within 2 seasons after 16 years in the top flight? I don't want anyone great, competent would do. I'm sure we were having problems before these guys came...............
  3. It's not a boycott. It's a rally. A rally for what ?
  4. Is it just me or should be maybe have gone indoors to train with the current injury problems the club has ? lol
  5. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/make+the+right+noises Shays therefore a liar and as bad as the board then ?
  6. There was mate. I was in it and it had thousands of members, I've still got the lapel badge. You may remember the Magpie pub/club if you've been going to the match for a few years ? I'd join another one if it had credibility and actually did what it said on the tin (key words Newcastle United - Support ?) and didn't advocate boycotts which has to be the opposite of "support". No this is not a supporters club, this is a parochial political movement who want Ashley out and hi-jacked the term "supporters club" for their own purposes. It would raise their credibility if they actually said who or what they actually want to replace the men they so despise, but typically they are full of protest but never come up with any realistic alternatives. Remember the late 80's early 90's when chants of "sack the board" were popular, along with sit down protests? They ushered in a new era of success under John Hall. I understand the key difference you refer to, in that Sir John Hall had publicised his interest in taking full control at that time. But what comes first, the chicken or the egg? I think constant pressure should be put on an underperforming owner whether there's a saviour in the wings or not, or you're inviting them to continue ruining the club. An air of discontent among the fans also alerts such investors of an opportunity to come into a club as the good guys, unlike the Glazers and Hicks of the world who come in as bad guys. So now the time limit to be a great manager is under 1 year and to be a great owner is 2 years!!!
  7. It was on SSN the other day that attendances for Premiership games have actually gone up an awful lot, this is probably why they don't bother to lower prices.
  8. I suggest you ask them directly all you need to know. I have the answer I got was to help promote the supporters club with leaflet drops etc. I'm happy enough with that but all finances should be wide open explaining every penny that goes into the club and where every penny goes and taxes paid on the money. Until then I wont join for fear of someone in the background pocketing a small fortune. All finances will be made crystal clear. It's silly to alienate people on an issue which is so easily sorted. I don't alienate anyone, I have my view point for my reasons. This was my reason for not paying my £10 a month to join for the ability to have my say. I don't have much money spare so £10 is a fair chunk to waste for me just to go into someones back pocket. This should be stuff already in place since its been a long time running now. In fact shouldn't they have already paid tax on what they have made so far ?
  9. Just like in 2001, yes. Dead easy. It's a mystery as to why everyone isn't doing it. The successful teams are. Like Spurs sitting below us in the league
  10. I suggest you ask them directly all you need to know. I have the answer I got was to help promote the supporters club with leaflet drops etc. I'm happy enough with that but all finances should be wide open explaining every penny that goes into the club and where every penny goes and taxes paid on the money. Until then I wont join for fear of someone in the background pocketing a small fortune.
  11. NUSC wil have going on 1200 fee paying members within the next few weeks. LambKebabarse already seems niggled by it. Truth hurts. I am not a member but it amazes me the people that are so against it give this so called small group such credence. I'm against due to the publicity they have managed to generate in the national press which make the club again look like a joke. I won't pay to join because nobody has as yet shown me what happens to all the funds. How do articles by serious sports writers in broadsheets like the Times and Telegraph make the club look like a joke? The articles seemed pretty supportive. Have you read them? because they continue to throw this view across that all Newcastle fans want this and want Ashly out and hate everything that is going on at the club, backing it up with views from certain members of NUSC. It makes me wonder if they have a spokesperson for the club and if they do how are they doing there job so badly ? Publicity for the club is great and the supporters club is great if it shows how the supporters club is influcing the club and allowing it to move forward. At the moment that isn't happening. my question however was to do with funding.
  12. Can you answer my question Parky ? I'd like to join a Newcastle Supporters club but nobody is able to answer that question.
  13. NUSC wil have going on 1200 fee paying members within the next few weeks. LambKebabarse already seems niggled by it. Truth hurts. I am not a member but it amazes me the people that are so against it give this so called small group such credence. I'm against due to the publicity they have managed to generate in the national press which make the club again look like a joke. I won't pay to join because nobody has as yet shown me what happens to all the funds.
  14. Please please please tell me your not suggesting taking out loans to buy players ?? You do realise this is how Leeds ended up where they are don't you ?
  15. Past chairman was a lier, current chairman is a liar, future chairman will be a liar. All chairman lie. It's something I've learned to live with and will happily take my discounted season ticket for the next 3 years. Enjoy the shops.
  16. The club aren't paying for the board sponsership will pay for the board. This means when that sponsership runs out the cash goes in the coffers which is good for the club. If they have found a way to make an extra £1m a season + then I'm happy for them to do it.
  17. "Doing something" is not, in itself, necessarily constructive. The people who come out with this one are invariably those who think that what they're doing is the right thing. Doing absolutely nothing will merely encourage those in control to carry on with the current way things are being run. The people who say nothing should be done, or that doing something will be harmful to the club are invariably those who are happy with the status quo. I am not particularly happy with the status quo, but what is the point of agitating without any solution? Have the NUSC actually put forward a more effective plan than Ashley's which I can get enthusiastic about? Protests rarely achieve their stated aims, however they are far more likely to force the institution they are protesting against into compromises than doing nothing would. Whats the compromise though. This is the problem people are asking for him to go but what do they want ?? No-one from NUSC has yet come out to say what the rally is for. It wasn't obvious listening to the meeting, its not been stated what they aim to achieve from it a week on sunday. What do NUSC want to get from this rally? If they want Mike Ashley out who do they think is going to buy the club in this economic market? If we don't put money into the club through tickets, merchandising etc does NUSC not see that the money that could be used to take the playing staff forward will have to be redirected to pay for the general day to day running of the club. We will be shooting ourselves in the foot by boycotting Newcastle United. They need to start listening to all the supporters who make points in their meetings rather than the ones who shout "Ashley out!" because there were quite a few who said they wanted to continue to support the football club and buy their season tickets but they were just rushed over as it doesn't fit NUSC's agenda of getting Mike Ashley out of the club.
  18. "Doing something" is not, in itself, necessarily constructive. The people who come out with this one are invariably those who think that what they're doing is the right thing. Doing absolutely nothing will merely encourage those in control to carry on with the current way things are being run. The people who say nothing should be done, or that doing something will be harmful to the club are invariably those who are happy with the status quo. I am not particularly happy with the status quo, but what is the point of agitating without any solution? Have the NUSC actually put forward a more effective plan than Ashley's which I can get enthusiastic about? Protests rarely achieve their stated aims, however they are far more likely to force the institution they are protesting against into compromises than doing nothing would. Whats the compromise though. This is the problem people are asking for him to go but what do they want ?? They want Newcastle United to do well. Appointing a competent manager and having a net positive transfer fund might persuade some people to put up with him for a bit longer. The club doesn't have the funds to do much of that at the minute due to the massive debts it's in and the loss it makes each season. This is why time has to be taken for the current regime to sort this. If once sorted them bugger it all up and don't have a clue I'll be more than happy to call them rotten. As for Newcastle doing well we all want that.
  19. "Doing something" is not, in itself, necessarily constructive. The people who come out with this one are invariably those who think that what they're doing is the right thing. Doing absolutely nothing will merely encourage those in control to carry on with the current way things are being run. The people who say nothing should be done, or that doing something will be harmful to the club are invariably those who are happy with the status quo. I am not particularly happy with the status quo, but what is the point of agitating without any solution? Have the NUSC actually put forward a more effective plan than Ashley's which I can get enthusiastic about? Protests rarely achieve their stated aims, however they are far more likely to force the institution they are protesting against into compromises than doing nothing would. Whats the compromise though. This is the problem people are asking for him to go but what do they want ??
  20. So....was there a meeting or not?? He's just explained. They were not meant to be at a meeting when they were in the bar. They were in a meeting on the afternoon. When they were drinking there was no meeting.
  21. Some people on here ARE local enough, but prefer to spout off anonymously on here about them being wankers. Going to the next BNP meeting to express your disagreement? Signing up to the Tory party to get them to dig socialism a bit more? etc. I don't feel either of those organisations represent me or people who I associate with. Fair comment. I'm referring to those who feel the NUSC is damaging the club and are willing to do nothing about it. I don't believe they are damaging the club yet, I think they are trying to make themselves out to be bigger than they are and have more control than they do without actually having any arguments for what they want to do, what there plans are on where they plan on going with it. Add on top of that the complete lack of open documentation about where the cash goes means my money is going nowhere near them.
  22. Some people on here ARE local enough, but prefer to spout off anonymously on here about them being wankers. Going to the next BNP meeting to express your disagreement? Signing up to the Tory party to get them to dig socialism a bit more? etc. I don't feel either of those organisations represent me or people who I associate with. Same could be said about NUSC
  23. They've also been citing 6,000 people who've expressed an interest in joining. This is entirely disingenuous, as it includes people like me who clicked a button to find out what the deal was, and then decided they wanted nothing to do with it. Naturally, the fact that they're using me in statistics angled to ramp up their supposed legitimacy as a representative organisation does little to alleviate my feeling that they're a bunch of wankers. yeah that was my thinking
  24. Why do you keep saying this despite people telling you that we were "told" no such thing? http://www.thespoiler.co.uk/index.php/mike-ashley-statement "I was always prepared to bankroll Newcastle up to the tune of £20m per year." OK it's not on the first team. But does this not contradict Lambarse's stated intention of having the club run at an overall loss of just £7M in 2 years? Has Ashley channged his mind on what he's willing to spend since taking us off the market and wanting to make a go of it? Currently: Loss of £20m = Ashley puts in £20m to cover 2 Years Time: Loss of £7m = Ashley puts in £7m to cover and £13m for squad building I see. So where's this £8M for summer spending come from? Considering the loss last year was supposed to be £36M. Is he pumping £44M in? Why double the investment in the summer if you want to decrease losses and tighten your belt? Nothing they say adds up. Might god your complaining because he's spent MORE money !! He said he would cover at least £20m a season. During his interview when he said he would sell he said he would still cover this but nothing else. Yet he is paying out more money and your complaining. Do you even know what your complaint is ? He never said "at least". He said "up to". See the link above. I'm complaining that they're liars. They lied by spending more though have I got that bit right ?
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