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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Thanks for that, NUSC could do with some sort of spokesperson who does stuff like this.
  2. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. It has been a case of the press and TV deciding what the popular story would be and then sticking with it. There has been no balance in the reporting, so it's no surprise that's what most people's think after watching TV and reading newspapers. Local TV reporting has been just as prejudiced. I have spoken to people outside the NE who also assume that we're all part of a baying mob looking for Ashley's head and cockney blood. When I tell them that many supporters are not of that opinion at all and have a very different view on Ashley's involvement and Keegan's part in the club's turmoil they are quite surprised. I'm not surprised, as you gave a false impression. Do they really think the "majority" of fans are behind a bloke who is going to relegate the club ? Are they the same people who booed the regime who gave us regular european football at Alan Shearers testimonial in front of a worldwise audience. The embarrassing thing is some of us are associated with by virtue of "supporting" the same clubs as these mongs. No wonder they "laugh at us". I'm not really sure what you mean or what you're saying. I think you're a decent bloke and undoubtedly a passionate Newcastle fan, but like some other NUSC supporters I think that your anti-Ashley obsession has become so irrational that you will be disappointed if we DON'T get relegated - as you think that will vindicate your opinion. That is really sad. now mate. NOBODY, NOBODY who supports the football club wants them to get relegated. Do you seriously think that having paid up front for 3 seasons I want to see the club get relegated again ? THAT is very, very sad indeed, from someone as old as yourself who has seen this club through some really s*** times and don't want them back again, and no the club isn't that bad - yet. I see you are now labelling anybody who wants Ashley out as "obsessed"............ Can I ask, and it's a serious question which you may have answered in some other post, I don't know i don't read all your posts, but will you continue to go if we do get relegated ? you haven't been on here for a while have you ? The current situation is not as bad as they years before the Halls and Shepherd - yet, and I was one of the 15-20,000 then so I'm not giving up now. Pretty much a no brainer sort of question that one, but I'm prepared to bet that a few others who blindly support Ashley and slated the Halls and Shepherd will give up when true mediocrity that they didn't know the like of, hits them So yes you will go. Thank you that's all I wanted to know. And I've been on here most days, just don't always post or read every post.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6446193.stm here you go
  4. Is it illegal to PM people to request PMs? As I understand his post, it is solely the act of soliciting PM's that falls foul. How you go about it means nothing in the eyes of the law. Yes but its the same principle in that youtube offering you the ability to search for said videos and also stroing them. Has anything ever happened to the tube about this? Yeah they are getting their asses sued for millions from record companies and the like thats why they remove stuff now.
  5. I'm trying to find a post in this thread which connects to yours. EDIT - you mean the NUFC board? It was a response to the original post. I mean the people on this forum who still think we need to relax and give Ashley time to fix the problems at the club. So my first point stands then. Absolutley. You'll get no disagreement from me that Ashley and Shepherd are as ugly as each other. f*** that for a box of pennies, I'd nosh down on Ashley's cock WAY before Freddy's. Why is that? Serious question. Is the politics/finances of the club more important to you than what happens on the field. Freddy and John might have fattened the golden goose to feed themselves, but Mike is just letting the Goose waste away. At least we as fans got something from the previous regime. Are you saying you'd prefer bottom half mediocrity, balanced books and an owner who only takes back what he puts in over European football, debts comparable with other clubs and an owner creaming off some of the profits? Cutting off your nose to spite your face if you ask me. Eh ?? He just thinks Ashley looks hot while Fat Freddy does not
  6. In fact heres the link again http://www.justgiving.com/thesirbobbyrobsonfoundation
  7. Thought I'd bump this just because it's nice to give
  8. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. It has been a case of the press and TV deciding what the popular story would be and then sticking with it. There has been no balance in the reporting, so it's no surprise that's what most people's think after watching TV and reading newspapers. Local TV reporting has been just as prejudiced. I have spoken to people outside the NE who also assume that we're all part of a baying mob looking for Ashley's head and cockney blood. When I tell them that many supporters are not of that opinion at all and have a very different view on Ashley's involvement and Keegan's part in the club's turmoil they are quite surprised. I'm not surprised, as you gave a false impression. Do they really think the "majority" of fans are behind a bloke who is going to relegate the club ? Are they the same people who booed the regime who gave us regular european football at Alan Shearers testimonial in front of a worldwise audience. The embarrassing thing is some of us are associated with by virtue of "supporting" the same clubs as these mongs. No wonder they "laugh at us". I'm not really sure what you mean or what you're saying. I think you're a decent bloke and undoubtedly a passionate Newcastle fan, but like some other NUSC supporters I think that your anti-Ashley obsession has become so irrational that you will be disappointed if we DON'T get relegated - as you think that will vindicate your opinion. That is really sad. now mate. NOBODY, NOBODY who supports the football club wants them to get relegated. Do you seriously think that having paid up front for 3 seasons I want to see the club get relegated again ? THAT is very, very sad indeed, from someone as old as yourself who has seen this club through some really s*** times and don't want them back again, and no the club isn't that bad - yet. I see you are now labelling anybody who wants Ashley out as "obsessed"............ Can I ask, and it's a serious question which you may have answered in some other post, I don't know i don't read all your posts, but will you continue to go if we do get relegated ?
  9. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/02/17/united-to-combat-season-ticket-fears-61634-22942981/ Thought this might interest certain people who are thinking of not renewing for whatever reason next season.
  10. I wouldn't believe any of the wages suggested by the press
  11. Chronicle yesterday said he'd played 20 games in 2 seasons, that's an awful record.
  12. Promoting NUSC and get a few more members apparently.
  13. the sad thing is that you really still think Ashley is improving the club and is better than his predecessors, and anti-NUSC for that very reason And if that was his opinion why would the concern you ?
  14. They said on the local news yesterday it went ok I think.
  15. This http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/predictor/default.stm ?
  16. Christ on a bike that's alot. There was something on sky not along ago explaining the stupid wages some League two players were commanding as well. That's where the problem starts. In fact I think they mentioned one Conference player but refused to name him who was earning thousands a week !
  17. I'm sure he'd show up for charity. Plus the appeal thing will be over by then.
  18. Because for Liverpool fans it's no big deal. We got beat !!
  19. I don't understand why it'll get moved to St James Park ?
  20. It's not a boycott. It's a rally. A rally for what ? NUSC So if there are people there chanting for Ashley to leave they are not there for NUSC is that what your saying ? Serious question. I'm not saying anything like that. Many people want Ashley to go and many don't. Many are NUSC members and many aren't. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, so I'm sure you will get some of those chants. But then you get those chants away from NUSC organised rallys too. I've chanted it myself in the stadium without a committee telling me it was ok. But in an organised rally stuff surely has to be organised therefore the leaflets should be all join NUSC, banners saying the same and people in charge of what happens. Thats the whole point of an organised committee and an organised rally. What I predict will happen is you will have an overruling over people chanting for Ashley to go and for cockneys this and that and that is my whole problem with the current set up of NUSC. It appears from the outside to be a solely anti Ashley protest group. I'm sorry but that is how it looks and how it sounds from their meetings.
  21. There was mate. I was in it and it had thousands of members, I've still got the lapel badge. You may remember the Magpie pub/club if you've been going to the match for a few years ? I'd join another one if it had credibility and actually did what it said on the tin (key words Newcastle United - Support ?) and didn't advocate boycotts which has to be the opposite of "support". No this is not a supporters club, this is a parochial political movement who want Ashley out and hi-jacked the term "supporters club" for their own purposes. It would raise their credibility if they actually said who or what they actually want to replace the men they so despise, but typically they are full of protest but never come up with any realistic alternatives. Remember the late 80's early 90's when chants of "sack the board" were popular, along with sit down protests? They ushered in a new era of success under John Hall. I understand the key difference you refer to, in that Sir John Hall had publicised his interest in taking full control at that time. But what comes first, the chicken or the egg? I think constant pressure should be put on an underperforming owner whether there's a saviour in the wings or not, or you're inviting them to continue ruining the club. An air of discontent among the fans also alerts such investors of an opportunity to come into a club as the good guys, unlike the Glazers and Hicks of the world who come in as bad guys. So now the time limit to be a great manager is under 1 year and to be a great owner is 2 years!!! Potentially getting us relegated within 2 seasons after 16 years in the top flight? I don't want anyone great, competent would do. I'm sure we were having problems before these guys came............... Yeah, and I seem to remember a lot of complaints about it then too. Why lap it up now? I also remember the complaints on here that it was only disorganised radgies banging on Shepherds car, and kids outside the reception singing. There was loads of people saying we needed to be organised and together in insisting that Shepherd go....but no-one actually gave their time and effort to do it....now some people have, and they get nowt but s***. I'm not lapping it up I just understand we have plenty of money problems and it takes more than 2 years to turn it around. The one thing that I don't agree with about the current board is their choice of manager but then the last board got plenty wrong there. If they can turn the funds round and start giving money to the manager and we start progressing as I expect we will over the next 5 years I'll be happy. I'm not worried about relegation this season. After the Man U game at the start of the season people were saying how good our team was and we just needed to add a few faces. Well we're starting to get those players back now so I have no doubts we won't get relegated and then it's a case of getting rid of some dead wood in the summer and bringing one or two good players in to the team. I don't feel the need to protest just yet thanks I'm happy to let them have a go for a few years yet.
  22. That's actually very true. He was given a few quid to spend, bought badly, we performed badly and things went down hill from there. I'm happy to blame him for everything.
  23. It's not a boycott. It's a rally. A rally for what ? NUSC So if there are people there chanting for Ashley to leave they are not there for NUSC is that what your saying ? Serious question.
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