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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. Well I had my doubts when he first came. Very few people a couple of years previously would have ever of thought of him as the best manager for the club. We admired him for what he had done for us in his the past but his failings were so obvious at every club he had managed. Short term I thought he would be a great success and by that I mean the first 18 months - 2 years. But after that it would be the same story as before. I'm a bit more gloomy now, especially after the appointment of Wise and the others, and all the negative press coming out of the club. I just don't know how Keegan will deal with this sort of pressure.
  2. Great news to hear while your enjoying yourself on holiday. Bollocks!
  3. I agree he was fantastic, but that was 4 years and significantly fewer injuries ago.
  4. We'd be utterly crazy to spend £9 million on him given his injury record.
  5. What is a concern other his usual injuries is his form, its been lacking for a long period now. He hasn't looked like the player he used to be.
  6. Err... we certainly weren't.
  7. Its pretty pointless even bothering to inquire about Richards.
  8. Exactly, flavour of the month if you ask me Pretty hopeless defensively, we get forward well though. Fairly predictable Keegan signing. Completley unnecessary though if Keegan actually has any belief in Enrique. Could be a back up signing, think Enrique needs to improve attackng wise. Other areas are more important, we need players who will come into the first team immediately first, not squad players.
  9. Sparks

    The impact of KK...

    When the hype and excitement dies down and the logic and rationale comes forth you have to have some doubts. Short term I think he will be great for the club, longer term, and by that I mean over 18 months there has to be some serious doubts.
  10. That just about sums up Babayaro's ambition. Tosser
  11. Exactly, flavour of the month if you ask me Pretty hopeless defensively, we get forward well though. Fairly predictable Keegan signing. Completley unnecessary though if Keegan actually has any belief in Enrique.
  12. No so sure about this rumor, but Keegan has always signed a hell of a lot of players at every club he has been at, and many of them hardly got a game.
  13. We're going to need a long term captain chosen soon. It's been a bit of a joke since towards the end of Shearer's days. It's been a curse on whoever has had the band. The following have all had a nightmare with it. Jenas Parker Geremi Smith Butt, Given and now Owen have also had a go. 8 captains in 2 1/2 years with Shearer.
  14. 52,000? So there expecting the Bolton fans to join in as well then?
  15. Sparks

    The impact of KK...

    I know he is only just started, but does anyone really see this as a long term appointment, and by that I mean 5 years+?
  16. Pretty pointless having Owen and Defoe. Keegan isn't going to sell Owen so it wouldn't make sense.
  17. Sparks

    Terry Mac

    Wonder if a few peoples opinions on him will magically change now Keegan is here.
  18. Sparks


    He still has time on his side, but we haven't really seen any improvement from him since he came back from Villa. He still has the same limitations now as he did when he first came. Keegan will obviously give him a good run in the team though.
  19. Sparks

    Kevin Keegan

    Keegan not having watched a game of football for 3 years is a bit of concern.
  20. Sparks

    Im Impressed

    TBH it really needed something like this to get the club going again. The whole club has been in a deep depression for the past 4 years. Whether Keegan will be a success is another issue though. I thought he was finished and really didn't want to be in the spotlight again. The game is massively different now to what it was 10 years ago. The acid test will come when the euphoria wares off and then the pressure will once again be massive. Lets hope he can cope with it.
  21. This is a concern, I really don't know how much Keegan is in the loop with the modern game. KK has disappeared completely off the radar for the past 3 years, it was like he had gone into his own little world.
  22. Sparks

    Kevin Keegan

    I just got an SMF error Record number of users online.
  23. Sparks

    Kevin Keegan

    bahaha We truly are crazy!
  24. How does having "manboobs" stop you from going out or working? He should just wear a bra anyway.
  25. It's just rumors I wouldn't over react, he is already about the 5th "bookies favorite". There will be a different one this time tomorrow.
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