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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Greg

    St James' Park

    Arsenal atmosphere in being decent during their first season challenging for the title in years shocker!! I went to our 0-0 last season and the atmosphere was decent - been over 10 times and 9/10 it’s been a terrible atmosphere.
  2. I’ve seen first two episodes and Craig’s article is accurate. When you watch this documentary remember you are not the target audience- this series is not aimed at our existing fan base it is about building the brand and image of NUFC to generate more interest in the club and build a bigger global fan base, to build the fan base in Saudi and to help build commercial revenue. That said there’s some really interesting bits and some heart warming moments. I’m really looking forward to seeing the third and fourth episodes.
  3. Certainly something we can pick up and ensure they are aware of, yes.
  4. They've also added the PIF CFO and the Deputy Governor and Head of the International Investments Division to NCUK Investment, which is the entity that owns PIF stake in NUFC.
  5. GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Newcastle lead 3-2!
  6. GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANDERSON!!
  7. Loris Karius and Alex Murphy on for Karl Darlow and Remi Savage. Anderson up front now. Maxi on the left.
  8. Looks like a fair few have sacked it off already.
  9. Longstaff clean through, should have scored.
  10. Greg

    St James' Park

    The seats in that photo that have been removed appears to be the sports bar seats that are being converted into a new corporate area.
  11. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/129173867#/?channel=RES_BUY
  12. Greg


    It's pretty clear on the donation page he is doing it as part of a team. https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/debraswim
  13. A really good group of candidates and great to see democracy in action. As a current Board member and Chair I will not be endorsing any candidates. All the info is on the website: https://nufctrust.co.uk/news/trust-board-elections-2023-introducing-your-candidates/
  14. You don’t need it. Just put your email address and ensure it’s same one you used for your trust membership.
  15. Happy to chat to anyone thinking of standing.
  16. The theory is to improve the atmosphere - given a lot of PL grounds are like libraries.
  17. To be fair, Premier Leagues rules dictate away fans must be pitch side. For the reasons you explained above we have an exemption.
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