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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. The kind of numpty who moans about the former regime being "ousted" when in reality they sold the club to Ashley as quickly as possible, took the money, and ran to the bank, laughing. To be fair Fat Freddie was in hospital when it all went down and by the time he launched his own little salvage mission it was too late. Still hardly ousted by Ashley, was he? If anyone "ousted" Shepherd, it was Sir John Hall. Is this supposed to be news? I haven't moaned about Shepherd being ousted, as you call it. I've been well aware of what happened since it happened and I've already blamed SJH. I'm surprised it took you so long to catch on. Then again, maybe not... Err...yes? SJH sold his shares to Ashley and that kicked off the takeover. What's the news about that, or is this your feeble attempt at trying to make out you weren't in support of it, believing 4th, 3rd and 5th in the PL was rubbish? Whatever must you "think" now...
  2. The kind of numpty who moans about the former regime being "ousted" when in reality they sold the club to Ashley as quickly as possible, took the money, and ran to the bank, laughing. To be fair Fat Freddie was in hospital when it all went down and by the time he launched his own little salvage mission it was too late. Still hardly ousted by Ashley, was he? If anyone "ousted" Shepherd, it was Sir John Hall. Is this supposed to be news? I haven't moaned about Shepherd being ousted, as you call it. I've been well aware of what happened since it happened and I've already blamed SJH. I'm surprised it took you so long to catch on. Then again, maybe not...
  3. What on earth are you on about? Try reading again what I posted on this subject, once you have actually read it properly and digested the meaning you'll realise you should retract your silly comment above. Doubt you will though.
  4. I can think of a few who might think so but I don't know if your post is tempting people to name these dimwits or for them to own up themselves...
  5. It's mental. Despite Ashley making this exact mistake 12 months ago there's no chance he'll do it now. Yes, mental it is. I actually laughed out loud at "Even someone as blind as you should see that it is not in Ashley's best interests..." as though I can't see it. You couldn't make up this tripe.
  6. From your comment above it seems you still don't have the foggiest.
  7. He hasn't been much bothered since he ousted the only decent Board we've had 50 years, so what makes you think he's going to change now? Do you not realise a profit was made in the xfer window last year and we were relegated by 1 point? Some of these people really do have their head stuck well up their arse.
  8. While Ashley is running the show anyone might leave.
  9. Blah, blah, blah... f*** off, it's beyond boring. Lame, so they cant attack or have a go at us this season cos we are sitting pretty with cracking crowds coming through the door. So they go back to our relegation day. f*** off man and think of summik new. Borning c***s. Theres been a staggering amount of spite thrown at this club, and more disgracefully against the fans. And the WORST of this has been in the so-called "quality" broadsheets. They have been hugely, petualntly disappointed we have not done a Leeds. They'll keep trying to have digs at us too until one of their own number does a major article in one of these same broadsheets asking what T.F. they're doing it for, and ask them to justify their spiteful obsessions. Not very likely that, is it ? doubt you'll get a bite this time phil. He's spot on. What is there to bite about?
  10. Thought this was going to be about Fat Ash and got excited 'cos it meant he'd noticed something about football. Just something, anything would do. I know that's so hopeful as to be stupid but you never know, he might start at some point and it's never too late to teach a fat bastard some new tricks. I'm deflated now. I don't give a shite about Allardyce or anything he spouts.
  11. That didn't bother him when he was making the shite decisions that got the club into this position. I see no reason to think he's suddenly going to start doing the right things. He's a football moron. Simple as that.
  12. Shocking how standards have fallen since the departure of the previous (shit) Board.
  13. Defending the tw*t to hilt as usual. Not renewing at a time like this is obviously down to Ashley dragging the club into the dirt and turning it into a laughing stock. Stop trying to defending the indefensible, it's foolish.
  14. So with 3 games to go until January we are 10 points clear of 3rd place. That gap might change up/dn between now and next month but is it better for this gap to decrease rather than increase? It seems a daft question because anyone with a brain larger than a pea would want the gap to be as large as possible, but we're dealing here with Mr M. Ashley and we know he doesn't have the faintest idea what he's doing when it comes to football. We need to bring in a couple of PL quality players in January to help consolidate our lead in the Championship and prepare for the challenge of remaining in the PL next season should the club be promoted next May. This means making a decision on whether or not to spend any money next month but when faced with big decisions Ashley hasn't got a single one correct since taking over the club. This is a big decision for the wide-boy, why will he suddenly break the trend and get it right? A return to the PL brings an increase in revenue and an increase in the value of the club. You would think it obvious that the best thing to do would be to spend even a little, but as his football knowledge is so limited it's doubtful he will understand this concept. Even if he does grasp the obvious there is also the problem that he's an inept gambler. So what's the betting that with a large gap between us and 3rd place the wide-boy opts not to improve the team/squad but decides to weaken the team/squad by selling any of our players who are the subject of a decent bid of anything over a fiver? He may glance at the league table (if he knows what it is) and decide to gamble on a slump in the 2nd half of the season happening but not being severe enough to prevent us limping over the line to promotion. So revenue goes up, club value goes up and he's also won his gamble and pocketed a bit more dosh. The problem is that unless one of his chimps tells him each win is worth 3 points, the gap isn't going to be big enough with only half the season gone. Does anyone else feel as depressed as I do despite being top of the division? I really can't wait for this joker to disappear from this football club. We'll go nowhere while he's running the show.
  15. Fed up of him, tbh. I don' t think he really wants to be here.
  16. he wasn't. he was poor. but he was no worse than the rest of the midfield and took more responsibility than the rest. The players who took responsibility were Coloccini, Enrique, Nolan and Carroll. Butt was a complete passenger. By the way, it's entirely possible the tactic last night was to use 2 players holding, we've been losing away games lately and leaking goals, you know. It works well if you lots of creativity on the flanks by the wide men and the fullbacks. Obviously we're lacking in those areas other than with Enrique, but if the idea was to keep it tight it's likely both Smith and Butt were holding players, I can see no other reason for selecting Butt ahead of Guthrie in the middle.
  17. The reason he doesn't go that far forward is because he understands the role of a defensive midfielder. Butt has played in that position all his life and still doesn't understand that you don't press the ball ridiculously high up the pitch as you can have the ball passed around you easy. I can't believe anyone still champions the cause of Nicky Butt. you can see him look round and think that no one is pressing and we are just inviting the pressure back on. you can also watch him look round and see his midfield partners aren't going to move forwrads to support whoever has the ball up front. he knows he hasn't the legs to do it but has to try cos of the crapness of those around him. are you seriously saying alan smith was better than butt tonight and that if anyone was playing a more defensive role who should it have been ? Oh dear. Butt was terrible tonight. Absolutely terrible. The game pretty much passed him by.
  18. If the last year or so has shown anything it's shown that for the most part Newcastle supporters are either unwilling or too apathetic to do anything to effectively express their anger at how the club is being run. Sure, there'll be people who ring in irately to phone ins, write angry letters to papers, or stand outside the ground and complain to any TV cameras present, but that's as far as it goes. Very little has been done which would actually affect Ashley in a tangible way and make him think twice about what he does or how he runs the club (don't fool yourself that the limited Keegan protests made Ashley decide to sell the club, with hindsight it's obvious that there was plenty of truth in the numerous rumours that he'd been trying to flog it from the minute Keegan was appointed). The fact that Sports Direct shops are still healthily trading in the centre of a city where the majority of the population are supposed to be mad supporters of the club shows that saving a couple of quid on a pair of trackie bottoms is more important to most than making a stand against the destruction of the club. If anything the people or groups who have actually tried to do something or organise things to try and get Ashley to even acknowledge the supporter's views have come in for more criticism and even blame from a lot of people than the owner and his cronies themselves - don't rock the boat sailing into the iceberg, or it's your fault if it sinks. Welcome to <your name here>FC. Shit all over us and we'll keep on giving you our cash. Spot on. It makes my skin crawl when I see wankers in his shops in Newcastle.
  19. Tut tut, Dave. Not suggesting you should ban yourself for a day or two, the forum would suffer for your loss, but I know some who have been permanently banned for less. I agree with you by the way.
  20. Because he's a tw*t and never really wanted to sell the club. He's obviously using the club for his own ends (overall business interests) and is asking for *something* in the supposed sale that nobody wants to offer. In the meantime it gives him a transparent excuse to fail to invest in the team or a proper manager. Seems bloody obvious really. I said it last week. Lots of clubs that are in a much worse state have been sold. That's because the owners actually wanted to sell.
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