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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Just thought I'd highlight this word, it's fairly crucial. Has anyone said, or even implied, otherwise?
  2. It's nowt to do with apples and oranges. Some of you irrational Keegan haters appear to have a problem acknowledging the concept of "constructive dismissal" and that if it is proven in this case there is no difference at all between Keegan resigning and Robson being sacked. None at all. Constructive dismissal is a real thing. Get used to it.
  3. Anything to say about the facts posted by others regarding the myth you peddle that is the loss of the 12 point lead? I asked you in the other thread and as usual you've ignored the question as you continue to ignore the facts. Cheers
  4. I don't think the fat market stall boy has any intention of selling the club.
  5. I'd say the build up to and our relegation from the Premiership was far more of a reason. Surely not. How can that be? The one and only reason is obviously his treatment of God, nobody really cares much about the club ahead of the Messiah, after all.
  6. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up. A rather angry and irrational response which rather confirms what macca was saying. Keegan has a status which, in many people's eyes, puts him beyond criticism. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen him described as a 'legend'. I've also found that when you criticise the man, the response is often one of moral outrage, as though you'd pissed on the steps of the Vatican rather than made an observation about a human being who is as flawed as the rest of us. Not his first though, is it? Anyone who doesn't agree with him is talking 'tripe' and anyone who lives in Australia (including myself), has to bow to his superior knowledge of all things NUFC. What a wonderful person to go for a pint before the match with Can't say I've ever noticed you. Who are you? You won't know this, but people who go to the match disagree, so disagreeing with someone is nowt to do with whether or not someone like you or your mate are in australia, it's more to do with the content of posts made, which exhibit a huge degree of ignorance....or tripe, about Newcastle United. Sorry, didn't realise that I needed to have over 100 posts to disagree with you (which we have done in the past over Shepherd). Please let us know your recognition scheme in the future. The bit in bold...you're making yourself look a bit more of a prick now, you see, I only moved to Australia in Jan this year and had been going to the matches since '82, So I know all about disagreeing, just not in your usual way of completely putting down the other persons point of view. If it's got nowt to do with macca being in Australia, why did you bring it up and use it against him? I'll not be expecting a straight answer. f***ing loon. You again. Mate, I've said nowt about 100 posts. Making stuff up is a bad sign. If you've been going to matches since 1982 and have recently moved to australia I'm sure you will agree it's much more difficult to maintain a decent grip on what is happening in Newcastle. Macca has lived in australia for years, my point is that he does not have a proper idea of "the feeling" about the club, Ashley or Keegan and it comes across in the content of his posts. His view is based on incomplete information and that is due in some measure to his location. That you find it insulting that I mention is a laugh. Are you going to claim someone on the other side of Planet Earth has the same "feel" for what is happening in Newcastle as those living there or going there on a regular basis? I've lived abroad as well, so think carefully before you reply. You lied at the top of your last post so I won't be surprised if you do so again. I'm thinking carefully and did not lie. I don't think it's hard to keep up to date. I have the internet, lots of mates who go and watch the matches. Apologies for not actually being 'there' and having the 'feeling'. You're talking tripe now. Mate, You completely misunderstand. You don't need to apologise to me for anything, let alone for not going to matches, for not being "there" and for not having the "feeling". I don't give a s**** what you think. Why are you replying then? omg
  7. Ian I've nowt against you mate. If you were across here I'd be quite happy to buy you a beer. That's for one. Second, I am not in the least bothered by the location of anybody, despite the comment by your "mate" earlier on. I think it's difficult for someone to get a real feel for what is going on from so far away. You disagree and you're entitled to that. I think you're wrong and I'm entitled to that. I also don't live in Newcastle and haven't done for years, I think that makes it difficult for me, despite technology. It is not the same as being there all the time. I didn't say you know nowt. I have respect for most people and that includes you, there are only a couple I find myself laughing at before I've even read what they post. That may not be fair, but it's the truth and as there are only a couple from the huge number of members, I'd suggest it's down to them and what they've posted in the past. The thing about posts you make, and those of some others who have an irrational hatred for Keegan and Fred, is what seems to be the outright lies used in attempt to justify the hatred. When people respond with genuine information to dispute the lies, the posts are ignored completely, there is no "debate." An example of this in my view is the repeated reference over the years to Keegan throwing away a 12 point lead. This is a media myth, yet you and others continue to peddle this myth as though it's fact. You've repeated this myth a number of times now to the point it can seem to be one of your major gripes with Keegan, yet it's not even true. There is one member continually moaning about Fred spending too much money on players then also moans about the club not lashing out millions in summer 2003, having spent over £40million in the previous two years, or whatever time period it was. It's rather pathetic and it's this kind of stuff that leads to a lack of respect and kills debate in my opinion. Finally, I don't resort to name-calling either, that's the thing for some other members but not me. I'm dropping it now, so cheers anyway.
  8. Nice sentiment, but given the numerous mistakes I'd suggest Ashley doesn't even recognise when he's made one, let alone learn from it.
  9. I think you've put into words there what probably thousands of people are thinking. Cracking post.
  10. When has that been mentioned in the last couple of pages ? The answer is nowhere. It's just turned into another pro KK anti KK debate. Just because he is in some sort of legal wrangle that has a vague baring on the sale of the club, is a convient excuse for people to start off on their old agenda. I'm sorry, but I'm just sick of people pushing the same message down people's throat, debate about the hear and now, not stuff that's been done to death, over and over again. Of courseits related, people or debating the causes of the sale, sorry if people are sick of this but its one of the most crucial times in the clubs history. You'll know when summik has kicked in when this thread has everyobne posting in it. I give up, you're just not listening. I could easily say the same to you In what way exactly ? You've said it's related and I've countered it's not, and why it's not therefore I clearly listened to your point. However you just repeated what you said and didn't counter my counter, saying this is the most important time for the club. But I'm sorry I don't see a pointless pro KK, anti KK debate being the most important time for the club. Yup, irony indeed. You obviously have no idea about the meaing of the word. Anyway I've allowed this thread to degenerate to even lower levels, so to everyone else having the misfortune of reading this thread, I'm very sorry. So I'm stepping away from it until you children (and I mean that in a mental state, it's not an oppourtunity for you to tell us how old you are and how many games you've seen) are finished with your little debate. Go ahead fill your boots, just let us know when it's safe to return. Mate, you really are confusing me with someone else for whom you hold some irrational hatred. I've never once on this forum or any other mentioned how many games I've been to, nor do I believe I'm in anyway superior to anyone based on anything, let alone based on something as irrelevant as my age. It looks from your post that you are attempting to imply the opposite. Nor do I randomly call people names and/or insult anyone, unlike some others. You should stop making stuff up or show me the posts. Good of you to acknowledge you stepped in with your aggressive tone and ruined what was an interesting couple of pages.
  11. When has that been mentioned in the last couple of pages ? The answer is nowhere. It's just turned into another pro KK anti KK debate. Just because he is in some sort of legal wrangle that has a vague baring on the sale of the club, is a convient excuse for people to start off on their old agenda. I'm sorry, but I'm just sick of people pushing the same message down people's throat, debate about the hear and now, not stuff that's been done to death, over and over again. Of courseits related, people or debating the causes of the sale, sorry if people are sick of this but its one of the most crucial times in the clubs history. You'll know when summik has kicked in when this thread has everyobne posting in it. I give up, you're just not listening. I could easily say the same to you In what way exactly ? You've said it's related and I've countered it's not, and why it's not therefore I clearly listened to your point. However you just repeated what you said and didn't counter my counter, saying this is the most important time for the club. But I'm sorry I don't see a pointless pro KK, anti KK debate being the most important time for the club. Yup, irony indeed.
  12. Not whaen they are calling each other f***ing loons and bringing up tired old debates. I come on here expecting to hear the latest on the club sale, not this crap, if you want to talk about this nonsense over and over again, start a new bloody thread or take it to PMs. There is no take over talk so people are discussing the causes of the eventual sale. All related. No it's not related in the slightest. It's just people using it as a veil to cover their own petty little agendas, you've got Bobyule with his "I f***ing hate Keegan" stance he's always on, you've got HTL, with his same old "I Love Fat Fred stance and anyone who doesn't is a moron" stance, and then everyone else who gets pissed off with one or both of them chiming in. It's not related to the club sale at all. I actually dislike Fat Fred and think he made numerous mistakes. I've said this lots of times before so I'm probably pissing into another empty head by posting it to you. Sorry, looking back at some of your posts, you are right I don't see any pro Fred messages. I had you pegged down as just another NE5 clone when in actual fact your just another, soopafan my opinion is always right and yours is wrong, one issue, poster. Such irony.
  13. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up. A rather angry and irrational response which rather confirms what macca was saying. Keegan has a status which, in many people's eyes, puts him beyond criticism. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen him described as a 'legend'. I've also found that when you criticise the man, the response is often one of moral outrage, as though you'd pissed on the steps of the Vatican rather than made an observation about a human being who is as flawed as the rest of us. Not his first though, is it? Anyone who doesn't agree with him is talking 'tripe' and anyone who lives in Australia (including myself), has to bow to his superior knowledge of all things NUFC. What a wonderful person to go for a pint before the match with Can't say I've ever noticed you. Who are you? You won't know this, but people who go to the match disagree, so disagreeing with someone is nowt to do with whether or not someone like you or your mate are in australia, it's more to do with the content of posts made, which exhibit a huge degree of ignorance....or tripe, about Newcastle United. Sorry, didn't realise that I needed to have over 100 posts to disagree with you (which we have done in the past over Shepherd). Please let us know your recognition scheme in the future. The bit in bold...you're making yourself look a bit more of a prick now, you see, I only moved to Australia in Jan this year and had been going to the matches since '82, So I know all about disagreeing, just not in your usual way of completely putting down the other persons point of view. If it's got nowt to do with macca being in Australia, why did you bring it up and use it against him? I'll not be expecting a straight answer. f***ing loon. You again. Mate, I've said nowt about 100 posts. Making stuff up is a bad sign. If you've been going to matches since 1982 and have recently moved to australia I'm sure you will agree it's much more difficult to maintain a decent grip on what is happening in Newcastle. Macca has lived in australia for years, my point is that he does not have a proper idea of "the feeling" about the club, Ashley or Keegan and it comes across in the content of his posts. His view is based on incomplete information and that is due in some measure to his location. That you find it insulting that I mention is a laugh. Are you going to claim someone on the other side of Planet Earth has the same "feel" for what is happening in Newcastle as those living there or going there on a regular basis? I've lived abroad as well, so think carefully before you reply. You lied at the top of your last post so I won't be surprised if you do so again. I'm thinking carefully and did not lie. I don't think it's hard to keep up to date. I have the internet, lots of mates who go and watch the matches. Apologies for not actually being 'there' and having the 'feeling'. You're talking tripe now. Mate, You completely misunderstand. You don't need to apologise to me for anything, let alone for not going to matches, for not being "there" and for not having the "feeling". I don't give a shite what you think.
  14. Not whaen they are calling each other f***ing loons and bringing up tired old debates. I come on here expecting to hear the latest on the club sale, not this crap, if you want to talk about this nonsense over and over again, start a new bloody thread or take it to PMs. There is no take over talk so people are discussing the causes of the eventual sale. All related. No it's not related in the slightest. It's just people using it as a veil to cover their own petty little agendas, you've got Bobyule with his "I fucking hate Keegan" stance he's always on, you've got HTL, with his same old "I Love Fat Fred stance and anyone who doesn't is a moron" stance, and then everyone else who gets pissed off with one or both of them chiming in. It's not related to the club sale at all. I actually dislike Fat Fred and think he made numerous mistakes. I've said this lots of times before so I'm probably pissing into another empty head by posting it to you.
  15. Not whaen they are calling each other fucking loons and bringing up tired old debates. I come on here expecting to hear the latest on the club sale, not this crap, if you want to talk about this nonsense over and over again, start a new bloody thread or take it to PMs. Err, only one person is into that stuff, I'm sure you noticed really. Why not send him a nice PM and ask him to stop?
  16. More tripe. Your far flung location sees you detached from reality but really, there is no excuse given the power of the internet. When Keegan was appointed by fat ash the reality is that people saw him as a manager with some talent who may turn the team into a decent one and who may see us up near the top 6 or so and looking like challengers. Babbling on the way you do about Keegan being seen as a god or something merely goes to show your knowledge of the club and it's supporters is limited to what you read in the media. Love the reference to YOU SUPPORTERS by the way. That tells a story. I suggest you stick to stuff about australia and leave the Newcastle stuff to those more clued up. A rather angry and irrational response which rather confirms what macca was saying. Keegan has a status which, in many people's eyes, puts him beyond criticism. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen him described as a 'legend'. I've also found that when you criticise the man, the response is often one of moral outrage, as though you'd pissed on the steps of the Vatican rather than made an observation about a human being who is as flawed as the rest of us. Not his first though, is it? Anyone who doesn't agree with him is talking 'tripe' and anyone who lives in Australia (including myself), has to bow to his superior knowledge of all things NUFC. What a wonderful person to go for a pint before the match with Can't say I've ever noticed you. Who are you? You won't know this, but people who go to the match disagree, so disagreeing with someone is nowt to do with whether or not someone like you or your mate are in australia, it's more to do with the content of posts made, which exhibit a huge degree of ignorance....or tripe, about Newcastle United. Sorry, didn't realise that I needed to have over 100 posts to disagree with you (which we have done in the past over Shepherd). Please let us know your recognition scheme in the future. The bit in bold...you're making yourself look a bit more of a prick now, you see, I only moved to Australia in Jan this year and had been going to the matches since '82, So I know all about disagreeing, just not in your usual way of completely putting down the other persons point of view. If it's got nowt to do with macca being in Australia, why did you bring it up and use it against him? I'll not be expecting a straight answer. Fucking loon. You again. Mate, I've said nowt about 100 posts. Making stuff up is a bad sign. If you've been going to matches since 1982 and have recently moved to australia I'm sure you will agree it's much more difficult to maintain a decent grip on what is happening in Newcastle from the other side of the Planet. Macca has lived in australia for years, my point is that he does not have an accurate idea of "the feeling" about the club, Ashley or Keegan and it comes across in the content of his posts. His view is based on incomplete information and that is due in some measure to his location. That you find it insulting that I mention is a laugh. Are you going to claim someone on the other side of Planet Earth has the same "feel" for what is happening in Newcastle as those living there or going there on a regular basis? I've lived abroad as well, so think carefully before you reply. You lied at the top of your last post so I won't be surprised if you do so again. Hope that's a straight enough answer for you, mate. Note the lack of bad language and juvenile name calling in my reply.
  17. Ian As some people have taken the time and trouble to explain the facts regarding the myth of the 12 point lead, I was wondering just now whether you have any further comment to make about it? Cheers
  18. EPL is actually not the correct term, Its just the premier league. So if its all the fault of the previous bored with buying players on the drip, why did ashley sell our players to other clubs on the drip and then enforce his own rule of buying players out right, only using the money we can generate from sales. It doesn't add up especially for a businessman and especially since his asset was fighting for its life in the prem league. He wiped 100 mill off his own asset by being totally fucking stupid. And it's all Keegan's fault. Apparently.
  19. Our players were shocking and deserved to get relegated, no doubt. I don't (collectively) absolve them of any blame there. I do, however, blame Ashley for failing to recognise this and do anything about it. It wasn't complicated. p.s. saying EPL is fucking wank. Exactly what I was thinking when I read it.
  20. A few people have, to be fair. Great post, man.
  21. Nobody has missed that, tbh. People have been talking about the club debt for a long, long time. How thick can Ashley be? What you appear to have missed is that Ashley did not understand he would have to spend money in order to (possibly) make money from owning the club. I've thought from the start he was hoping the value of the club would simply go up over time as things generally go up over time. He's just very dumb about football and unfortunately it is Newcastle United that has to suffer for it.
  22. Your first paragraph is pretty much correct appointing KK was madness really in those circumstances and it would never work how KK operates and i think we all knew it would end in tears,as for the second paragraph come on man Macca is entitled to his opinion and we all are and we will probably not find out the full truth after this court settlement anyway but we all have our thoughts on this scenario be it right or wrong. I know he's entitled to his opinion but most of the time he is putting it across as the truth...as solid fact.
  23. If Ashley wanted the club to operate in the manner you describe he should not have appointed Keegan, nor anyone else (Redknapp for example) who believes bringing in better players in return for transfer fees is essential for a club to make progress. The mistake was his and his alone. By the way, you don't know the truth, all you have is your own bias which is based on very limited information. For accuracy you should really leave such comment out of your posts otherwise they become in danger of turning into you know what.
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