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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. the resignation was not just over the loan signing, which has been pointed out numerous times. you make it sound like everything was rosy and then, bang, he resigns over one little thing. the pdf of the judgement specifically says that keegan was not being opportunistic in this. you may repeat your claim as many times as you wish, but clause 34 PROVES, actually proves in a court of law, that you are quite simply wrong. The pdf further outlines that there were numerous other issues leading up to this which made the Nacho deal the 'final straw' (clause 33). Not only was it without keegan's say but it was done in a corrupt fashion, while Wise's childish behaviour (telling keegan to watch youtube) undermined the working relationship. Furthermore the document also outlines that there was a 'final final straw' (clause 40) which was the club trying to codify the fact that Keegan would have no control over transfers. This would've made his situation untenable as, rather than being one single transfer, it would've taken control out of keegan's hands for every single transfer the club made from that point onward. It is also worth pointing out that it was only after keegan went to resign that the club tried to codify this - before that there had been no clear structure - amazingly amatuer - as we were basically being ran as a lad's club, friends appointed here, favours done there etc. In fact the situation was so bad and unprofessional that the club could not even produce a coherent outline of the managerial structure at the tribunal, having had many months to get their arguments straight. If you feel you disagree with any of what i've just wrote then don't bother to respond to me personally but take it up with the relevant legal authorities, as that is who your beef is actually with. anyway you're a good one to talk about elephants. the fact is this issue isn't primarily ABOUT kevin keegan, a bloke who is no longer at the club, but about the people running newcastle united. you've singularly failed to address this and it's getting to a comical stage now that you're so obviously hiding from the issue. So do you think that other players were foisted on Keegan, in the same way as Gonzalez? I'd really like an answer to that question. Anyone else is welcome to chip in. Other than trying to deflect comment away from your continued ignorance of facts, why are you interested in an answer to this irrelvant question anyway?
  2. I guess I was one of those 'morons' that refused to condemn Ashley without any evidence... and I openly said that Keegan had gone down a lot in my estimation because he walked out on us. As I've said in this thread (sure you'll read it when you can be arsed), I now think a lot better of KK over this whole farce and it's now clear that Ashley's running of the club was a shambles. I still don't think I was wrong to take the stance I did at the time though, we had no facts then. Believing anything from Ashely (given what can be seen of the state of the club) ahead of Keegan = Besides that, it's mildly interesting that you say you refused to condemn Ashely without evidence yet you were willing to condemn Keegan without evidence. So as I said... I never condemed Keegan, I just thought he had let us down to a certain extent... I thought he could have stuck it out. After the truth has come out, I still think that would have been possible but I now don't blame him for what he did. It wasn't a matter of choosing Ashley's side either by the way, I never did that. So to say it was 'ahead of Keegan' doesn't make any sense. Nice use of the smilies though. Err, ok. Still no idea. Keegan didn't let anybody down. The morons running the club let everybody down except their mates. That you still can't see it is shocking.
  3. I guess I was one of those 'morons' that refused to condemn Ashley without any evidence... and I openly said that Keegan had gone down a lot in my estimation because he walked out on us. As I've said in this thread (sure you'll read it when you can be arsed), I now think a lot better of KK over this whole farce and it's now clear that Ashley's running of the club was a shambles. I still don't think I was wrong to take the stance I did at the time though, we had no facts then. Believing anything from Ashley (given what can be seen of the state of the club) ahead of Keegan = Besides that, it's mildly interesting that you say you refused to condemn Ashley without evidence yet you were willing to condemn Keegan without evidence. So as I said...
  4. I've been very busy just lately and haven't logged on for awhile, so I'll go through this thread when I get a chance. All I'd like to say right now before I read the thread is that I hope all those morons who have slagged Keegan have had the decency and the balls to admit they were talking shite, like they were told they were doing, of course. I won't be surprised if they're still backing Ashley though and stupidly slagging Keegan. The fact is that what Ashley has done to this football club in such a short space of time is nothing short of a disgrace and honestly, if anyone is still defending this bloke they need a good kicking as well. The sooner this clown is gone the better, the worry is I can't see it happening any time soon because it may be somehow in his interests to run the football club in this fashion.
  5. What are you worried about, sonny? If he did poorly, as you'd like, it would give you another chance to boo our own players in encouragement... If you're seriously suggesting Carroll and Ranger are better players than Smith, then you must be smoking something. Since Smith joined the club people like you didn't want him in the team in any position because he hasn't scored goals while being out injured, so I think I'll file your reply in the nonsense bin where it belongs. You're either a wum, or clinically insane. Either way you are wrong. In your opinion.
  6. What are you worried about, sonny? If he did poorly, as you'd like, it would give you another chance to boo our own players in encouragement... If you're seriously suggesting Carroll and Ranger are better players than Smith, then you must be smoking something. Since Smith joined the club people like you didn't want him in the team in any position because he hasn't scored goals while being out injured, so I think I'll file your reply in the nonsense bin where it belongs.
  7. In your opinion, fair enough. In my opinion, he'd do a better job up front at this level than either Carroll or Ranger.
  8. 2 things. With the quantity of central midfielders we have it is still an option to use Smith up front, regardless of whether or not Smith considers himself a midfielder now. Needs must and the team comes first. I've never been hung up on formations, I believe it's the quality of player and playing to your strengths that is important. We have no natural width right now so we shouldn't be forcing square pegs into round holes. That's the sourness way. Without quality wide players we should be going with 3 central midfielders, 2 up front and 1 in a more or less free role imo. Guthrie, Barton and Nolan should be in the middle today, Lovenkrands should have the free role with Smith up front alongside either Carroll or Ranger. If it's obviously not working after 20 minutes it is easy to switch to what Hughton has been doing in earlier matches, so long as he has the ability to spot it and the confidence to make a tactical change that early in the match.
  9. You're right. This wouldn't be as big a surprise as some of the other predicted lineups. Unfortunately.
  10. Where are the goals going to come from?? I think we'll win, but certainly not by more than 2 goals max. Trouble is now we've had a good start people are expecting to win, rather than going to the match not knowing what it will be like. It was a piss-take, mate. I think we'll win but 1-0 or 2-0 is more likely than owt else. As you say, generally goals are going to be hard to come by, though we'll probably have the odd blip by knocking a few in and papering over the cracks.
  11. I'd rather say you haven't a f***ing clue and leave it at that.
  12. Bored of these recent logical and insightful posts. Can we please get back to the ignorance of blaming Keegan?
  13. That's very simplistic, of course. Teams don't "lose" the league, by the way.
  14. Which is one reason why the difference may have been Venison, had he not be allowed to leave. It was also a lot to do with the amazing last 15 or 16 games from manure that is constantly overlooked. Really, the 12 point lead isn't the main thing here anyway. The media like to sensationalise and it's a better story (even if true) that Keegan bottled it on TV and threw away a 12 point lead when compared to Man Utd winning the league again due in huge part to an absolutely amazing run-in. It's played over 38 games and the bottom line is the best team wins the league. We were second best overall despite being ahead for large parts of it. We didn't win, but to suggest a manager is hopeless who takes a club from where Keegan started to where it was at that point is lunacy. Would agree with all of that, especially Man U's amazing run at the end. You can't really legislate for that, and tbh finishing runners up with a team that had only been promoted a couple of seasons earlier was no small achievement. Absolutely. The pivotal moment was clearly the defeat at home to manure and that was absolutely nowt at all to do with Keegan supposedly bottling it. Even a draw in that game and I think we'd have gone on to win the league but it wasn't to be. I'm as disappointed as anyone else but these things happen. Keegan made mistkes, who doesn't and for that he can be criticised like anybody else, but I'm not going to generally slag the bloke who gave us our best team since 1927 in the manner some do on this forum. To do so is pathetic and sad imo.
  15. Which is one reason why the difference may have been Venison, had he not be allowed to leave. It was also a lot to do with the amazing last 15 or 16 games from manure that is constantly overlooked. Really, the 12 point lead isn't the main thing here anyway. The media like to sensationalise and it's a better story (even if true) that Keegan bottled it on TV and threw away a 12 point lead when compared to Man Utd winning the league again due in huge part to an absolutely amazing run-in. It's played over 38 games and the bottom line is the best team wins the league. We were second best overall despite being ahead for large parts of it. We didn't win, but to suggest a manager is hopeless who takes a club from where Keegan started to where it was at that point is lunacy.
  16. You've been slagging Keegan for a lot longer than when he returned as manager under Fat Ash, so there's something dodgy about you claiming you're slagging him for walking out 3 times. Been talking to Irv, then. Oh well, no doubt your finger is firmly on the pulse with this information given by a definite bottler when the going got tough. Newcastle United is a big club and due to the efforts of SJH, Fat Fred, Keegan and then Robson we had progressed well past the signing of hopeless tw*ts like Ryan Taylor. All of this has been undone by Fat Ash despite Keegan trying to raise the bar again. There's nothing wrong with having ambition so don't slag it. Your mate didn't show any ambition at all when he ran away to the nappy rippers, clearly not influenced at all by turmoil at boardroom level. Under certain conditions it is reasonable to resign. From what is known it looks like KK was justified when resigning in the 90's and again under Fat Ash. I've forgotten what the other occasion was. Remind me. Again, dodgy reason because you've been slagging him for a long time, it's nothing to do with the current problem between Keegan and Ashley and this £10m. Nothing irrational about my posts. It is a FACT that over a long period of slagging Keegan the main reasons you have cited have been losing a 12 point lead and losing the matches with Liverpool and Blackburn, basically, you slag him for building a team with a supposedly shite defence and his poor tactical awareness. The facts show you are wrong. I haven't seen where you've answered the facts stated about the myth of the 12 point lead, though I've just logged on so I'll look at some other posts in a moment. Maybe I'll find the admission you got it wrong somewhere in another post...
  17. I've never said you aren't a genuine supporter either, mate. Lying, making stuff up and generally getting personal when faced with facts you can't refute is pathetic from you. But two can play that game. Basically, you are wrong about that 12 point lead but you can't bring yourself to admit it. Throwing away this 12 point lead is the biggest stick with which you've beaten Keegan for years. To admit you are wrong on this undermines all that nonsense you've been posting about Keegan for ages. This is no attempt to ram any opinion down anyone's throat on this, it's pointing out that some other members have posted the facts that you choose to ignore. How ironic you complain about ME ramming words down your throat, given the nonsense you posted above about Wenger and Ferguson. Truth is, I'd rather have Wenger or Ferguson as manager ahead Keegan any day, I think they're better managers. There are also lots of others I'd like to see as manager ahead of Keegan who would probably do a better job, though they'd all have to be backed properly to have a hope. The other side of that coin is I'd prefer Keegan as manager ahead of Kinnear, Hughton and also ahead of Wise in whatever wasteful capacity he was being overpaid to fill. For me, there are no hero's either. It's why I was happy to be rid of Macdonald all those years ago. It's why I'd have been happy to shift Shearer out of the club quite a while before he packed in and I certainly wouldn't name a bar after him. It's why, despite Robson doing a fantastic job for most of his time here I thought he'd lost the players, so I wasn't unhappy when he was sacked. Disappointed that he had appeared to have lost it, but no sentiment from me. The club comes first and always has. No hero's. I don't wear a top with anyone's name on the back. Here's where I make up that you are probably one of those people who would prefer Westwood, McKeag or Ashley to SJH and Fred.
  18. So there is no difference at all between a personal decision to walk out of a job and getting the sack? Righty-Ho
  19. There's plenty of difference, unless you're trying to argue that the club deliberately forced Keegan to leave. Sorry to keep making points you have no answer for. here we go again Not from me, mate.
  20. There's plenty of difference, unless you're trying to argue that the club deliberately forced Keegan to leave.
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