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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. You are a right ass hat tbh mate. Yeah say it to my face c*** i'd f****** rip you're's off! Hahaha check out the internet hard man. What's "ass hat?" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ass-hat 2. You learn something every day.
  2. You are a right ass hat tbh mate. Yeah say it to my face c*** i'd f****** rip you're's off! Hahaha check out the internet hard man. What's "ass hat?"
  3. He isn't one of those "seen what those mongs on N-O are saying now...." despite spending plenty of time on here types is he? You could always ask me rather than him Jon? A fairly weak and juvenile attempt to find a friend in a debate tbh As it happens, there are some people who go to games and make informed decisions from seeing what happens in the build up, on and off the ball etc. Some don't but dream they have. That was the point of asking where these texters have seen his performance. A fair point I thought. I tend to make my own mind up rather than rely on the opinion of a commentator on radio or Andy Gray on telly etc. It's something you may wish to try sometime. This is handy to keep up with the score while i work though. Hope thats ok with you. Do you post on Skunkers? You're doing that smiley thing you do when you have nowt else to say Jon. No I don't post on skunkers. Really? You're as boring as one of them anyway. Especially as this is about people texting a radio station. Nice weather over there? Here's some advice... Take your pathetic wind up s*** elsewhere. In other words, f*** off. Such abuse HTL. What next? Offering me out? Seems your good at that. The lad relied, very politely. I appreciate your concern though. Oh well, another cup looks down the pan. Sack the board. My good at that? IQ < 50? Do you know me from somewhere, you are a "new" member, aren't you?
  4. He isn't one of those "seen what those mongs on N-O are saying now...." despite spending plenty of time on here types is he? You could always ask me rather than him Jon? A fairly weak and juvenile attempt to find a friend in a debate tbh As it happens, there are some people who go to games and make informed decisions from seeing what happens in the build up, on and off the ball etc. Some don't but dream they have. That was the point of asking where these texters have seen his performance. A fair point I thought. I tend to make my own mind up rather than rely on the opinion of a commentator on radio or Andy Gray on telly etc. It's something you may wish to try sometime. This is handy to keep up with the score while i work though. Hope thats ok with you. Do you post on Skunkers? You're doing that smiley thing you do when you have nowt else to say Jon. No I don't post on skunkers. Really? You're as boring as one of them anyway. Especially as this is about people texting a radio station. Nice weather over there? Here's some advice... Take your pathetic wind up shit elsewhere. In other words, fuck off.
  5. Well it took 35 minutes and 19 seconds for someone to start.... Are you saying we shouldn't comment on whats happening in the game if it's negative? No, i'm saying that i wondered when i logged on tonight how long before someone had a go at Taylor. Because it said he was at fault for Eduardo's chance. If you don't like reading it then log back off. Don't think I will cheers. Bet you're gutted you had to wait 35 minutes though Talking about being gutted....
  6. Given Beye Rozehnal Taylor Enrique Geremi Faye Butt N'Zogbia Smith Martins
  7. It's arrogant shite like this that I normally associate with fans of the likes of spurs and which gives a club a bad reputation. What's arrogant about it? Derby are getting steamrollered if you hadn't noticed, and if we aren't good enough to do that, at least a battling point should have been the minimum. If you read the rest of what I said, in fact I even allowed for an unlucky defeat. If that's arrogance then pardon me for being arrogant. It is and I won't. Believing there is some kind of formality in beating another PL team is absolutely the type of stuff I expect from the likes of spurs supporters, not Newcastle supporters.
  8. Who the hell is Finnian, Belletti, Chimbonda? How many goals have they made? What is the proof of their end product? Finnan makes loads of goals, Belletti was on the verge of a move here, and Chimbonda is highly rated by many. Whey aye. What a fullback.
  9. Agreed just what I thought of the situation. could zog play on the right? Would think not on a regular basis, but nowt wrong with swapping over during matches to give the opposition something different to think about. He'd be no less effective than Milner is on the left, that's for sure.
  10. Who the hell is Finnian, Belletti, Chimbonda? How many goals have they made? What is the proof of their end product?
  11. Don't give HTL an opening Time will tell. In the end, as with players such as Jenas and Parker, the rent-boys will admit Milner is an average player. Duff is far, far better.
  12. It's arrogant shite like this that I normally associate with fans of the likes of spurs and which gives a club a bad reputation.
  13. This is an important post. I honestly never think about Duff when I think about our squad. Totally forget about the lad. Confirms that I'm glad you're not the manager then. Or anybody else with anything to do with the club.
  14. To be fair, I always thought Robert was better than Duff even during Duff's time at Blackburn when he was being raved about. In any event, he's better than Milner and that's the point.
  15. As I know you hate Duff I realised you were on about him, but of course you could have been on about Zog at the start of your post. As for your second last sentence...how exactly does he "act like a wanker on the pitch?" Have you been drinking something you shouldn't have been? Differences N'Zogbia as follows: He was 19. He had lost his father. He was in a foreign country. He had suffered gross mismanagement. He was constantly being kept out of the team by someone rubbish. He had previously been an exceptional performer for the team. There's reasons off the top of my head. I don't 'hate' Duff, i just think he's shit. He might be a decent member of the squad - never a first teamer though, unless N'Zogbia/Milner suffer injuries or a really bad run of form. And he acts like a great jessie on the pitch. He playacted, and when losing the ball, stood up screaming and waving his arms at the referee, rather than trying to win the ball back. I'm content with him being a member of the squad, like i said earlier - because there's experience and a quality deep in the midst of him somewhere. I don't 'hate' him ffs. There's nothing in that post you quoted of mine that was severely out of place. He isn't shit. If he was fit for the next match I'd put him in the team ahead of Milner without a shadow of doubt.
  16. Jon Nobody is going to dispute that a fullback needs to support the attack, but the first job of a fullback is to have the ability to defend, to judge a defender on his ability to attack is stupid. To judge a defender on meaningless statistics that result in such stupid phrases as "end product" is championship manager type bollocks that unfortunately is far too common these days. who mentioned statistics? it was just a phrase one person used as a catch-all phrase for his final ball. it is a fact of modern football that most top-end full backs contribute to the attack, tho no one has ever questioned that the first job of a full-back is defending. It's nowt to do with "modern day football." Fullbacks have always had to do this.
  17. Jon Nobody is going to dispute that a fullback needs to support the attack, but the first job of a fullback is to have the ability to defend, to judge a defender on his ability to attack is stupid. To judge a defender on meaningless statistics that result in such stupid phrases as "end product" is championship manager type bollocks that unfortunately is far too common these days.
  18. As I know you hate Duff I realised you were on about him, but of course you could have been on about Zog at the start of your post. As for your second last sentence...how exactly does he "act like a wanker on the pitch?" Have you been drinking something you shouldn't have been?
  19. My thoughts exactly, i've been saying this to my mates, once Enrique is settled, Charlie should be on the left wing, Milner on the right as both of these will hug the touchline, give width and supply crosses. The midfield will come good when this happens on a regular basis... Duff? TBH, i don't rate Duff and would play Charlie over him any day, I'm yet to see a game where Duff has impressed me, but hey, thats just my thoughts... You don't rate Duff? Do you think he was shite at Blackburn and at Chelsea, or just not that good since he joined Newcastle? Do you think Zog was good last season or was he total shite but has looked better this time around under a better manager? Think about it.....
  20. Shhh.. he can't possibly have looked better in a striking role 'cos he was signed to replace Dyer.
  21. If Duff returns and plays to his real ability he should be used on the right with Zog on the left, swapping over as they see fit during play.
  22. You didn't see him get into numerous good positions then cross the ball out of play? The first and most important job of a fullback is to be able to defend. "End Product" for a fullback (the phrase makes me fucking gag) is to stop the opposition creating opportunities to score against us a direct result of him being shite at defending. Course, that's difficult to measure, so the type who rely on stats to judge a footballer will be keen to assess him on how many scoring opportunities he creates at the other end...... He looks like a decent defender. That will do for me while the team takes shape and they get used to each other. I agree completely, hence me starting this thread. All that people* were pointing out was that he also looks good going forward and adding to our attack, apart from his 'end product' today, which resulted in posession in a couple of good positions coming to nothing. *In fact only one person actually mentioned it. One person is one too many. Stupid phrase. In my opinion.
  23. You didn't see him get into numerous good positions then cross the ball out of play? The first and most important job of a fullback is to be able to defend. "End Product" for a fullback (the phrase makes me fucking gag) is to stop the opposition creating opportunities to score against us a direct result of him being shite at defending. Course, that's difficult to measure, so the type who rely on stats to judge a footballer will be keen to assess him on how many scoring opportunities he creates at the other end...... He looks like a decent defender. That will do for me while the team takes shape and they get used to each other.
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