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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. So it's impossible to register under another name then? Just asking like, 'cos I don't know, but I can't see what there is to stop someone doing that.
  2. You seem to forget that Keegan only came to Newcastle after Sir John rang Keegan and told him that only two people could save Newcastle and they were talking to each other (or words to that effect), Freddy Fletcher was the one who first mentioned Keegan as a possible manager, something to do with work they'd done together years earlier. You're right about Sir John not wanting to sack Ardilles as they were friends and socialised together. Sir John rang Keegan and said they were the only 2 people who could save Newcastle after Keegan walked out after the Swindon game. What do you think of a businessman, or a football chairman, who puts friendships above the interests of the football club when the club was on the way down to the 3rd division ? Keegan walked out because he didn't get the financial backing from the board that had been promised when he took over. Your point? Do you think this is news, or something? Or do you just want to waste bandwidth posting something even the Bulgarian bloke knows. the Bulgarian bloke seems to have disappeared, unless someone knows who he is now ? Lots of people do like to disappear and then reappear using a different name for some reason.
  3. You seem to forget that Keegan only came to Newcastle after Sir John rang Keegan and told him that only two people could save Newcastle and they were talking to each other (or words to that effect), Freddy Fletcher was the one who first mentioned Keegan as a possible manager, something to do with work they'd done together years earlier. You're right about Sir John not wanting to sack Ardilles as they were friends and socialised together. Sir John rang Keegan and said they were the only 2 people who could save Newcastle after Keegan walked out after the Swindon game. What do you think of a businessman, or a football chairman, who puts friendships above the interests of the football club when the club was on the way down to the 3rd division ? Keegan walked out because he didn't get the financial backing from the board that had been promised when he took over. Your point? Do you think this is news, or something? Or do you just want to waste bandwidth posting something even the Bulgarian bloke knows. I was joking with NE5 actually, toughguy. As for the Bulgarian, you two have something in common then as neither of you go to games. Sky boy. mackems.gif
  4. Yet they won loads of trophies with this cash while we didn't. How can this be? :sad2: I'm sorry for you. I've tried to explain and show you that nobody took this cup you are harping on about seriously, but as you are so desperate to show anything that puts Shepherd in a bad light you wish to consider it important, thats your problem. You are clearly young, and know nothing, and won't even be told anything. How about comparing Shepherd and Hall to the 87 other chairmen who didn't qualify for europe as often as we did ? I'm not really surprised this hasn't sunk in yet. You're the sort of hypocrite who will congratulate Ashley when we win a game under Allardyce but criticise Shepherd for appointing him when we lose a game. Now bugger off. You're a pain in the neck, and boring to boot. Nice bit of waffle there NE5 but I don't believe this thread is about '87 other chairmen' Its about Bates and Shepherd and how Bates managed to achieve more success after a cash injection while Freddie didn't. EDIT PS I'm 42 - the last time anyone thought I was 'young' was in a different millennium well, its a real shame you appear completely unaware of how much improved the club was left by the Halls and Shepherd in comparion to how they found it. Which says something and its quite easy to guess what. Also, how insignificant this cup was that you keep harping on about. Never mind, nobody is worried about it, or was, apart from you. Yes you made your feelings on the various trophies clear at the bottom of page 10 when you wrote: And thus dismissed the only piece of silverware fat fred brought home Now is there any chance of you addressing which chairman used their cash injection most effectively? Do you understand the role of the Board versus the role of the manager? If you think you do I'd appreciate a short description please. Thanks in advance.
  5. You seem to forget that Keegan only came to Newcastle after Sir John rang Keegan and told him that only two people could save Newcastle and they were talking to each other (or words to that effect), Freddy Fletcher was the one who first mentioned Keegan as a possible manager, something to do with work they'd done together years earlier. You're right about Sir John not wanting to sack Ardilles as they were friends and socialised together. Sir John rang Keegan and said they were the only 2 people who could save Newcastle after Keegan walked out after the Swindon game. What do you think of a businessman, or a football chairman, who puts friendships above the interests of the football club when the club was on the way down to the 3rd division ? Keegan walked out because he didn't get the financial backing from the board that had been promised when he took over. Your point? Do you think this is news, or something? Or do you just want to waste bandwidth posting something even the Bulgarian bloke knows.
  6. You seem to forget that Keegan only came to Newcastle after Sir John rang Keegan and told him that only two people could save Newcastle and they were talking to each other (or words to that effect), Freddy Fletcher was the one who first mentioned Keegan as a possible manager, something to do with work they'd done together years earlier. You're right about Sir John not wanting to sack Ardilles as they were friends and socialised together. Sir John rang Keegan and said they were the only 2 people who could save Newcastle after Keegan walked out after the Swindon game. What do you think of a businessman, or a football chairman, who puts friendships above the interests of the football club when the club was on the way down to the 3rd division ? Blimey! The man who walks on water who didn't want Keegan also didn't want to sack the manager who was taking the club to oblivion because he was his drinking mate. I doubt you'll get an answer to your question because obviously the correct answer doesn't show SJH in a good light. Just as well this wasn't Fred because if it was we would ever hear the end of it.
  7. Yet they won loads of trophies with this cash while we didn't. How can this be? :sad2: I'm sorry for you. I've tried to explain and show you that nobody took this cup you are harping on about seriously, but as you are so desperate to show anything that puts Shepherd in a bad light you wish to consider it important, thats your problem. You are clearly young, and know nothing, and won't even be told anything. How about comparing Shepherd and Hall to the 87 other chairmen who didn't qualify for europe as often as we did ? I'm not really surprised this hasn't sunk in yet. You're the sort of hypocrite who will congratulate Ashley when we win a game under Allardyce but criticise Shepherd for appointing him when we lose a game. Now bugger off. You're a pain in the neck, and boring to boot. Nice bit of waffle there NE5 but I don't believe this thread is about '87 other chairmen' Its about Bates and Shepherd and how Bates managed to achieve more success after a cash injection while Freddie didn't. EDIT PS I'm 42 - the last time anyone thought I was 'young' was in a different millennium How come you're 42 and know so little about Newcastle United? Could it be that your interest started when we were promoted to the PL, that your negative reaction to Fred is based on the team not being as good as it was when Keegan was manager?
  8. "Weaker" opposition? Sounds like Spurs fan type stuff, tbh. Nowt personal, though. You select your strongest team and that's it.
  9. Aye. 4-4-3 would definitely give us an edge...
  10. Howaythelads

    Alan Smith

    I really don't get it, mate. We're a better club than we were last year and it's still not good enough. We are right where we should be in our road back to being a formidable opponent. 3pts back of 4th, FFS. Aye, same for me. I just don't get what some people are on about. It's a rebuilding job that will take time unfortunately. I have my moments regarding Allardyce when he messes about with 4-3-3 that I just don't think suits the players. He also pisses me off when he selects Smith in midfield, but we're fundamentally on the right lines.
  11. Howaythelads

    Alan Smith

    Some people clutching at straws in their search for criticism......
  12. Oh and this point is complete bollocks, Martins has warmed himself to me (and I am sure a lot more Newcastle fans) more than Owen but I have often said when fully fit Owen starts ahead of him. Im sure Shak and a few others could back me up but I have questioned N'Zogbia's attitude and commitment in the past aswell but he has always been my first choice left winger when fit. Honestly you are a clever bloke and obviously know more than the vast majority of this forum with your many years of experience so I don't see why you keep going back to making stuff up to support an argument. I would be more than happy for Geremi or Duff to come in and do a better job than Milner to keep him on the bench. Neither of them have shown enough for me to think Milner deserves being kicked out of his position for them to have a try. I don't care what they did at Blackburn, Real Madird or Chelsea X amount of years ago, its here and now I am worried about and for that reason I would opt for Milner. Fair point. By the way, after being puzzled by this for a long time I've now got my head around these constant accusations aimed toward me and others about "making stuff up." You think people are making stuff up when in fact they aren't. I'm certainly not "making stuff up" in my earlier post. From your posts over a long time I believe you to be the type who has favourites and won't budge until it's slapping you around the face and is obvious to the whole world. If that's an incorrect judgement then that's all it is, incorrect. It's not "making stuff up" about you to support an argument. There is a difference.
  13. Milner has been a lot better for us than Duff has So have some other players in glimpses, doesn't mean they're better footballers it just means that Duff hasn't had the best of luck with injuries and needs to kick start his career here. He's not over the hill and is a better player than Milner. Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree and let time determine who is right.
  14. Having your favourites as always blinds you to the obvious, jon. Getting the best out of footballers is a talent, they don't just turn on the style automatically, mate. Geremi and Duff are both better footballers than Milner and that's the bottom line.
  15. Stop being a moody cretin and lying/making things up/over exagerating things again wullie i haven't ever said that Ameobi is more prolific (and certainly not profilic whatever that is) havei ? Please point out to me where i have ever said he's more prolific (or profilic) ? + last time Viduka played aginst Lescott it was 0-0 dec 26th 2006 so i don't quite know how you figured he scored, quite a feat considering the score line. I'm not a boo boy or unessesarily having a go at Viduka, as i hope he is amazing for us come sunday has another West ham type stormer, gets another couple of goals and rams my words back down my neck, i'd be delighted. I just find him very unmobile at times and if he's not getting any Joy against the very impresive Lescott i hope Sam at least tries Smith in his best position. Wullie accept that people may sometimes have a different point of view to you, you don't need to be such a cnut about it. Tip for you - Don't open your mouth that way what can't speak can't lie.
  16. If I'd known what life would be like I'd have shoved the buggers back in. Poor bastard doesn't know what he's letting himself in for.
  17. Eh???!!!? I am not from UK!!!!!!!!!!! What thas it means that "Eh???!!!?"" ? It means give a real example of the 1 great game and then list the 10 horrible games. Thanks
  18. We have more than a few already. Which one's aren't good enough? Milner, Emre, Butt, Faye, Geremi, Barton, N'Zogbia, Duff
  19. I'm not sure anybody is saying ship him out now, but we need to aim for better.
  20. That's surprising to read. I actually thought he'd turn out to be one of the more astute signings made by anyone over the summer. when he signed everyone debated wether he'd play right back or right midfiled, not many assumed he'd play each game in the middle. It's not his best position, imo. I'd be happy with him on RM.
  21. What does it matter at Duff's age? He's far from past it. There's a good chance Duff will return better on the left than Zog, but these two players are the best for both flanks and I think Duff will adapt to the right better than Zog, hence I'd Zog on the left and use Duff on the right. Also, I'm surprised everybody can't see that Geremi is a much better player than Milner.
  22. Nobody has to come up with a replacement or a guess at a fee for a replacement to hold the opinion he isn't good enough for where we want to be. But presumably we'll need someone better? I'm just interested that no one has come up with one reasonable answer to who we could replace him with. Assuming we "get rid" who will we play there? And FWIW I dont see SWP coming here Geremi is better on the right and I'm confident Duff will be too when he's fit.
  23. Nobody has to come up with a replacement or a guess at a fee for a replacement to hold the opinion he isn't good enough for where we want to be.
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