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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Do you have problems understanding English, mate? Care to show me where I'm defending the "fat one," as you say?
  2. Who sacked Bobby then gave Souness £50million to piss away? Thats a lie. Robson was approached when Keegan bottled it but he honoured his contract to Barcelona then. He wasn't approached after Daglish departed because of this refusal. The club finally decided to approach him again after Gullit left you're infatuated with people telling "lies" aren't you. In fact, the world didn't begin in 1997. So you are telling lies if you say it did. Thank you and goodbye EDit: to make one comment re your statemtent that "Keegan bottled it". That man showed more courage to take on the Newcastle Job when he did, than anyone else had ever done before at Newcastle in all my 40+ years supporting this club. I'll let you work out the rest, and where Bobby Robson really comes in, for yourself The BBC said: Item 9 on this list http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/sport/2005/02/28/bobby_facts.shtml Caught out again NE5, do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself? Like I said, the world and football didn't begin in 1997. I'll let you work it out, or carry on making a fool of yourself if you like. Do you think I'm not aware of the information contained in that link. In fact, another person was in the frame for the job at that time, but he too already had a club. A big club. Bigger than us, or he may have took the job. Like Robson and Dalglish, he wasn't interested in the club when we had s**** directors. Your comment about Keegan is even more foolish, and shows even more your lack of perception and true knowledge of the club and its history Does all this waffle mean you accept you were wrong when you said "The simple fact is, he came to Newcastle because it was the first time the club was decent enough for him." ? How long do you think Bobby Robson has been in football management? Robson had ample opportunity to show some interest in managing Newcastle United while he was manager of a small club like Ipswich. He didn't show any interest because he knew Ipswich had more ambition and a better Board than Newcastle United right up until SJH ousted the set of tossers who had been selling our best players for years. Robson was too good for Newcastle at that time and he knew it, he showed interest later on when he knew better people were running the club.
  3. Aye, which puts the defenders under pressure no matter who they are. I said last season that we needed forward players and more creativity to be a better team and I stand by that now. I also said last season that even with better defenders we would still concede goals if we do not have the ability to dictate games and if we do not have the creativity and strikers to offer a serious threat to the opposition. A lot of people didn't agree and probably still don't, but we have better defenders now and we are still looking dodgy. It's a team game and yes, we needed better defenders but we must have the ability to hurt the opposition, for them to know you can hurt them because that will be a factor in how they set out their own game plan. If you do not have that it will give them more freedom to have a go at us and that puts your defenders under pressure. No matter who those defenders are you will leak goals and look dodgy under this kind of pressure. We need to dictate the game more and take that pressure off the back four. We need better players in midfield and up front, we also need better tactics to get the most from those players. We needed that last season and we still need it now.
  4. What exactly has his transfer fee got to do with this? How about this: Q. How long should it take a 21 year old professional athlete to get physically fit so that he can play Premiership football on a regular basis? A. Depends on his level of physical fitness when he arrived. Obvious, innit. His transfer fee is usually an indication of his ability. If he's as good as people say he is why isn't he playing? That's all I want to know. You have questioned his ability to get physically fit to be ready to play, which in fact has nowt at all to do with the transfer fee.
  5. Are you fucking nesh or what?! Are you texting on your phone again? Speak English or fuck off! Good post, jimmy.
  6. What exactly has his transfer fee got to do with this? How about this: Q. How long should it take a 21 year old professional athlete to get physically fit so that he can play Premiership football on a regular basis? A. Depends on his level of physical fitness when he arrived. Obvious, innit.
  7. If Smith can be judged as shite because stats show his goalscoring record is poor, if Parker can be judged as superb because stats show he completes 'x' passes and tackles, well perhaps Given is shite really when you look at the statistics of goals conceded....
  8. Can't take seriously people who judge footballers by stats instead of their brain. that is tautological, i'm not judging him by stats, i'm using stats as a means to back-up an argument. nice cop out tho. as it is, stikers are often judged on goals, ideally both your strikers in a 4-4-2 should be getting into double figures, if they aren't regular goalscorers then they better be bringing something else to the team, something exceptional, like Bergkamp with his world-class creativity and link play. Smith is mediocre in every aspect. Ameobi's a great player, you know. Look at how many goals he's scored in Europe. A "cop out" is using stats instead of using your brain. Smith has the attributes to be a striker imo. At Newcastle I think he'd do well playing alongside Owen. You may not agree with that and that's fine, it's about opinions. However, you're unable to see those attributes or you just ignore them, instead you prefer stats by counting how many goals he's scored while being used as a utility player. That tells me you're pretty much unable to judge a footballer's contribution to the team properly. Tell me, are you one of the crowd who insisted Parker was superb because statistics showed a high number of tackles and "completed passes?" You may not be, but I hope you get my drift....
  9. Don't you mean 'affinity'? I was going to let this go but you've already started criticising people for their spelling when you are typing posts of this calibre ....you again. :yawn:
  10. Can't take seriously people who judge footballers by stats instead of their brain.
  11. I thought I'd follow your example and edit out most of your post. It doesn't upset me, Baggio. I really couldn't give a toss, tbh. Just carry on appearing unable to see the attributes of a player, to see the big picture and to recognise what is going on. I'm not sure why you and others hate Smith so much. It's not as though he was found guilty of smashing up a McDonalds 10 years ago when he was a kid of 18 or something, then cleared of a racist attack a couple of years ago and so is now obviously a worthless pile of shit beyond redemption.....
  12. So the day we announced we had accepted a bid for Dyer, Allardyce went on tv and said Dyer's replacement would be unveiled tomorrow, the next day we signed Smith. Now how are the two not connected? Players join and players leave. Dyer would have left if Smith hadn't joined and Smith would have joined if Dyer hadn't left. The manager can spout whatever he likes to give the media a story but these are not similar players, Smith is not a direct replacement for Dyer. Even if he is...so what? All that means is the manager made the decision to replace one player with a player of a different type whom you happen to detest. Perhaps the manager is trying to restructure the way the team plays. In any case, you shouldn't be making a direct comparison between these players. The point is of little importance to the debate, it's like the one that says bringing in Duff was the reason the club didn't sign a left back, when in fact it's not one or the other, just as it's not Smith for Dyer. Now I don't like FS myself and didn't want him as manager, so I'd be more than happy to call him an arsehole for believing Smith is a similar player to Dyer, but I just don't think FS is that thick. Smith is really a striker constantly being used out of position. It amazes me that people can't open their minds enough to see this, although I understand that hatred is playing a role here for some. It's thought Smith is versatile and this works against him. What he does have is a very positive attitude, he is so keen to play he will do anything for the team, he gets on with it even if he's not suited to the role. Contrast this with Dyer, who put himself ahead of the club by refusing to play where the manager wanted him to play and then went on to undermine the manager's position because of his mistaken belief he's as good as Scholes in CM. In fact Dyer is a headless chicken with pace. Everybody knows by now that you hate Smith and that's fine, just stop banging on about it in nearly every thread. He had a decent game today judged against the rest of the team, he was certainly the best of the daft midfield 3 FS selects when he goes with this ridiculous formation. I doubt you'll see that through your irrational hatred though.
  13. All he's done is swap problems about, its probably better problems than what we had before, but wasting £6m on Smith, amongst bringing players far too late and unfit has again not helped. But at least the problem have narrowed slightly, i just think he could of done a better job with what he's got so far. Far too negative, for too boring, far too fuked up in terms of formation and leaving Martins out of the team for a has been crock on far too much money. No he hasn't just swapped one problem for another, we actually have attackers and midfielders, we had no defence. Defence was and should be the priority. I mean when you have players like Owen, Viduka, Duff, Emre, Barton, N'Zogbia, Milner et al, there is plenty of goals in there so Sam can be forgiven for thinking he can make do with them for now. Could he have done that with the defence? Like shite he could have, he'd have been lynched had he spunked all the money on a striker or playmaker and ignored the defence. I love hindsight me btw If you think it's hindsight then you couldn't have been around the board over the summer, people were saying all along that we lack creativity yet Allardyce decided to replace Dyer and Solano with Alan Smith, as far as creativity goes we've gone backwards on what we had last season. We've discussed this before, but to repeat. At the time we didn't know whether Owen or Martins or both would be off, so we needed another striker just to be safe. With Emre and Barton also injured, we needed another CM type player too. So Smith makes perfect sense. Furthermore Martins will be away in Jan and we all know how Owen can't keep fit, and Viudka. Imagine only having Ameobi to pick... True. There' s no connection at all between the signing of Smith and the departures of Dyer and Solano, but perhaps the more baggio says this it'll become true..... What we need to do is this in my opinion: Immediately go to 4-4-2 and stick with it using Zog on the left and Geremi on the right. In CM decide the best blend from Butt, Faye, Emre and Barton, but always pick 2 from those 4 if 2 are fit. Up front select 1 from Smith/Viduka and 1 from Owen/Martins. In January: Bring in a quality right sided midfield player if Duff hasn't returned from injury and shown he can do that job. Find (somehow) a player who can play in the role Elano did for them today. It's a great role and is hard to play against if the player occupying the role is quality. If we can find that player we can look at shifting out either Owen (if he doesn't want to be here) or Martins (if the manager believes he will never be anything other than a one-man-band)
  14. Some certainly do. I'd rather have a talented waster over a grafter anyday. Seen a hundred and one grafters down the years with very little talent. I go there for entertainment not headless chicken running about. Says the soopa fan who thinks the sun shines out of Dyer's arse..... Just better than we currently have. Thats a fact. Certainly not someone I want back but the current crop aren't good enough. I seem to have got under your skin..... Eh? As usual you posted absolute bollocks, and/or a contradiction of an earlier position you've taken, so I replied to highlight it for all those people you've called "thick" in other threads. If you think this means you're getting under my skin.....well you couldn't be more wrong, you're making me laugh, tbh. All I can say is, if you keep posting on here there'll be more to come given the criteria I just explained above. Keep it coming, the entertainment value you offer isn't bad.
  15. It seems you don't understand the question you asked in the first place. How ironic you claim I'm "ill-educated." You appear it. I'm certainly not. Far from it. You seem to be avoiding the question. Your posts to Chez in this thread have to be some of the most ironic I've come across on this forum. The entertainment value you offer is fair to good though, so keep 'em coming. I'll play along..... I answered your question but as you weren't happy with my answer you decided to ask it again. However, your inability to understand your own question led to you asking a different question, together with an incorrect insinuation that I hadn't answered your question at all. I can't decide if you're a retard or a wum. :giggle: Youre wriggling. You certainly haven't answered the question. I can understand why though.
  16. I'm not a fan of FS, but who are the idiots saying he hasn't taken the club forward?
  17. Some certainly do. I'd rather have a talented waster over a grafter anyday. Seen a hundred and one grafters down the years with very little talent. I go there for entertainment not headless chicken running about. Says the soopa fan who thinks the sun shines out of Dyer's arse.....
  18. It seems you don't understand the question you asked in the first place. How ironic you claim I'm "ill-educated." You appear it. I'm certainly not. Far from it. You seem to be avoiding the question. Your posts to Chez in this thread have to be some of the most ironic I've come across on this forum. The entertainment value you offer is fair to good though, so keep 'em coming. I'll play along..... I answered your question but as you weren't happy with my answer you decided to ask it again. However, your inability to understand your own question led to you asking a different question, together with an incorrect insinuation that I hadn't answered your question at all. I can't decide if you're a retard or a wum. :giggle:
  19. It seems you don't understand the question you asked in the first place. How ironic you claim I'm "ill-educated."
  20. Is that the best you can do this time, trying to defend the indefensible! FFS is, was and always will be a t***, totally out of his depth running a business as big as NUFC. It was certainly a retarded response. What do you expect from him? Thought I'd ask if you got anywhere "offering Jon out" the other day? :parky: mackems.gif No I didn't. Did you get anywhere answering whether you had ever been violent or racist? Good of you to admit you offered him out over a forum. In answer to your questions... I don't have a violent bone in my body. I'm not a racist. You can hide behind a different username but that doesn't alter your very familiar posting style. :parky: mackems.gif If it makes you happy then thats fine. You weren't privy to the previous comments regarding whether Jon actually attended a match - thats what the comment was about but that will no doubt sail right over your not very well adjusted head.....There seem to be so many people making remarks about you offering them out for it to be anything other than factual. As for racism? You sure? The OMG comment was about as erudite as your use of smileys. The last resort of the ill-educated. Good of you to admit you're basing your comment on hearsay. I suggest you check the meaning of the word 'hypocrite.' :parky: mackems.gif
  21. Is that the best you can do this time, trying to defend the indefensible! FFS is, was and always will be a t***, totally out of his depth running a business as big as NUFC. It was certainly a retarded response. What do you expect from him? Thought I'd ask if you got anywhere "offering Jon out" the other day? :parky: mackems.gif No I didn't. Did you get anywhere answering whether you had ever been violent or racist? Good of you to admit you offered him out over a forum. In answer to your questions... I don't have a violent bone in my body. I'm not a racist. You can hide behind a different username but that doesn't alter your very familiar posting style. :parky: mackems.gif
  22. Is that the best you can do this time, trying to defend the indefensible! FFS is, was and always will be a t***, totally out of his depth running a business as big as NUFC. It was certainly a retarded response. What do you expect from him? Thought I'd ask if you got anywhere "offering Jon out" the other day? :parky: mackems.gif
  23. You've been posting on here long enough to know that the majority on here only exist at one end or the other of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum. Tonight is the turn of "deliriously unhappy". The sensible few capable of thought beyond this base level usually get drowned out by the mongs. Martins is still s*** though. Better than Milner though. Yes of course he is Pie Glad you saw the light (another one for you) We gonna have that pint at the next match then or you not going again? Sounds like you're "offering him out" to me.....
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