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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Sign him up then. He should work great with Parka restored to the DM position next season, where he is world class and the hub of our brilliant passing game.
  2. I wouldn't agree, no. They're poor signings and a waste of money but they're not embarrassing signings. Are you saying that every player we sign for a large fee who turns out shite for us makes you feel embarrassed? Perhaps the meaning of the word has changed.......
  3. Not sure why I should bother answering you, since as usual you fail to answer the whole post, instead selecting a portion that is not the point under discussion in an attempt to deflect the issue to something away from your embarrassment at being a supporter of Newcastle United. There could be all kinds of reasons why 'x' player is signed on 'x' date that are nowt to do with panic. You can only sign a player who is available. The club may have wanted another LB but failed to make their first choice signing so they went for an alternative instead having given it the maximum time to get their man. With Babayaro, Duff and Zog on the clubs books who can all play LB there is no reason to panic. Why do you consider this a panic signing? Is it just the date on which he was signed? mackems.gif So, that's your deflection dealt with even though I'm not that interested in it. What I really care about is whether Bernard will make it or not, I'm not writing him off without more information and I'm not embarrassed that the club signed him. Unlike you. Let's get back to the point, which is your embarrassment at Newcastle United for signing Bernard......
  4. Soopafan? If you say so. I'm just a normal fan in my eyes so you can try all you like to deflect the issuse. As usual. In fact, I'm wondering why you didn't start banging on about this supposed threat I made toward you about 3 years ago. That's your normal 'out' these days when you've posted crap and someone picks you up on it. Fact is, Bernard left Newcastle in January 2005 and came back in summer 2006, a gap of only 18 months or so. During his time here he was a very decent player for us, easily PL quality but he looks to have gone off the rails a bit during those 18 months. That's hardly a lifetime, even when considering the short career of a footballer. Bernard is a player who needs to resurrect his career and it can be done with help and an opportunity. There is no reason to completely write Bernard off unless you have some inside information, which I doubt you have. As usual you're jumping on the bandwagon and "going with the flow of opinion" of it being easy to slag Bernard off. Think for yourself, ffs. He's not finding it easy to recover his former quality but that's hardly embarrassing. Or it shouldn't be. Given the financial situation the club is in (ask macbeth) the signing of Bernard was not a panic signing at all, if he can be helped to resurrect his career the club will have a decent LB without splashing out money it doesn't have to splash. That concept will make sense to most people. Even if it fails to come off, it's a risk worth taking for a player of this quality. Bottom line is that you're embarrassed by an action of Newcastle United in their signing of a player. My question is if you're so easily embarrassed by the club trying to help a player get back to his former quality, why don't you go support your local team, whichever team that might be?
  5. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=36377.msg716966#msg716966
  6. tbh I couldn't give a s*** which team you support, it's of no importance to me at all. In general terms people who are in some way embarrassed and/or ashamed to be a supporter of Newcastle United can piss off as far as I'm concerned. I don't think any genuine supporter will have a problem with that point of view. No doubt you disagree, though.
  7. Has there ever been a more pointless post. ffs. unfortunatly, probably hundreds. I doubt it. Unless you count in boo boo. You clearly have been wise enough to avoid the Luque thread for a while....
  8. In a bad mood tonight HTL? Aye. I'm tired of hearing about the "good old days" from these auld bastards....
  9. Has there ever been a more pointless post. ffs. unfortunatly, probably hundreds. I doubt it. Unless you count in boo boo.
  10. Howaythelads


    Should have been in the main football forum.
  11. Has there ever been a more pointless post. ffs.
  12. He may not be now, given his problems. But when he was here and Bridge was at Ston he certainly was no worse than Bridge. doesn't matter, Bridge is ten times the player Bernard has ever been, and an unsubstantiated rumour goes here. Bollocks
  13. He may not be now, given his problems. But when he was here and Bridge was at Ston he certainly was no worse than Bridge.
  14. I don't. He set himself high standards but that was his first season, there is often a slump in the second season and Zog has definitely slumped in that second season. There's just no denying it. He's far from proven and has a long way to go to establish himself.
  15. Who do you know on the inside then? I was giving my opinion. Do you think he's the answer and will sort out our problems like? I've no idea, which is why I don't say he will or he won't. You on the other hand sound absolutely positive to the point you're embarrassed about him being at the club. What are you basing your opinion on? Speculation or first hand knowledge of his medical situation and how he's doing in training? Come on, spit it out, Alex. The info I mean..... To be honest he wasn't really good enough before, so 2-3 years later with very little top-level football in between indicates he's not going to be as good as he was. His positioning was always dodgy, but tbf I'd expect that to improve with experience. He's not a world beater but he's not bad, certainly on a par with the likes of Bridge if fit, for example.
  16. Howaythelads


    The fanbase has always been there, it didn't explode during the Keegan era and it is still there today. What happened during the Keegan time is that the club started to try to be successful, so more people from that fanbase were prepared to spend their money and go to the match. Okay, "the fan base" may not have increased but the amount of fans turning up at the turnstiles, certainly did. Correct. Further, the amount of fans going through the turnstiles will dwindle when it becomes accepted across that "fanbase" that the club isn't trying anymore.
  17. Who do you know on the inside then? I was giving my opinion. Do you think he's the answer and will sort out our problems like? I've no idea, which is why I don't say he will or he won't. You on the other hand sound absolutely positive to the point you're embarrassed about him being at the club. What are you basing your opinion on? Speculation or first hand knowledge of his medical situation and how he's doing in training? Come on, spit it out, Alex. The info I mean.....
  18. Howaythelads


    The fanbase has always been there, it didn't explode during the Keegan era and it is still there today. What happened during the Keegan time is that the club started to try to be successful, so more people from that fanbase were prepared to spend their money and go to the match.
  19. You didn't seem to care about acting like an adult when you were posting in this thread. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=36633.100 What I posted in that thread is nowt compared to the personal tripe you've been posting in this one in lieu of anything related to the topic.
  20. And some people are STILL babbling on with personal tripe rather than discuss the topic like adults.
  21. Who do you know on the inside then?
  22. No, we couldn't have a canny debate at all and you know full well why. So put some names to this instead of generalising, be a man. I know some of these people posting nowt but snipes and sarcasm are your "internet mates" so you don't want to, but you need to have a word with the usual 3 or 4 who constantly avoid the subject in favour of childish sniping, contributing fuck all and ruining yet another thread, one of whom is a "writer" supposedly, so I imagine *should* be able to post something worth reading if he could get past the juvenile crap.
  23. Yes, Taylor does lack composure and pace. The former he can improve upon but the second he can't. He's no better than Bramble right now but as a younger player does have more potential to improve. I don't think he's going to be the world beater everyone hoped he would be but I hope I'm wrong.
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