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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Thought Allardyce was a crap manager but I do agree with him that Oba is a "scorer of great goals not a great goalscorer". Hit and hope tbh 1 in 20 go in.
  2. Did the source ask him if he was actually 21 or 28?........... and if he is good or is he shit?..........
  3. f***ing hell, that was ridiculous. I would like to see an apology from some of our USA based mags on here (looks to Mike) for that on behalf of the American people. "Nor-folk.........no Nor-wich......" Its Norwich in Norfolk you numpty.
  4. pedro111

    Aiden McGeady

    I havent seen much of McGeady, so I ask the question, is he worth more than Zog? Cause if he's not it makes an even worse mockery of that story today.
  5. Its an old trick to make ones forearms seem more muscular ie hiding any potential 'skinny wrists'. Wrestlers do it all the time.
  6. Makes a mockery of his excuse to leave Tyneside for London. I know his wife and kids are in London but surely LA is miles closer to Peru so his wife and bairn will probably move to LA anyway. I know I would.
  7. Definately take him, could be class for 2 or 3 years.
  8. AHAHAHAA!!!! One of the best threads ever tbh!
  9. Do Arsenal have both home and away new shirts out though? We only have a piss poor excuse of a new away top out which should be taken into account when totting up sales.
  10. Good question there are just so many special things. I guess I love the special atmosphere that engulfs Tyneside when something huge happens for the club and also the frenzied positive atmosphere which can be generated at SJP on occasion.
  11. Bare minimum 8th. Expecting UEFA cup qualification.
  12. pedro111

    Where were you?

    I was watching Olympic Grandstand too early in the morning when Lineker announced Shearer had signed. Still got the image in my memory bank of Lineker sitting behind the desk dishing out the good news. Some lass at school told me Cole had signed for Man U. We told her to shut up stupid girl who knows nowt about football, that would never happen etc etc..
  13. Anyone else sick to death of 'undisclosed' fees? What the hell is going on?, In this day and age of corruption everything to do with transfers should be made available in the public domain, particularly the fee.
  14. Oh for fucks sake. How basic an error is that Typical clueless southerners.
  15. I like collecting them so it is a shame they havent released them these past two years. Yep, even during shit seasons there are some great moments, Owens goal against the Mackems is a prime example. They should always release them imo just make them cheaper than normal, hell they even released them in the late 80's when we were seriously shite.
  16. Wasnt that tradition only started in the Robson years? Cant recall Keegan doing it in his first stint here. Could be wrong though.
  17. Still love this one I heard a few years ago which never caught on, to the tune of "when johnny comes marching home again" It is simple and would sound great being sung at away matches by the whole away section: "When Geordie comes marching home again hurra, hurra, When Geordie comes marching home again hurra, hurra, We'll watch the Mackems and Boro gan doon, Wherever they travel, we follow the toon, And the mags will sing when Geordie comes marching home."
  18. Havent read the whole thread but do you lads all have season tickets? Any chance of a pick up in North Shields?
  19. "Cant climb up the bath, cause he's thick as fuck........."
  20. HAHAHAHHA Good work by the club, saw a few mallorca games on the tellybox and he looks decent. Good work by wise et al. Also I think its pronounced Guti-er-ez kinda like its spelt... By all accounts he's going to be known as Jonas, I think that is whats on his shirt.
  21. "Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can, Spins a web, any size, Catches Mackems, just like flies, Look out, Jonas is Spiderman!!!"
  22. He tucks it nicely under his bollocks and then just whips it out so Ive heard. Might be time to dash out and by a Argentina number 17 shirt me thinks This has certainly brightened up my day! ARG-EN-TINA!! ARG-EN-TINA!!
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