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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I think I paid about 8 quid for chicken nuggets and chips when I was there and instantly regretted it!
  2. Walking up the drab, grey, cheap and shitty concrete staircases to the gods is an absoloute nightmare. For the money it cost and the more than half a decade we had to wait for it I want the stairs fucking carpet finished for fucks sake!
  3. Having the corperates right on the halfway line on the side the camera's face is ridiculous.
  4. I agree, for what we paid, it just isnt anywhere near good or big enough. They should have broke the 100,000 barrier for sure. Having said that, I have been and even from up in the gods you get an exceptional view, far better than you do from Level 7 at SJP although it has been many years since I sat in level 7.
  5. Aye, I thought the Pompey fans were terrible too, it was their first trophy since 1939 and it looked like they couldnt be arsed to be there. If that was us, there probably would have been a pitch invasion, with the goalposts being dismantled and the pitch being tore up. It would be bedlam.
  6. pedro111

    Arda Turan?

    As youtube has set the new standard in scouting, I say get him signed.
  7. Personally I get sick as fuck at seeing the same old top four in it year after year and their fake emotion from the fans at winning it for the umpteenth time so this makes a nice change!!
  8. And Bobby Lee is gone Oh aye Still, its gonna be good seeing Temuri, Nikos and Phillipe again. Apparently, Temuri has now got a full head of hair and a Jesus style beard!!
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/fa_cup/7393770.stm Cardiff's run to the final is wholly unimpressive (Boro are s***). Why dont we ever get an easy run like this? We always seem to get the Premiership contenders or Champions at some stage. On paper, this will be an easy victory for Pompey. 1997? 1998? By run, I also mean the final. In both cases, we came up against the Champions or contenders in the Final. Ok, fair point. Wasnt is 1998 and 1999?
  10. Just had a look was going to order too but why is it so cheap?? Anyone no?Hmm... free world wide delivery n'all. Looks like a VERY dodgy website that, it takes ages to load and they have the Newcastle long sleeved HOME shirt listed as the AWAY shirt!
  11. out of how many? Admitedly only the ones in this thread.
  12. Cant believe people are saying the Pompey one is shite, it is by far the best new shirt I've seen this year.
  13. That Portsmouth one is class!!! Birmingham one is shite.
  14. pedro111


    Lol, yeah but what I mean is if we are going to pack the team full of under 24's, they are not going to have all the attributes to succeed, they will be far more intersted in getting pissed and tapping some nice arse than getting in good shape for Blackburn away mid week or whatever. Far more prone to bust up's and just generally tossing it off. You need a blend of young and old, the youngsters need to be kept in check by senior figures in the team. That report was probably just bollocks anyway.
  15. That kid getting sparked out is shocking tbh. The problem with Glasgow is that they have Charver's, Ned's, Chav's, whatever you want to call them who are on a far worse level than anywhere else and they attach themselves to the old firm and travel in their thousands. Then add the Scottish patriotism and hatred of the English element and whenever they come down to England it is a recipie for disaster. This has finally put the nail in the coffin of Celtic/Rangers playing in the Prem.
  16. pedro111


    If a 24 year old age limit has been imposed on Keegans potential signing's that is ridiculous. Sure, they may be a bit fitter or whatever than older players but they dont always have the right attitute we have seen it time and time again with the likes of Dyer, Jenas, Bramble, the list goes on and on. Loads of younger players dont take things seriously and like to piss about etc, where as 25+ year olds may have matured alot more, look after themselves right, and have their priorities in order. Of course there are exceptions in both cases.
  17. Rules of being a football fan number 325 says: Never wear a football shirt that isnt that of the club team you support or the country you belong to. Nah that's a lot of s****.
  18. Rules of being a football fan number 325 says: Never wear a football shirt that isnt that of the club team you support or the country you belong to.
  19. Scotland just hosted the Uefa cup last year which had no serious trouble and has been praised for so why would Scotland get no events? Scottish fans rioting in Manchester?
  20. Rangers fans are doing their 'nut' about the GM Police 'brutality' after this video of an apparent innocent by-stander being clobbered was released. Clicky Linky: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7402817.stm
  21. Aye, we are WAY down the list of countries with hooligan problems. Poland is another place with quite frankly MENTAL amounts of football violence. Bare chested mass organised fights between rival fans are common place.
  22. Did you see that car getting kicked to fuck? I wonder if his insurance covers his car getting smashed up by a Rangers mob?......Is that an 'act of god'?
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