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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Andy Cole

    Still remember it like yesterday. Some lass in school told us Cole had been sold to Man U and we all laughed and said what does a lass know about football?
  2. I am too far gone. I watched on in despair. Gutted that we beat Man u ffs. What makes the whole thing worse is the Longstaff brothers. I was a big fan of their dad back in the day for the Whitley Warriors. They are from where I'm from, this should be like a dream come true but it is all totally ruined for me. Grim.
  3. Ten nil to man u please. But got a bad feeling about this one.
  4. pedro111

    Paul Dummett

    You'd think a local boy would understand things better than this. But no.
  5. On top of everything I think the thing that pisses me off the most about him is his fucking accent! Wish he would fuck off talking like that. Did he always talk like that? Sure he never used to.
  6. I don't mean this a dig at you (I really enjoy our discussions on this actually) but I've said this before, it's sometimes like people who still go the game think it's been easy for us to walk away, that we didn't really enjoy it in the first place, not like they did, the true fans. Let me tell you, fans far more devoted than you have walked away, look at Keith Barrett, organised travel to every Newcastle game across the continent for decades, now in exile, and I see others on his Facebook commenting the same. All those things you said you loved about going to the match, do you not think the rest of us used to feel like that? That feeling has been completely taken away from us by Mike Ashley. We miss it and we're desperate to get it back. But it won't ever come back while people fill his pockets and give him no reason to go away and leave us alone. A full stadium is a ringing endorsement that he's keeping people happy. That is why we get so frustrated with those doing everything they can to keep him here. Well said. Fucking fantastic mate. Nail on head.
  7. I’m really tempted to stick it on. Been telling myself I wouldn’t for weeks now. Don't mate, really. Seeing our fans carrying on like nowt has happened this summer is the worst thing of the lot.
  8. Worst feeling watching a game I've ever had this. Hate the fans, hate the manager, hate myself, everything is just fucked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
  9. I'm with midds and the others. Things are beyond repair now. I want them to lose every game by a big margin and I want everything to go wrong for the club till he goes. I hate feeling like this it makes me sick but that's where we are at. Even a full 180 turnaround now by Ashley wouldn't get my support cause any success would be spoiled and tainted by his involvement. Its got me that pissed off that I cant even enjoy football at any level now. Its fuxking sickening man what's happened to us. Growing up I could never ever have imagined a scenario like this. What makes it all worse is at least half of our fan base can't see the bigger picture. When will this nightmare ever end?
  10. With Bruce and the current squad, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't win a single game next season.
  11. Anything that speeds up the destruction of the club with no takeover is fine by me and infact welcomed. Bring on the Bruce.
  12. Flaming Hot Monster Munch. Game Over.
  13. If there is no takeover then I hope it is the worst manager possible. Bring back JFK, it would be brilliant. Or worse than him if that's possible.
  14. Don't fuck this up, don't fuck this up.
  15. pedro111


    It's highly amusing that they get worked up about Gateshead. A place which in the broader sense forms one part of the same city with Newcastle. Using their logic, Hendon, Pennywell etc is not Sunderland, even their own city centre should be a seperate place and nothing therein should be put on a flag nevermind Penshaw Monument!
  16. Had a quick look on Rawk. Thought Liverpool fans were better than that. Giving us, players and fans absolute pelters.
  17. That flag is fantastic. Really blown away by it. All concerned need to take a bow. I stopped going years ago because of Ashley but sitting at home watching on sky you made me proud to be a Newcastle fan again. Was hairs on the back of the neck stuff watching that. As already said, you lads and Rafa are the only good things about this club.
  18. They will keep Rafa on through gritted teeth after feeding him a pack of lies and the whole process will start again.
  19. Re Owens comments. Is there another club that is more consistently shit on by many of its ex players and managers than us?
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