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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Alan Pardew

    Total garbage statement as usual.
  2. pedro111

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    THE most amazing thing about our club right now is that this lad is still playing for us. He has the talent to play in any team in the world yet he is still playing for this no ambition no hope club. Ridiculous when you think about it.
  3. The thing that makes Ashleys whole tenure even worse is the fact that there despite the constant stream of shit we have been served up are a few anomalies to cloud peoples judgement like the 5th place season and the fact that we do actually have some really good players. Its like he is purposely giving us glimpses of what could be then he snatches it back from our grasp at the last second like a dog after that juicy piece of meat. Depressing. Die fat cunt die.
  4. Surely another blank against Fulham would have sparked at least one panic buy? The fuckers got away with that one.
  5. You just know for a fact that Ben Arfa/Remy/Colo are going to miss long stretches of this season. It's fucking nailed on. We are in the shit big time.
  6. Like I said before. The win against Fulham was probably the worst thing that could have happened regarding potential incoming transfers. Had we not won we would probably have seen at least one new face.
  7. Sickening. It's going to look even better when we lose our next 3 away games. And we will.
  8. pedro111

    Graham Carr

    He probably thinks that they are absolute cunts just like the rest of us.
  9. Such a depressing day this like. If anything the win against Fulham has probably made them more content not to sign anyone. So as always with NUFC you win but you still lose. I'm sick of it tbh. I earned 12k last year and am paying over 500 of it for a season ticket to watch no ambition nothingness. It truly sucks arse big time this. Sick as fuck.
  10. Seriously enjoyed the last 15 yesterday. Great stuff. Remy looks unreal. Had serious vision loss when Ben Arfa scored as I was celebrating so hard.
  11. Found myself wanting West Ham to score late on on Saturday. Just sick to death of it all lately. If a total collapse of the entire club is what's needed to oust this cunt then so be it. The sooner the better. I want to enjoy my football again, believe in the club again, have an ambition, a direction. New signings, new manager, it's all of little consequence with this mug running the show. We need him out sharpish.
  12. It truly is grim as fuck for us like isn't it? Can't help but laugh when I hear about the poor Arsenal fans and their problems.
  13. He can go for all I care, would rather have Nolan at the moment. What am I saying? WHAT AM I FUCKING SAYING? This club is so fucked up.
  14. I can't help feeling that what we have seen this summer or rather what we haven't seen is proof that we are moving toward the end of Ashleys time here. Surely it has to be, no one in their right mind would have allowed Pardew to continue this season and then completely undermine his authority by employing what is effectively a babysitter to watch over him AND then give him no new signings other than the bare bare minimum to keep things ticking over no one that is apart from someone who is more than willing to sell up rather soon.
  15. It doesn't matter who we sign this window nor if Pardew gets sacked none of it really matters. We know it and the players certainly damn well know it. Nothing is going to change for the better to any real degree until Ashley sells up. We are in this strange situation where the people in charge of the club don't want the best for it. Its fucking ludicrous. As fans we are paying small fortunes to watch a club who's players see no point in trying, a manager who is a complete puppet full of bullshit and bluster, who is just sticking it out for the wages or a crack at a players wife, a DOF a bigger clown the likes of which the game has never seen all of whom are overseen by the owner who is just a complete and utter cunt. It stinks it just completely fucking stinks from top to bottom. Why are the bad times always so much worse for us than any other comparable club? We can talk about this player or that or about Pardew and Kinnear till the cows come home but the fact is until the fat cunt is gone we might aswell save our breath, it's all pointless. The club we love is in a coma.
  16. Don't let the bastard grind you down though man. The good times will return one day. Keep the faith. One day, out of the blue it will be announced that Ashley has sold the club. What a day that will be.
  17. That article had so many errors it's unreal. That said, please be fucking true for the love of God be true.
  18. If we were a club showing some ambition then I'd tend to agree with you but considering we probably have the least ambition in the whole league then 3-0 it is.
  19. Dave has hit the nail on the head. The main reason I've renewed this season is because of the ten year deal. Bastards.
  20. pedro111

    Loïc Remy

    Id take anyone, honestly anyone. Even a shady car dealer type of character who's raised the funds by "unknown means". Just end this Ashley nightmare, please. I want my club back I want to believe again, I want to aspire again.
  21. pedro111

    Loïc Remy

    Fucking typical. When will this nightmare end.
  22. Can't believe how well JFK came across in that interview, couldn't believe what i was seeing; almost feel bad for hating him now!
  23. pedro111

    Loïc Remy

    Like you say, it sounds exciting then you remember that Pardew/Kinnear/Ashley are running things and any optimism quickly fades.
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