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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I think I've said this before but I am always shocked by your age. I always had you down as a pensioner. Forgive me, my bad.
  2. Our fans are back big time tonight like, it has to be said. Credit where credit is due!
  3. pedro111

    Fabian Schär

    The man's pure class.
  4. It's mad really that the away fans have the rail seats. If they made that a new singing section I'd gladly forsake any view and pay to stand up there.
  5. The killing of the away end is a strange one like. I don't think anyone would ever have envisaged that we wouldn't have anything other than stellar support away from home. You could barely hear them on the TV at wolves and at one point you could clearly hear "no noise from the Geordie boys". It's been a bad week for us atmosphere wise!
  6. Surely we have more than 5k fans wanting to stand and sing. Maybe a lot of people didn't realise they could apply to be moved to the strawberry corner? Most folk on here are pretty clued up on things with the club but perhaps the average fan isn't? Then you have the thousands of fans like me who jacked it in at Mike Ashley's bleakest point but who are itching to be back. I'd be back in a heartbeat if I could be guaranteed a place in a standing section. The random ballot is fucking appalling tbh. I have no interest in that so I only go when one of my mates has a spare. Maybe only when we have a ground too big for our support will everyone be truly happy as then people can stand or sit next to who they want, where they want. When you think about it, it is amazing that we have such a good atmosphere at times with the current seating situation. Can you imagine what kind of a din we could create with even a modicum of cooperation from the club and we as a group of fans? This has to be the next area of focus for us because Dortmund at home was a complete embarrassment from a TV point of view. Wor flags are fucking amazing and I'd be devastated if they walked away. But I guess it's the state of the world we live in today where people will find owt to criticise. In my eyes they are beyond reproach.
  7. I watched on the telly, on my own and had it cranked up loud. You had the constant Bang Bang Bang of the drum and murmur from the away fans that barely if ever let up that just over powered everything else. From our side of things we had the occasional "na na na na Geordies!" That was loud. You could also hear plenty of other songs being sung which I guess is the great atmosphere you mentioned in the gallowgate but they sounded so low level that it didn't come across well on the TV at all. There were also long periods of silence from us. Is it the microphone placement? I don't know but McCoist said how disappointed he was with the atmosphere.
  8. Good point @Sima. And @LFEE yeah I guess that's what I meant. So the only answer is make the Gallowgate full terracing again.
  9. I've never been to a game abroad and at least to me whenever you watch a match it seems like everyone is sitting or standing exactly where they want to be with like-minded people. Everyone is catered for. How do they achieve that over there? It seems like in England and particularly Newcastle, there are so many obstacles put in place to achieving a good atmosphere. Here's a radical solution. Sell season tickets not for a specific seat but for a specific stand and make all seats first come first serve on the day. That way all the singers could get in early, group together and sing. Plus they would sell more food and drink so everyone's a winner.
  10. It has never been more obvious than tonight, that we need an organised singing section. It sounded embarrassing on the telly. Even McCoist commented that we weren't giving the team any support. You just have to look at Bruno, Gordon etc trying to raise the crowd game after game. Something has got to be done about it, it is literally the only thing missing with the club now!
  11. Wait, there's a new Goosebumps out? Why did no one tell me. Class films. It's a close call between the match and this like.
  12. Did a course at work a few months ago and the bloke taking it was mackem. He was adamant that if PIF had took over Sunlun then he would cut all ties with the club and stop going. I called him out on his bullshit but he kept saying it over and over. It was pretty funny like.
  13. Can't wait to watch this on the telly. Thanks for all your efforts!
  14. I have a 6 year old. The thought of buying official gear at those prices is unthinkable for me. I got her a snide home top and within minutes of having it on there was tomato sauce all down the front of it. I'd be going spare if it was a proper one.
  15. Who was it that called you the "worlds greatest cuck" or something like that. Tremendous!
  16. Sounded dead on the telly unfortunately. Until a proper singing section is made, preferably two, we are just going to be going round in circles.
  17. Playing like the GOAT right now.
  18. I find it hilarious. Let them have their day in the sun.
  19. Tyneside life reckons there are proposals afoot to move Leazes terrace back 80m to where the tennis courts are now.
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