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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Yes. He was the right man last year when we appointed Roeder. If he can get cheap players playing well, im sure he can get decent performances out of expensive players. Its just big egos I aint sure he can handle.
  2. I'd take that deal right now. Owen has no interest in us, he is avoiding questions about us at England press conferences, the only thing he's ever talked about since he's been here is fuking England. A c*** of the highest order. thats quite pathetic really. can you show me a quote from owen which says he doesnt care about us and wants to leave? Because he's treated us as well as we've treated him. We've put up with two seasons of injury, while paying his ludicrous wages and in that time all we've heard from him is him pining for England (Literally) and when confronted to commit to the club the cunt hides away, then dismisses any attempt for anyone to ask him questions about his future. (Whether England asked the media or not, no doubt he asked England to protect him) I'm noy happy with his actions, call me pathetic i really dont give a fuk, but at least your up front with your opinions unlike Mickey the unloyal prick. He's gone as soon as an offer comes in and he'll not feel bad about leaving a £10m+ hole in a club who 'rescued him' so he could go to the World Cup. So if the media ask him a question about England, you want him to talk about Newcastle? Still think he will be off, if not this summer, next & who could blame him!
  3. He wouldnt even think about coming anywhere near Newcastle. Some crazy threads popping up now Ashley has bought SJH out!!
  4. Now we have got abit of backing are we going to turn into Sp*rs and get linked with every player to put on a pair of boots?!
  5. Wasnt good enough apparently, according to most people it was just SBR helping his old club out!
  6. You want to applaud somebody that has sat on there arse and picked up a good wage for the best part of 10 years? Madness. In the 10 or more years Harper has been at the toon I bet he has cost us less in wages than Michael Owen has in his two. Owen at Watford looked disinterested before Fatty knocked him out, DISINTERESTED on £110,000 a week? I ask you! Maybe Harper does lack ambition but maybe he is just happy to be at the toon? Maybe he knows that he isnt good enough to get a sniff of the bench anywhere else?
  7. Quote from: Sgrey on January 01, 2006, 11:54:48 AM An on form Harper is one of the top keepers in teh prem, probaly 4th best on the prem, behind Shay, Cech, and Van Der Sar. He is a top keeper
  8. You want to applaud somebody that has sat on there arse and picked up a good wage for the best part of 10 years? Madness. If your in a job you want to be the best, you dont want to be playing second fiddle to someone else, why is being a footballer any different, it isnt. No ambition & no talent.
  9. Harper deserves a testamonial for what exactly? Being shite or having no ambition?
  10. Cheshire Mag

    De Zeeuw

    Christ on a bike no. Might aswel have keept Brumble if we are going to sign him!!
  11. Harper and ability in the same paragraph? Behave yourself man, he is garbage. Would struggle to get into a bottom half side in the Championship. He has been kept here because he is a local lad, just like Lee Clark. Get rid sharpish.
  12. Dont let Nappy Rash see this thread, he has only finished in the top 6 once in his whole career you know!
  13. Clutching at straws NR? You seem pretty certain that Allardyce isnt the right man for the job, you seem to think that we can get an even bigger name in, who do you think would even come near us at this point in time? You keep harping on about Allardyce only have 1 top 6 finish in his whole career, but what about when Keegan came here into his first managerial job. Look what happened there. On the other side, look at Dalglish and Gullit. Both top class managers who had a proven track record for success as managers. Look what happened there. Maybe, just maybe you could get behind the new man and not come up with useless stats like this to try and defend your case and not let your views on him be blinkered just because he used to play for the Mackems.
  14. Dont think anyone in this league or anyone abroad for that matter will be willing to pay £5.5 Million on a player that is going to slag the club off, top to bottom and then go and knock 7 shades of shit out of one of there players. Give him a year and Citeh will just release him from his contract if they feel so strongly about what he has done and continue to ban him from the club and refuse to play him.
  15. Arcitect of his own downfall. Once he started to contradict himself I think we all knew it was a man living on borrowed time. P.s Skirge - What you said in your first post, you would still be happy for Roeder to be manager of NUFC and take us down the pan even further with his team selections and his 'tactics'?
  16. Good enough to play for England though, according to most people off here.
  17. You mean like Given? Or Speed? Or Solano? Or Dabizas? Or Hamann? Or Tomasson? (ok, didn't make it here but he turned out to be alright didn't he?). Yes he bought a lot of duffers, but that was mainly just to get a reserve side back up and running again after Keegan got rid of it! (Gudjonsson, Pinas, Brady, Serrant, etc). Those 6 players I mentioned aren't a bad return for 2 years of transfer activity is it, and the first four were very important in us finishing 4th in 2001-2 season. Sorry, didn't see this. Those 4 (I would never call Dabizas a decent buy - he was gash) and you can't say Tomasson cos he was awful for us still don't make up for Dogleash's indiscriminate dismantling of a side that only needed a good defensive review. Selling Ginola, Sir Les etc will always make him an out and out cunt IMO. Sorry if you disagree. Thought that the board had sold Les, not Kenny?
  18. Seen it before on Sky Sports News, is it the Kleberson that used to play for man united?
  19. Is there a player that Spuds aint sniffing about though?
  20. Cheshire Mag


    This theory should be confirmed when we sign Anthony Le Tallec, Florent Sinama-Pongolle, Djibril Cisse, and Djimi Traore during the summer. Pongolle would be a decent signing IMO.
  21. Celtic. Cant stand the cunts.
  22. Players omitted due to following reasons: / Not good enough / Good players but unlikely to work here / Would never come here Great research, Ritchie. Kewell & Valente? Are you crackers, would rather have Baba over Valente, he is shocking. Kewell would demand massive wages and he is always injured, so he would fit right in here but whats the point in signing him?
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