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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. He's a novelty in that he's actually adapted when something hasn't work. There are quite a few managers, even new ones (Roy Keane for example) who stick to their guns.
  2. I wouldn't even like to guess at who we could land. I'll let Hughton and co. worry about that.
  3. cloughie loved us, always had good banter with our fans. used to wave to the gallowgate everytime we played them. He was close to managing us but whoever was chairman in the mid to late 70's fu**d it up. Ws it McKeag? To be fair every club has there "Cloughie nearly came here" story.
  4. Saturday. What an away day that would be.
  5. I noticed that, wtf was he doing! Good thinking really, gave him that extra yard or two if the keeper dropped it.
  6. Nice one Jonas I've pressed charges for less tbh.
  7. If he, or any of the training staff for that matter, had any sense - Nolan would be on some sort of training schedule this summer to get in shape for the next season. He's a good influence and talker on the pitch - I just wish he could run for more than 20 mins. I don't want to get hung up on the Nolan fitness debate again (more appearances than anyone else this season) but I don't think it'd be possible in a genetic sense for him to change from the heavy set lump that he is now to a svelt athlete. He's always been "fat".
  8. Those moments, especially when certain journos are dying to paint a picture of a dressing room perpetually at war, are really great to see. The last time we had that sort of harmony was when Keegan came back.
  9. I get the feeling that he had trouble settling when he first arrived, hence every manager bar Hughton looking to possibly get rid. He said himself in an interview with the Shields Gazette yesterday it was hard for him because he didn't speak English and there was just him and his lass.
  10. I was told it was something to do with sponsorship (or the lack of it when no shirt is on show). I didn't believe it at first but given the way the authorities conduct themselves during a World Cup it wouldn't surprise me.
  11. I miss naff European matches Was it Lillestrom that brought one fan who proceeded to do a conga on his lonesome for most of the game?
  12. We're a couple of good players from being better then them. Debatable.
  13. I genuinely couldn't give a shiney shite about them at the minute. As was said earlier since we're not competing directly with them I find it really difficult to get myself worked up when they win, lose or draw. It's been quite refreshing in a way because I've managed to watch their games with a hint of neutrality and they do have some good players - Bent, Gordon and Mensah being the stand out performers. They have some dross as well mind. Lorik Cana and Michael Turner are really quite shit. I wouldn't be surprised if the former was Alan Smith in a ropey wig.
  14. Bonny lass Louise like, credit to journalismhttp://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2008/09/18/louisetaylor.jpg She could eat an apple through the bars of a prison cell. You know you've lost the argument when you resort to insults about your opponent's appearance or personal attributes. Surely there needs to be two parties involved for it to be an argument?
  15. Bonny lass Louise like, credit to journalismhttp://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2008/09/18/louisetaylor.jpg She could eat an apple through the bars of a prison cell.
  16. I've no idea why Hughton is getting stick for his handling of this. Since the club haven't even acknowledged that an incident took place it's extremely difficult to nail him for any action he may or may not have taken. For all we know Carroll may have been fined heavily. Do we really want to go back to the days of public dressing downs and statements as per the one in my signature? I prefer a wall of silence to anything else. I don't want to see Taylor leave but what can the club do if he decides he wants out?
  17. The death of objective journalism There’s no such thing, they all have an agenda of one description or another. Look at TH, their attitude to all things NUFC clearly changed after the Sunday Sun got banned. The best journos spin the facts to suit whatever drum they want to bang, the worst make stuff up. LT doesn’t like NUFC but that doesn’t automatically mean her latest tirade isn’t based on some elements of truth. If you strip away the agenda what’s left is a highly plausible picture of a club where a small group of players have far too much influence, one where silence masks a growing impression of indiscipline and a manager who appears to be condoning serious violence. As I said yesterday I’d love to know what Hughton would done if Carroll had broken Nolan’s jaw. It was more the ridiculous comparison of a fight between team mates and apartheid that had me. Complete fucking tosh and borderline offensive too.
  18. Exactly the same thing. Joey Barton is our Nelson Mandela.
  19. http://img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/rsz/434/x/x/x/medias/nmedia/18/35/45/93/18394261.jpg Danny's upset.
  20. West Ham remind me of us last season. The players aren't interested, the manager is out of his depth and the owner(s) aren't helping matters.
  21. Souness destroyed something that had actually been built under Robson. Ashley simply battered my hopes that our new owner would be better than Freddy.
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